>He plays Original Sin 2 without friends
He plays Original Sin 2 without friends
i genuinely feel bad about this but my friends aren't into rpgs
I literally started a playthrough with my friends before starting to pack my shit to move. They're stuck waiting for me until the internet is working in my new place
I don't have friends...
Somebody be my friend
None of my friends play RPGs.
You actually succeeded in making me feel bad OP.
you wouldn't like me......
I'd fucking kill for a friend. Just one.
It's the faults that make the person, user. If you like yourself I can like you too
I'm waiting for more balancing patches. But you'll be right.
Pirates BTFO
I like Divinity as a single player game. Its relaxing
No one would play with me. I suck at this game. I can't even get past the first ambush in the swamp right after you get out of the fort.
You can play pirated version with friends though, just use (your choice of emulated lan program).
Just say it's like HoMM3 or some shit, bait them in.
I'd be your friend guys but I'd be a shit friend. Better not.
WTS 1 friendship
>Just say it's like HoMM3 or some shit, bait them in.
and then what? when they decide it's not enough like touhou, they'll drop it, and i'll be left solo again.
What makes you say that?
Why would you need to use a separate program? Just use direct connect from within the game itself. It works flawlessly, even with a pirated copy.
>emulated lan program
Is there risk of this screwing over my friends that bought the game by playing with pirate games with a bought game?
That's fine of you want the CIA to jump through your window
What's wrong with playing it by yourself?
I'd be boring as shit and I don't feel like doing anything.
>everyone wants a friend but no one drops steam handle
What are you afraid of?
You know exactly what
I'm a horrible person too, why don't we be friends? post your steam and I'll add you.
>brother asks me to play it with him
>tell him to fuck off
Any redeeming qualities? Like being a trap
Steamfriends aren't actually your friend you know?
>he has friends
Because it would be a fucking chore to finish the damn game with friends tho.
All of us are in college and about to graduate, we have very limited time to play together since our schedules are all kinds of mixed and some of us work.
Also i cant see ourselves finishing a god damn 50+ hour RPG in coop, at most we finished Diablo 3.
TFW you have no friends and you pirated it so you can't find any randoms to play with due to constant updates.
Do you realize where we are?
No. I'm not feminine but not overly masculine either. I'm literally sexually useless.
I'm still playing through the first game, but I feel the same way. I spent like 2 hours just talking to almost all the people in Cyseal, casually going through quests, and I feel like none of my friends would have the patience to do that. The combat would probably be fun multiplayer, but I feel like getting immersed in the world is something that has to be done single player
We've spent enough time here to all be afraid of each others.
And yet we're here forever.
I can't help it, I pirated it.
There is certainly value in doing a co-op run after your first.
Why do you hate yourself user?
add me up loser
I'm direct connecting with my buddy and we pirated gog version
I can't help it, I don't have friends. ;_;
The only guy I know who plays it is too far ahead of me.
We arent sexually compatible
They're gonna do that anyway, hamachi isn't going to stop them
I've dropped mine many times, And everytime I accept one of you faggots I end up removing them a few minutes to days later.
>literal faggots
>name changers
>faggots who pester me to play a game with them at all times I'm online
Not once have I meet a person who has stayed on my list.
What could go wrong?
you got a link?
Not anime enough for me.
>hes a dutch-chinese streamer getting his asshole reamed by his boyfriend on stream
seriously divinity sucks, sing pls finish stick of truth
>151 days ago
Such a shame
So a manic pixie dream trap gf added you and you complain about it?
Is it possible to play co-op on pirated gog version of the game?
Yes, I want people to play the games I want with. Not traps.
Playing pirated gog .ver.
Ready to start fresh, but not tonight.
It's the journey that matters user.
Sorry to disappoint.
There is no technical excuse to not play this game with your friends. That whole 'I don't have friends' excuse is your only reason to not do so.
>shilling for tencent
My friends don't like RPGs, only gay shooters.
because you're a gullible ironic weeaboo retard
i'll play
>VAC ban
>Multiple VAC bans on record
>VAC Ban
What a twat...
Shouldnt you be at school right now?
Who needs friends when you have Ai chan?
my steam account is older than you
kys anime posters
Cheaters need not apply user. Nobody wants to be friends with a cheater. You're branded.
i don't want to be friends with whiny betas anyway desu lad
I play one campaign with friends, and one on my own.
It's much better in single player. Unfortunately my friends aren't autistic so we don't roleplay, and it means that no one is focused on the story, rather than just skipping dialogues and running around.
>tfw went Huntsman and now I regret it
>tfw my best bud went polymorph warrior and is destroying everything almost single handedly
>tfw the girl buddy doesn't know what she wants so she ends up being a generic healer
Don't fall for it, single player is a better experience.
I'd post mine but I don't want any EU friends.
You're not getting any sympathy here, cheater. Especaily after spewing shit like "kys" and the word that is filtered into desu. Shouldn't have cheated big boy. Nobody likes cheaters.
wtf are you even talking about lol
Why not?
>No invites
Not even worth the snarky dismissal? The silence is unbearable.
Because the different timezones and ping issues would make it hard for us to hang out and play multiplayer videogames.
Damn, you're right. Good luck finding friends in your area, skeleton man.
Only all american traps
>"I don't like the art-style bro"
same shit with original Borderlands, and pretty much anything that isn't normie trash
I haven't played original sin but I want to, maybe when I get a girlfriend :')
Thanks, I'm going to need it.
Even if I had a friend to play this with I'd never be reasonably able too because after work, my girlfriend consumes all of my spare time and gets annoyed when I spend time playing vidya
It's an annoying feel
well I mean, your name is stupid and you look like some weird history guy, so you're only going to get added by other weird history guys.
>tfw went Huntsman and now I regret it
Why? My buddy's playing an archer and he's legitimately shitting out damage and nearly killing everything basically on his own
play games with your gf
Fucking normie
It's not a good game to play with other people. Same with lvling with other people in MMOs.
It wasn't enough that I was neither weeb, ERP fag, nor obnoxious memer. A naked interest in history wasn't up to the Sup Forumstard's standards.
I have literally 0 friends since finishing school
To be honest, I'm intimidated by your profile. I look at it and think to myself "Now here is a man that'll drop a gasket If I say the wrong thing to him. He is incapable of brushing things off his shoulder because he has a superiority complex"
But that's just my personal opinion.
What's tencent again?
So are you looking for a gentler bf?
Yea, how'd you know?