In store street date broke early and shipping notices are also being emailed out.

Better run to a 24 hour walmart like 15 minutes ago.

Other urls found in this thread:

If Star Fox 2 is different from what was already dumped, we'll get it anyway.

>Order Statues:

Starfox 2 is very different from the ROM that's on the internet.

There's 2 extra stages and more dialogue. Also two pathways that were not present and an extra enemy type that was added that was previously unfinished and not in the game. Those are the changes.

nah, better wait to someone dump the SF2 rom somewhere here. I assume they're using the same files/coding as any other snes game.

oh wait, nevermind...

Just emulate. Amateur programmers did better than any niptendo could.

Who cares?
I'll never understand why you people worship corporate cock by buying these overpriced emulation boxes.

So, any confirmation yet on whether this can be hacked like the NES Classic was?

Neck yourself trumpkin poorshit.

Apparently the Super FX games are going to be a roadblock. SF2 is very different from all the other SuperFX games and it has it's own individual set of issues that's unique to the game itself. It figures since it's the only actual new game that's been coded since the system kicked it in 1996.

I want to know how accurate the emulation is and whether input lag is an issue.
Also is it outputting 1080p or just 720p like the nes classic?

Not buying bullshit like this is exactly the reason I'm not poor.

> can’t afford to spend a measly 80$ on a frivolity
> I’m not p-poor I swear

why do you need to know this?
are you actually dumb enough to buy one?

I preordered like a smart person.

I expected it to be different. Hope it gets dumped soon.

this is 21 SNES games and if you bought them all seperetly you would run well over 150 dollars.

This is a bargain compared to that. A Raspberry pi with a case will run you around 70 dollars.

what about the PC I already own
how much will it cost me to run an emulator on it

> piratepeasants scrambling for crumbs off the masters’ table


snagged a bunch of em to scalp off dumbasses
based nintendo

You don't think it's possible that Nintendo put an extra layer of copy protection like denuvo on the system right? I mean for whatever reason it has a few gigs of storage.

It would be hilarious if they did

As someone who has an SNES classic pre-ordered...SF2 will definitely be ripped and online within an hour of an intelligent person receiving their copy.

Just go to :)

It's probably cheaper to get a 2gb eMMC than some arbitrary size that no one wants because it's so small. I do think they will likely encrypt the flash, they won't just put the roms or other files on there in plain text because that would be so easy to dump. It's hard to say, Nintendo is pretty incompetent and they probably do not care very much about Star Fox 2 when they can't even keep the Switch from being hacked

I'll just wait for the reprints

They left some room for homebrew because they're good guys.

About 3.50

Why would anyone want to spend 80 burgers on something like this? It's just an emulator for games we have played already anyway

It's for normies that don't know how to use the internet.

it's got a cool controller

Yes, yes, it’s “just an emulator”. Stick to your ZSNES, kiddo.

So it seems that this thing might require it's own special emulator. Starfox 2 does regular system checks on the little board. if the check comes back negative the game just crashes.

You need a separate emulator for this version of Starfox 2, it's not a regular SNES game.

You need to write a program that emulates the SNES mini program and board just to get one game to run.

It's copy protected in the most annoying way possible. Like it's going to be awhile before it's cracked.

only retards and scalpers buy this garbo

user... I..

You could probably hack that easily.

Not him, but YEAH!!! I will, fuck this dumb shit.

>thinks if someone doesn't buy every little piece of shit that a company puts out they're poor.
You've been trained pretty well by years of marketing, congratulations on being fully cucked by the ad industry.

Who are you quoting, pinhead?

zsnes is comfy
also not relevant today, but it is faster if you have a 486 to use zsnes than snes9x

That or an update to Higan or BSNES that articulates that.
People like a challenge and will crack that game. I don't underestimate the determination of people that want to archive game history.

It's not like it's a good game. Stop acting like some piece of history has been lost.

It's incompatable with all current SNES emulators.

People don't know if they should be mad or impressed. The main selling point of the system is the actual means of copy protection. The game operates differently than the Original starfox.

I'm to intellegent to be cucked by the ad industry, that's why I live on a remote mountain top, growing my own corn and sending my messages to Sup Forums by carrier pigeon.

Just give it to byuu to figure out.

I'd buy it if they added a minigame to SF2 where you pet Miyu.

from the perspective of nintendo, why bother? the people who buy the SNES mini are not people who are buying it for star fox 2. if they had the brains to emulate SF2 they'd have the brains to emulate the rest.

It's a different version of Starfox 2. It's not the same as the ROM that's been dumped.

what the fuck do you think? it's literally going to be the same machine in a different package with a different set of roms.

Anyone who thinks the game has received some "impressive" copy protection is an idiot

The reality is that it would be far more difficult to competently code an SNES game than it would be to code something that merely simulates the LOOK of one. While the "game" might indeed use a modified version of the rom for scripting purposes, other aspects of the game might have very well been reprogrammed into a more native program that outputs what looks like an SNES game when it really isn't an emulator at all, similar to SCUMMVM

Actually that's... nothing special. The routines that crash the game can easily be dummied out with just a few hours of searching. What is your source that it's a big deal?
Give me a source. I don't believe you at all but I would love to be proven wrong.

because they're gonna cash in when they re-release it on the virtual console

The state of PC Piratefags right now

Nintendo has topped Denuvo and has made them buttmad. Like Ug from Salute your shorts would say "Get it Right or Pay The Price!"

>re-release it on the virtual console
We haven't even gotten VC on Switch yet. They aren't gonna bother for a very long time.

They'll announce Switch VC after the releases of GB(A) and N64 Minis. That or they'll only give access to Wii and GameCube games until the Minis are out.

GBA Mini is the literal GB Micro, which kicked off this whole thing. I doubt they'll do a GB one, if anything, they'll do a DS.

>tfw 2018 NES Classic will have longer cables like SNES Mini, and the replay functionality added
>no software-update option for existing owners

They won't do a GB mini because of the pain that is battery/screen manufactring.

That and GB Micro w/ flash cart already exists.

I'm buying one yes
I didn't realise the hardware was the same, but maybe Nintendo have made software improvements

>has weaker hardware than a Raspberry Pi 3
I don't know why Nintendo doesn't just license them out to keep costs down.

Why won't they release a Super 3DS extension for the switch?

Having gone the distance with Emulators and setups like WiiBrew and Retropies over the years, the SNES classic is probably worth the money. I want something that JUST WORKS without needed 10 hours setup, teething issues, and controller problems.

The lack of new game options is a downside, but it's actually competatively priced compared to a raspberry pi + controllers.

> piracy takes brains
things brainlets say

>I want something that JUST WORKS without needed 10 hours setup, teething issues, and controller problems.
What part of dumping a retropie image takes 10 hours?

Only controller problems you'd have is if you're trying to pair a bluetooth one. USB wired is brainless nowadays.

Wait does anyone have one yet? Can't wait for someone to dump Star Fox 2.

>people keep abbreviating sf2
>my brain refuses to think anything other than street fighter 2

What about the Pepper coins, do they do anything?

Thanks for beta testing!

Fuck off idiot.

They're convinced there's still Nintendium in it or something. That's the only plausible explanation; it's the only reason you could want one of these over something the Chinese made.

Welcome to the pain of an old Ragnarok Online fan once Red Orchestra came out.


>fucking leafs

out of stock since forever

would have to wait till 2018 to get one and will have lost interest by then