What does Sup Forums think of product placement in vidya?

What does Sup Forums think of product placement in vidya?

FFXV did it right with the cup noodles but wrong with everything else.

The whole cup noodles thing was so ridiculous, expecially with edited trailer that it was entertaining.

Meanwhile every other advertisement is HEY LOOK AT THIS LOGO LOOK AT IT HEY LOOK HEEEEEEEEEY

*placing* products in a game world is fine I think
having characters literary speak about a product is some really insane lack of integrity

>FFXV did it right with the cup noodles

Are you joking?

FFXV did nothing right. The only series to do it right is Yakuza.

I think it has some kind of weird threshold where if you add too little when you do it period makes it look trashy and all sellout but when you go full Yazuka route and have adverts for actual things everywhere you trip some sort of sense of authenticity to it.

You never played it so just shut up. The cup noodle sidequest was brilliant

I always love product placement due to how silly it is 90% of the time.
What's a genuine reason to hate it?

Nah. FFXV did it great. It was really on the nose. It's pretty clear the actors had fun with it in a "this is necessary to pay the bills" kind of way. And at least it gives you side content instead of just plastering the logo everywhere. When Noctis and Prompto geeked out about AssCreed, I had a huge grin on my face. It was so cheesy in a good way.


It's stupid, why the fuck does American Express exist in a fantasy world? You had retards on forums defending it with "You don't know that there isn't a country called America in some fantasy world!", SE fans are pure cancer.

>What's a genuine reason to hate it?
>"m-muh corporate shilling"
>"muh standards and tastes"
>*tips muh off-brand trillby*
That's seriously it. People get pissy over some false principle that the game environment's immersion would be ruined by real life brands being advertised to us given that we've already paid for the software and there's no reason why they would need more of our money.
tl;dr faggots whining to sound smarter (it's not working)

>You never played it

Go fuck yourself. The Cup Noodle shit was retarded.

Yep, having American Express and Japan Airlines in a fucking fantasy world is the fucking most retarded thing.

SE fanboys are completely retarded, (especially XV fanboys) so they'll defend any aspect of this garbage game.


No, in general it's not a big deal at all, but this is supposed to be a fucking fantasy world.

it's funny


>"M-muh e-mershuhn" to a fucking tee
In Crystal Chronicles my town was called America. Eat shit.
But I seriously want you to read how stupid you sound. "You don't know that there isn't a country called Mountain! That's how Mountain Dew exists." It could literally be just a name or a word, dumb faggots.

Honestly I'd rather they do that than try and nickel and dime us with DLC, active online in game advertising like DXHR or CS used to have can fuck off though.

I'm Commander Shepard and these are my favorite noodles in Tokyo.

>You never played it so just shut up

Oh look it's XV-kun

>"No, but also yes, exactly."

This is easily the dumbest thing I've read this year.

If it's a game like GTA or something set in the real world it's fine. You don't make a fantasy game set on some planet and have American Express and Japan Airlines plastered everywhere.

Fucking hell XV fanboys are fucking retarded. I guess you'd have to be to like this garbage game.

Why not?

They honestly went way overboard with the cup noodle thing to the point where it's sad now.

Because it's retarded.

Might be, but it's also the typical response of a low-IQ XV fanboy.

>play fantasy game for escapism
>get reminded about American Express debt

thanks squeenix

But why? It's a fantasy world. Anything can happen.

Endless real world product shilling is something that shouldn't happen. This Cup Noodle thing has also gone beyond running it's course.

So is using swords in a world where guns and bipedal mecha exist. Its par for the course.

I agree, but let's remember XV's retarded tagline. FANTASY BASED ON REALITY.

Not even on the same wavelength. You're stretching too much right now to defend this.

It's pig disgusting, and makes canonfags go apeshit nuts.

>SE fans stretching shit to defend their shitty games, it's par for the course.

>The only series to do it right is Yakuza


This picture just shows what a joke they think their fans are. Stupid enough to buy an early access game.

Good point.

I actually enjoy out of place silly advertising. I love that it is canon that Big Boss invented Doritos and reverse engineered Mountain Dew. Also Cup Noodle helped bring in some silliness that was missing from recent Final Fantasy games like X, XII, and XIII.

>Why does this Noodle advertisement got to ruin the serious tone of my game with swords with engines bolted on and a flying car?

>Have a usable in-game ipod that you use like a real one with the thumbstick to listen to music
>Make every fucking computer in the game a Mac
Fucking stupid.

I chuckled.

Okay, can somebody explain why everyone hates 15? I thought it was generally considered to be a middle of the road entry.

Released unfinished, producer tried denying it, but recently admitted they released a half assed product they'll be bandaging well into 2018.

Just contrarians with nothing better to do. Some people are so dead inside and full of hate, they will hate anything someone likes just to feel that small rush of being alive because they're being acknowledged.

It's not about the serious tone you fucking idiot. It ruins the fantasy element. Get it through your thick skull.

Ah, so it's kind of like MGS 5? Is the game that's there terrible too, or is it good? I may buy it when it's all patched up.

People feel V's story is incomplete, but I disagree. The gameplay is MILES better than XV's.

You're saying in a fantasy world where they've invented cars and airships, no one has invented noodles.

Not quite, MGSV had no ending but everything else was top notch. In XV everything is janky and you get a feeling like something is missing through the game, and then by the end they just throw it out the window and don't even try to hide how rushed the whole thing was and just do whatever in order for it to have an end.

I had fun and think the game is worth a shot, even more so if you play it after all the patches and dlcs are released, but don't expect MGSV levels of goodness, even with all those patches and dlc I don't think the game will ever get the feel of a finished game, as it would need a complete revamp.

Stop sidestepping the issue.

Are you really this desperate to defend this shit?

Inventing noodles is fine, but shoving a real world brand of noodles down your throat endlessly is fucking stupid.

>trying to reason with XV-kun

How is it fucking stupid. It's just noodles.

The noodles themselves aren't the problem. OP's pic is, when they've already made a sidequest over them, it's time to stop.

Are you actually in favor of less game content?

>this dunce hat is what Tabata sees in fans of this game

my fucking sides

I'm in favor of good content. I know it's a foreign concept for an XV fanboy.

And what makes it bad content?

OP's pic looks absolutely retarded, and the quest for the Cup Noodle van is yet ANOTHER fucking fetch quest to add to this shitty game.

Mark Ecko's Gettin Up was good.
Energizer in Alan Wake was alright.

>just another generic fetch quest

I dont like it. I wish I could pay for microtransactions that remove it from games.

It's supposed to look fucking stupid, shithead. But go ahead and keep wallowing away in your hate.

Glad to see SE is going the Sony route and choking the life out of their games with this type of shit.

What's next; Pepsi Noctis?

There's ton of product placement in XV and the movie is even worse.

>it's supposed to be retarded

wew lad

depends on how it's done. I'm totally fine with it in something like a yakuza or crazy taxi game. They're basically set in the real world, your character's just buying some real products at the convenience store or driving his customers to real stores.

I haven't played Final Fantasy XV but the idea of like, licensed camping gear showing up or whatever it was sounds off to me. Even though I know it's supposed to be a more realistic/modern setting than any other game in the series to my knowledge I assume it's still entirely too fantastical for something like that to really gel.

>Audi ad while an Audi is driving by
>at least 4 other real life ads visible

Truly this is our Final Fantasy.