>"One copy of the newest Atelier game, please"
"One copy of the newest Atelier game, please"
if we have it it will be on the shelf sir please go and locate it
one copy of sonic colours please
anyone else pretend like you dont know the name of the game you're buying so the qt at the counter doesn't think you're a manchild/baby?
"yes i think i'm supposed to get yarn yoshi please"
>implying they keep games on the shelf
>like actual games
>"One copy of [flavor of the month japanese game praised on Sup Forums because of waifus" please
She still thinks you are fat, ugly and smell bad.
they do keep track of stock by number of cases on the shelf
Atelier is legit. You should meme on anime trash like Berseria and not good games.
>"i support kekistan with my whole heart"
Why won't they just buy digital?
Good taste, fat guy.
no one's falling for your shit, neckbear
stop wasting everyone's time and just tell them you want splatoon 2 and the amiibos
which fucking one there is like 7 on steam
"Here you go. The only copy we have left was reserved by someone else, but I think you should have it."
>taking creepshots of people irl just so you can pick on them behind their backs
You're fucking losers. These guys don't give a fuck about you or what you're doing, but yet you care enough to take a picture and snicker online like a pussy, but you wouldnt say shit to their face.
this has been around forever you moron
How is that relevant
this is not realistic at all. you could easily order this off amazon and not deal with it.
implying op didnt ask someone in the store to take a pic of him buying the latest atelier game
We have this thread everyday. We do this to bully each others because half of us look like this kek.
>"I'm sorry, sir but this isn't supposed to be on the shelf, it doesn't come out until Tuesday."
Fuck you Jerry.
And you guys complain about pol being annoying. Fucking hell
There's only two on Steam. I really liked Ayesha and Rorona. No idea about the Steam ones but they look to be not far from the norm, maybe even more streamlined in some cases.
>half of us look like this kek
You what?
>We do this to bully each others because half of us look like this kek.
Don't fucking pretend you fat fuck.
There's another one triggered fatty.
>half of us look like this kek.
>I may disagree with your taste in games, but I will defend to the death your right to play them
hash is more effective
Because am not a faggot and I rather own a copy of the game
>opens bracket but never closes it
>closes quote before the last word
How dumb
Fuck no
>Walk into gamestop and ask for Deep Crimson
>Talk to the clerk about tiddies for a few minutes
Yeah but same filename = same person posting the image
Imagine how bored you have to be to make the same thread every single day
Alpha as fuck weeb.
"Bored" is a pretty charitable way to put it
>Sir please grab the game on the shelf
>see this
What do you do?
I just own it, walk up to the counter and slap that weeb shit on the counter like it's my fat ass's first time buying deodorant.
Boom. Give me some goddamn tendies.
thats just Sup Forums for you
or Sup Forums in general
"'Scuse me, could I get there for a second? Thanks."
>half of us look like this kek
lolno. I may be ugy but fatties disgust me
Wait a bit and then come back the next day.
I can't remember the last time I went to a store to pick a game up.
If they lose weight they won't be fat anymore but you'll still be ugly. And I'll still be fat and ugly.
The fact that they went to a store to get their game already tells me that they're less pathetic than me.
Cultural enrichment.
>Be young me
>Go to GameStop to browse games
>Take some psones, FFT and Yu-Gi-Oh
>Wait in line
>Rather tall but fat dude is up front >tries to pay
>Drops a coin
>Kneels and tries to reach
>I try to help him
>He looks up at me dead eye
>Tfw I can never forget those dark, abyss filled, souless eyes.
meant for
What's he playing, Sup Forums?
>If they lose weight
They probably won't, judging by the fact that they got this fat in the first place
>*autistic screeching*
>"NOOOO I have to catch pikachu right NOW!"
what now?
Same here. Not that I don't go out and shit, it has just been a while since I bought a video game, especially in psychical form.
It feels great buying a copy though; even though with it comes a dreadful feeling of guilt after walking out of the store, as if I just wasted perfectly good money on something I will definitely regret buying. Anyone else get that feeling?
*grab her console and throw it*
Go and catch this instead.
haha so funny weebs :)
*unzips dick*
catch THIS
You're about to get some (You)s boi.
What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this toots?
Start licking her cunny while she catches Pikachu.
Every fucking time.
fucking pussy destroyer
You have very inadequate taste Sir.
I'm too far gone to even give a shit about what people think of me.
Maybe in the next life cycle I'll be born a normalfag and play Destiny 2.
I am so fucking sick of seeing The Ant Bully everywhere I swear to god it's fucking stalking me
>half of us look like this kek.
Think again fatass
Right. You're part of the other half that are cute anime girls.
Triggered fatty detected
what did they improve over vesperia?
>half of us look like this
Thank God I am part of the other half and not a proud kekistani then.
Yeah I'm not fat. I go to the gym 3 times a week because my dad died from a heart attack.
I am however pale and dislike small talk.
>REEE proceed to foddle her thighs, she's very pleased by your mannersim.
>Have sex on the ground
>Marry her
>20 years later
>Send your son to futuristic Gamestop, to pick up the game you failed to obtain 20 years ago.. only for him to meet his future wife.
>They had sex on the floor
9 months later you were born
delusional palefag thinks he's good looking anime boi :)
>tfw its only a matter of time before a picture of you gets posted itt
thatll be the day i end it
>Bing Bing Wahoo!
they work at gamestop, you're definitely not the worst they've seen.
someone has to be
Just put your giant testes and shaft on the counter to show your dominance
I don't give two shits if they think I'm a manchild, but I hate it when they keep asking you questions about the game or game series. I'm here to buy a game not make friends.
>Walk into Gamestop
>"I need a 3DS charger"
>"Sure, it's somewhere in this drawer, probably about $10"
>"It was actually about $10"
>Buy and leave
Not saying your wrong, but half the time they don't have one up, I've been able to get it by asking at the counter. GameStop can barely follow their own system. Hell there's even been times when I've brought the box back and they didn't have the game.
Besides I've never had any of them get annoyed (and if they did I don't honestly care as I've always been polite) when I just ask at the counter, I'm gonna need to get the game from them and buy it anyways.
>lost weight, got buff, and improved fashion purely to avoid looking like an autist when buying video games
I'm honestly not sure if this is more or less pathetic than doing all that for hopes of getting a woman
>this is what your average fatass Sup Forumsirgin thinks
Laughed way too much at this.
>lost weight, got buff, and improved fashion purely to avoid looking like an autist
>I'm honestly not sure if this is more or less pathetic
I believe this video is relevant:
>He's still replying
Why are landwhales so salty?
>panty shots thread gets deleted
>this thread is still up