South park last trailer is really problematic

>south park after the age of 15

>game is better than current season
What do they mean by this?

Stop getting triggered over others getting triggered.

Use pastebin you fag

>still managing to offend retards on both sides
How do they get away with it?

uh sweety, thats not how it works. you just CANNOT make black faces. It's racist, no debate.

Is that a Kanye Reference?


Are you talking about the season when trump won and they had to rewrite the plot? Yeah that was a bad season

>Last two seasons have just been complaining about trump

I miss the first couple seasons

Offensive to who


>preorder when announced
>hyped as fuck because stick of truth was really good
>lol, that's alright, it's still gonna be awesome
>delayed again
>cancel preorder
>it's shit

Dodged a bullet there.

You can't just make up words like that.

>want to make a character that looks like me
>get reduced loot drops and money because they wanted to cry about racism

I'm pretty sure it's just a joke user

>want to play on hard mode
>am forced to play as a nigger

It's cartman who gives you that option. Do you really think that it is going to happen in a serious manner?

get gud you casual

>yfw the difficulty slider does not actually change the difficulty

>stick of truth is made by obsidian and is drm free
>the sequel is made by ubisoft uses uplay on steam version and has denuvo
I'm glad I didn't preorder to begin with.

It changes currency droprate

Reminder that ubisoft literally shills here and makes trailers and tailors marketing towards triggering the alt right specifically so they can take screenshots of Sup Forums freaking out and get blog headlines for free advertising masked as a "news story".

that'd be pretty funny actually

did SOT even have a difficulty slider? I don't remember. I don't think it did. I'm assuming it's going to be like this

I think it went from easy to hardcore but it wasn't a slider

We know exactly what the slider does, see

i would gladly read that if someone wasn't a newfag and knew to pastebin it first instead of linking directly to a blog

use pastebin you faggot

Does anyone know how region lock works in uplay, can i activate eu key in russia to get myself non castrated version?

who was in the wrong here?


You are now entering Sup Forums!
DO NOT make fun of:
>alt right
>white supremacists
>Sup Forums


WE ARE Sup Forums

>you have lived long enough to see Sup Forums become OFFENDED about SOUTH PARK being too PC
huh. weird.

>But we love you 4ever

Yes. Kanye West made a video game about his mom going to heaven and South Park made a minigame making fun of it.

Same. It's not really creative anymore. Just putting in the bare minimum of effort because politics.

Matt and Trey get fatigued when they work on projects in tandem to the show. Hence why this season, the season during stick of truth, team america were lackluster.

Read the comments. People think Kanye West is their surrogate father.

>implying they wouldn't fit in a few jokes about handouts

>"Trump is kind of bad for comedy"

To be fair nobody is going to out-do Trump at this point.
It's what there is to satirize now. He's a troll singularity that's made a void out of the rest of it.

Ok, I'm sold. It always annoyed me how much they punched downward but seeing them take on someone bigger than them so brutally makes me respect them more.

>punch downward
because they never took on scientology, family guy, jewish hollywood, or the entirety of the muslim religion before, right?

One became president of the United States. The other didn't get picked up by ANY football teams.


It was only one and Trey said he's sick of it because they fell into the same trap everyone else did by obsessing over him.

No, because they went extra hard on people like Sally Struthers and acted like they were making some brave stand.

Also, Family Guy is a popular punching bag (rightfully so), but the other three were great.

I'm a fan, too, I just felt like it wasn't living up to its own description but this joke brought back their badass irreverence. Their jokes about Lorde and Al Gore and stuff were funny, but it didn't impress me in a "South Park isnt afraid of anything" way. Their depictions of Muhammed definitely did, though. I hope they never do it again, for their own good.

You got memed on user. That post is mocking sjw complaints about South Park when they did the PC Principal and tumblr satire season.

>The game is called The Fractured but Whole
>it actually causes fractured buttholes
Also who the hell this gets offended by South Park jokes? It's not the 90's anymore.

not a single person gave a shit when they did the tumblr season because it's south park and no one over the age of 9 gets mad at south park

Can't blame them, it clearly works.

Lots of online "news" criticized it using the exact same phrase of criticism that they shouldn't punch down.

So which part am I supposed to be upset over?

>South Park makes fun of PC culture
>lol based South Park, still good after all these years!
>South Park makes fun of Trump

You people are hilarious


It's why you don't center the story around the election and only use it for a one-off like that McCain and Obama episode. Just make two variants of the B plot involving PC Principle obsessing over Hilary winning or assaulting everyone who doesn't criticize Trump depending on who won that night.

>get reduced loot drops and money
But user, you get a natural +5 to Looting when you pick higher difficulty.

>you people

Racist fuck.

The PC season was complete trash though

Always great to see South Park piss off the extremes of both sides.

>making fun over someone's dead mom

Wow such comedic genius

>You people are hilarious

How many times must it be said. Sup Forums Is not one person you stupid fuck. There are many people here with many different opinions, fucking kill yourself.

