Cut / beta content we'll never experience

Cut / beta content we'll never experience

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90% of the Caesar's Legion content in NV

ura zelda

I'm pretty sure I've seen this in a few fps games

That was released as Majora's though

prey 2017


Borderlands 2 with Physx on high has grenades that either pull everything, or do the black hole and make stuff vanish.


yea i now remeber that grenade mod, it was especially cool to see how it tears the cloth materials

Deep Cover. The whole game. It would have been a masterpiece.

>The whole game
that's a theme for a whole other thread

But you just experienced it there in that webm.

imagine how different the world woudl be if we got this instead of paper mario

debatable, never properly confirmed. A lot of early images of OoT look like a completely different game, with no similarities to OoT nor MM.

this and a ton of other beta shit is in SMOD though

Probably not many people care but still annoys me they raised millionaires of dollars for a full 3D game, then downgraded to shit 2D graphics

Combine Human synth.It would of been the equivalent to an alien grunt.

Combine assassin.Not that they had the same boots as chell.

A good portion of early "Zelda WiiU" didn't look a tiny bit like BOTW. Even the 2014 information when they confirmed BOTW and links new look has more color and a different design. Nintendo sucks for Zelda info.

N64 Banjo & Kazooie Stop N' Swop

true, I'd love to play these mysterious alpha/beta versions, I suspect the content was probably cut/changed for good reason but it really does make you wonder what they were like.

dr freeman I presume?

>would of

Gritty take on stalkers.They would be more common enemies that constantly reminded you of the combines oppressive nature.


Looks ugly and Hunters are a better iteration of the concept. Too bad Hunters only arrived at Episode 2, HL2 really lacks a comparable enemy.

Crab tank.You can actually see them in the final game on the production line of the citadel.

Unused take on the combine dropship.

Its mostly just a test room with no actual content or story, just mechanic/physics testing builds

Honestly, I get where you're coming from but I also think that the more detailed 2D animated style just works out better for the gameplay and visuals. If it was a third person action adventure game or something then I'd rather have the 3D style, hell maybe some kind of first person game for full autism immersion experience.


have you actually seen the early promotional screenshots/footage of OoT or BotW?
They look like entirely different games.

Mortar synth on aforementioned production lines.They functioned similar to the alien controllers from HL1

I had nightmares about this fucker from the E3 clip. I was disappointed that it never made it into the full game.

No one really played for the gameplay though. The actual gameplay sucked but people played it for the story and world, which would have been much more immersive as 3D. No one bought it because it's a point-and-click game, people bought it because it's a homestuck-based game

these look like generic quake enemies

could it be... do my eyes deceive me... mr bean?

HL2 beta also had takes on the bullsquid and hound-eye.

hl1 beta scientist

Frankly I find the more stylized 2D way more faithful to the format of the original comics, as well as just more visually appealing compared to the equally stylized 3D which would have ended up looking much more sparse and "gamey" compared to the 2D drawn environments, unless of course they somehow added all the detail and clutter from the 2D backgrounds into a 3D environment which I really highly doubt they could have done well.

Someone post the Spore cut content rant

Some guy put together roughly the entire HL2 beta, including the Air Exchange.

These are in SMOD.


>put the slider at a random position
>player is in a gray tube
>the tube has a Combine soldier at the entrance, a bunch of zombies inside, a Metrocop at the exit
That's rough all right. At least Beta shotgun is cool.

So in short hl2 would have equivalents to most HL1 enemies.


Black ops/combine assassins
Alien grunt/Human synth
Alien controller/mortar synth

Also this is the alien assassin.It was a humanoid combine alien that functioned like the fast zombies.They could get headcrabbed which is where the fast zombies came from.

Maybe it wouldn't have been entirely authentic and faithful but I just think of being able to explore Alternia in 3D and that no longer being a possibility is really upsetting. I've seen thousands of pages of Homestuck in 2D, I wanted something new to explore here.

That video isn't accurate at all, he's mixing maps from after all the pre-2003 shit got cut with pre-2003 shit.

why the fuck are these even there if they're not getting used

My man.

Hopper monster (not)from HL1




That's a good though, classic quake monsters are underrated

fuck off

The bullsquid and houndeye are also in SMOD.

The "panther-eye" which shows up in some mods.

Sup Forums in general.

I forgot the word "roughly," but yeah that is the gist of it.

>Some guy put together roughly the entire HL2 Beta
>It's just some sourcemod, probably Missing Information but with a handful of optimized maps and switched textures
That does not even fucking begin to scratch the surface.

>and switched textures
All maps are in the original format as left in 2002 and 2003. You're free to skim around for yourself.

>A good portion of early "Zelda WiiU" didn't look a tiny bit like BOTW.
I hope you aren't talking about that tech demo.

I guess that's sort of fair, and hence why I said it'd be cool if it was a more open environment oriented game, even if it was just a platformer that the 3D would make more sense because there would be much more expansive environments. But conversely, I get the same gratification from seeing the Alternian environments on the small scale, seeing all the little small details in more condensed and focused snapshots of the world, not to mention being able to compare it to the corresponding human environments so all the quirks and cultural differences stand out.

You can remove Starfox 2.

>Mafia 2 was supposed to have content
>we will never get a real Mafia 3

There's so much fucking content removed from HL2's final release you could probably make 3 or 4 games from it.
Here's a tiny thing from the beta fixed to work in retail.

Well, I'm gonna download and play SMOD. First and only time I tried to play it a few years ago it wouldn't run at all without instantly crashing.


Follow this, man:

So like the final version of Breath of the Wild then?

mirin the chad pants

>realistic visuals
>looks like a fucking balloon people

They might not have been able to implement them in the game in a fun way so just decided to cut them out after the modelling was done for them, so decided to put the model to a small amount of use by putting them on conveyor belts in the Citadel.

Stuff gets cut for a lot of reasons, and there is often some traces of it left in the game, whether that's as small as just references to it in lines of code or full models that just weren't implemented

Some concept art for you all.

What's that American McGee's Z game?

I shall help you with this.

I've got a version of the leak with actually fixed code for a lot of the cut content including working multiplayer.

Hydra, Cremator, Combine Guard, Female Assassin, etc all fixed, very little in terms of fixed maps, just a shitton of compiled WC mappack levels.



The infamous mr.friendly who would have blinded and sexually assaulted the player.

I want to see a game based on HL2's old concepts.

All fixed? Post them. I want try implementing them into SMOD.

I know it probably would've been shit
but I still wanted it

"death by fatal copulation"


Why couldn't Bethesda have given Obsidian a small extension on their game? We could have had a legitimate game of the generation with half a year more time on it


Same, I really want that darker more oppressive atmosphere.


Because Bethesda probably wanted to buy out Obsidian.

Prey 2


Wow, I never really thought about how much Kleiner's lab is like the lab from The Fly.

Oz, as in Wizard of Oz.

I truly believe that that if Valve kept the Air Exchange chapter, and had the majority of the game covered in a dirty smog, with various citizens having masks, there would be a lot less yearning for the beta. HL2 as it stands has a wonderful atmosphere, but it's not exactly the most oppressive atmosphere.

On the flipside, however, if most of the citizens had masks it'd be hard to empathize with any of them. It'd just be you saving and fighting for these faceless NPCs.


It looked great for a MMO. and I hate MMO's. A single player Vampire game looking like this would be a dream come true.

but i owned a copy of half life for the dreamcast.

Oh fuck
A twisted version of Wizard of Oz would've been really cool

Everytime i read this, i weep.