10 """levels""" but 600 moons

>10 """levels""" but 600 moons

Wtf. Why is this a good thing? DK64 at least had larger worlds and a lot more content. Why are we giving this game a pass for what we shat on early 3d platformers for? Have people forgot about when you had to collect so much shit in past games? Or is it okay cause Nintendo does it?

Other urls found in this thread:


So it's literally an entire game of the blue coins from SMS?

yeah but there moons instead of blue coins

People are saying

>but it's not blue coins!

Except it's blue coins. Botw was essentially just an entire game of heart pieces with korok seeds functioning literally as inventory expansion (which becomes needless after a while).

>10 levels

How many levels were in 64 and sunshine?

15 and 7

>daily SEETHING over Nintendo thread
Absolutely delicious

There are about 16 in 64 and I can't remember in Sunshine. Quantity isn't everything, but if were to compare one world of 64 to one world of Odyssey, we'll see some differences. In 64, the world is built specifically to make you use your platforming skills to get a star. In Sunshine, you use your water and platforming skills to get them. In Odyssey, you can just happen upon one randomly and WAHOO BING!

>DK64 at least had larger worlds and a lot more content

[citation needed]

>sonybros already screaming about how overrated the game is before it's even out
Looks like they learned from BotW. Once everyone has played the game it becomes very hard to lie enough to make them hate it.

having 600 of a single item doesn't equal content.

And you guys can argue that they're hiding content from us, but they had no trouble showing gameplay of all kinds in past Mario games. The fact they've shown a very small amount of what we're use to only shows they adapted the Botw formula to Mario

>game focused entirely on collecting shit
>the hud looks like trash
>the title screen most likely going to look just as lazy

Fuck off retard. I've played Nintendo games for decades. I know a lazy piece of shit when I see one and Odyssey is a worse 3d platformer than the previous ones.

>DK64 at least had larger worlds and a lot more content
DK64 also had terrible movement options and required you to backtrack through each world 5 times to get 100%, whereas Odyssey has great movement options and, while you can't get every moon in one go, you can still get most of them before the kingdom's layout changes allowing you to get the rest

>bbut muh sony

Except Odyssey has stiff controls and uses none of its movement options to the degree that DK64 or SM64 ever used them.

>Except Odyssey has stiff controls
source? I've played the demo btw

I have too. The game controls like ass.

>having 600 of a single item doesn't equal content.

>ignoring the coins, world coins, stickers, and mix match clothes

>ignoring the huge ass worlds with almost everything being interactive

>ignoring the ingame screenshot function

Man, are you being stupid on purpose?

Were you playing with the joycons, the controller, or in handheld mode?

Its Korok seeds all over again.


not content

>world contents

also no content. These are collectable items, so far. You're getting them mixed up with actual gameplay.

>clothing options

You mean cosmetic dress up? That's not content. Content is the level, the enemies, everything you interact with that derives itself from the game itself as a means to moving through the game. The required moons for going to the next level counts as gate keys, but the way you achieve them is the content. Most of the moons are achieved simply by locating or happening upon them.

People shit on DK 64 because the amount of shit you have to do highlights the game's flaws, namely a boring set of movement options that means you can basically only travel through areas one of 2-3 ways. DK 64 highlights what made collectathons other than Mario 64 and Sunshine so bad by comparison, and Banjo only got a pass because the level design was better, and there were fewer collectables. Odyssey seems to have better level design and movement variety, so backtracking all over the place is actually going to be fun, hopefully.

n-no! Mario Odyssey is shit! REEEEEEEEE

Except in BK you actually used your movement options over 50% of the time. Odyssey just has a lot of walking around and the occasional leap up to a vertical level.

Keep trying, someone will take you seriously

it's probably 300 moons and another 300 when you replay as luigi

>Its BOTW all over again
I'm fine with this

>had larger worlds
Source for oddisseys world sizes?

>blue coins, not the puzzle pieces from Banjo Kazooie

Your new is showing

>I'm fine with this
And I'm fine with watching you as the cancer destroying the industry.

If the game is fun who cares?

So, are we going to compare Odyssey to BK now? If so, I welcome that. There's many faults I already see in Odyssey that BK does better.

>Videogame content =/= content
>the rest of that shit you posted

not even worth a serious reply

The problem with DK64 is you had to switch characters to get the collectibles. If you run into a red banana, you couldn't get it unless you were playing as Diddy.

If Odyssey had collectible Puzzle Pieces, character-specific coins, etc. then I guess we could agree. The worlds seem bigger than DK64 from what we've seen so far.

It's not fun if you're playing it out of brand necessity, which is the trap most people get caught in most days.