They reverse back to the old formula with the current season, which was teased with the title of the last seasons finale.

You people probably refers to the people who reacted like his greentext detailed. Idiot

>There are many people here with many different opinions
Then how come every post in this thread is mine? Check mate me.

well, it is too implied to be problematic
nobody would know that fish is Kanye if they have never watched the episode
so this articles about it are pretty much paid advertisement

>current year
>le informed centrist
Kill yourself.


The writers of the Netflix show House of Cards have often come out saying they're having a hard time actually writing a fictional political drama while real life is out-doing them.


Who the fuck even cares about SP anymore, it made the same end The Simpsons did.

I haven't seen that episode and I know it's Kanye because I read an article about him wanting to make a video game about his mom that was her flying through clouds and becoming an angel.

Fuck off Ubisoft.

>There are many people here with many different opinions
Yeah and those little shits enjoy their R:2 I:1 threads every time. Face it, Sup Forums is a hivemind in the way it works.

>>le informed centrist
What about people that just think its retarded to be some kind of extremist faggot on the internet about politics and don't claim to be informed about it?
Are people not allowed to think politics is just fucking retarded and not want to hear about it from either the left or the right?

You know, for years I thought it was actually spelled 'Kayne'
That would have been a cooler name.

One side wants to literally kill all forms of western values and replace them with shitty islamic values. The other wants to masturbate to anime tiddies.

It literally IS a black and white situation. Either you support Western values or you don't.

Oh my god user, get a life

the thing is, there is an episode were literal Kanye appears, and there is a running joke about him being a gay fish
he ends up transforming into a fish, and that is what tells you it is Kanye
but real Kanye was in the episode... this is just a reference to the old viewers

when is the CPY release date? or is it a Baldman game? I am not sure

But I think both sides are just a bunch of retards that don't actually care or fight for anything and just want a reason to go on the internet and act like an angry faggot.

I'm not picking a side because its a fucking stupid fight that only retards with no hobbies bother with. You'd have to be one hell of a boring asshole to actually spend your time on that shit, you could do literally fucking anything else with your time and you choose to have a flaccid internet fight with a bunch of mentally unstable women and men that want to be women in their late teens on the internet. Thats fucking stupid.

daily reminder to post this on every buttwhole shilling thread until release

daily reminder to post this on every buttwhole shilling thread until release

daily reminder to post this on every buttwhole shilling thread until release

I guess they succeeded in triggering people

>Are people not allowed to think politics is just fucking retarded and not want to hear about it
No, dipshit, because it's the fault of uninformed mouthbreathers like you that we get into these messes. If the mindless retards actually looked up once and a while and paid attention to current events and things happening in the world beyond themselves we might, god forbid, be able to make the world better for everyone.

Nice bait user

>last episode was all about trump again
jesus christ trump did break americans huh?

>tfw getting on console and dont have to give a shit about uplay or denuvo
Feels good not being cucked out of vidya.

day one pirate.

I'm not even a fucking american, and I do vote, I just don't go on the internet and force my political views down everyones throats.
I listen to a few debates, go with a candidate that I agree with, vote for them, and then don't really bother thinking about it much until its time to vote again.

Also, the US doesn't own the fucking internet, you might be surprised to hear this, but a lot of people on the internet don't live in america and are fucking tired of your weird ass country throwing fits over a meme president.
America is fucking retarded and so are your politics, I hope Trump gets taken out of the whitehouse and is replaced with some boring old white guy that never does anything controversial so all of you insufferable faggots can fuck off.

No we fucking wouldn't and you are stupidly naive to even believe that

Denuvo gets cracked within days now and UPlay is avoided. Pirate version superior version.

>If the mindless retards actually looked up once and a while and paid attention to current events and things happening in the world beyond themselves we might, god forbid, be able to make the world better for everyone.
>"I know, if I go on a videogame board on Sup Forums and shit up every thread with retarded political memes I'll change the world! Nigger gook chink hahaha fuck faggots mentally ill degenerates praise kek! Wake up sheeple, fucking libtards xD"


>criticizing both sides is being centrist
Jesus, user, I criticize Democrats more than Republicans but I am a Democrat. Just because I'm criticizing them doesn't mean I'm against them as equally as Republicans. I criticize them because they don't live up to my standards and I refuse to lower my standards for them. I criticize Republicans because I almost always disagree with them.

Also, cut out this "you're either with me or you're my enemy" crap. It makes you sound like Anakin Skywalker.

find a flaw

>Star Wars analogy

>Be a nonburger, don't care at all about their election
>Every burger tv series is absolutely nothing but parroting the exact same 5 trump jokes for the last year and a half

Its pretty fucking awful, even a manga I was reading pulled this shit and ruined its momentum.

>what is self-criticism

it was a reference, not an analogy