Good, fuck off unintelligent faggot.

>cancer destroying the industry

>The worlds seem bigger than DK64 from what we've seen so far.
From what we seen and what I played, the worlds are smaller. They trick you by making it seem like you can go anywhere, but each level is just one small piece of land with a bunch of empty space. You'll see this more when you play the game.

>So, are we going to compare Odyssey to BK now?

What the fuck ae you talking about?
Iam just saing collecting the Moons are about the same as collecting Puzzle pieces in Banjo-Kazooie.

Calm your autism

>post yfw playing Odyssey and enjoying it much to the chagrin of autismos

And what were puzzle pieces used for in BK?


>he still trying

This thread is the dumbest shit on Sup Forums right now.
Only a retard would believe DK64 has more content than Mario Odyssey

I look forward to the 100% speedruns that some of these autists will do.

>Why are we giving this Nintendo game a pass
really makes you think

And from what I have seen, you are wrong. worlds a big and look like they have plenty of things to do.


So why do they keep showing the same boring angle and set pieces for the worlds they have shown? See thats the problem here. I have a good feel based on Donk City and the footage we have seen that each level is just going to be one large flat map with some vertical spaces but most of the time spent walking around. It'll be artifically big but won't actually have much to do beyond happening upon moons now and again.

Odyssey's worlds are built like 64 with more platforming.

>with more platforming.
There is none. The game is just about jumping up occassionally on things and walking everywhere.

I guess so. It seems like it could be equal though when you unlock more areas of the kingdom though.

>They haven't shown a every single thing to do in the game. So that means there isn't much variety or platforming

Yeah sure buddy

>The game is just about jumping up occassionally on things
that's platforming

Here's a trailer for Mario Galaxy


Now here's the latest trailer for Mario Odyssey:


Notice something different?

>galaxy: using a lot of platforming skills being displayed to achieve goals
>odyssey: a lot of walking around and talking to achieve goals

If Nintendo wanted to show platforming, they would have already. Odyssey is not about platforming.

honestly the problem with DK64 was the fact that it had 5 protagonists with dedicated movesets and the ability to collect just one type of banana instead of just one with all the movesets on the go.
DK64 would have improved so much without the rest of the kongs. Give everything to Donkey or Diddy (or both at the same time, BK style) through upgrades and that's it.

Zelda has jumping. It's not a platformer.

It's confirmed to only have 10 worlds?


>half the trailer for galaxy is mario flying through those fling stars to show of scenery
>half the trailer for Odyssey is him running around showing of the scenery.
I'll admit that it looks a bit Banjo-kazooiey, but the game looks like it will have plenty of platforming. Just like odyssey.

>uses the direct trailer instead of the main one

>but the game looks like it will have plenty of platforming
The only major platforming we've seen has been from a secret level, not a main game level.

>everybody's golf has driving in it
wtf this is a RACING GAEM!

You are right, Nintendo should show off 100% completed runs of their games before release.

It has more than 10, we only know about 10 so far though, like the Poison/Tropical world and the Moon kingdom

I used the direct trailer because it's the most recent one. I was also being generous to give the most up to date footage of odyssey for argument sake so no one can say I was using outdated gameplay. The direct is the most content filled place that Nintendo used to show what you can all do in the world and they did not stop telling you how many moons you can find and how many stuff you can possess, the only parts of the game that are the focus this time. This game is knows what its audience is and I won't be buying it cause I don't play mario games to collect shit.

>it's not a platformer unless you're jumping on suspended platforms in an open space
play 3D World

>This game is knows what its audience is and I won't be buying it cause I don't play mario games to collect shit.
so 64, sunshine, and Galaxy are all shit?

That's not my definition of platformer, but nice assumption.

>People are using the NOT ENOUGH PLATFORMING excuse

>The 2D LBW wall style Platforming
>The Gurdur's and buildings in general in New Donk
>The Towers and ruins in Desert
>Wood Kingdom's high places being built on Platforming
>The Super Mario a Sunshine Fluddless style Levels without Cappy
>The climb to the volcano on Food World

>The fact that most enemy transformations are for Platforming only they can do like the lava bubble and starfish bubble

Any more excuses?

>10 levels


64 and Galaxy were about solving levels and progressing with taught skills. Sunshine was about cleaning up a city while collecting shines to progress, which built upon your skills with each level.

Odyssey is exclusively about possessing and collecting stuff. There is no skill ramp up with possessing things since they all have different traits, and collecting things is just about whether you can find them, which is hide n seek and requires no basis of challenge.

>I don't play mario games
We know. What is unclear is how you decided you were qualified to give an opinion in a discussion about Mario games

please go be ignorant somewhere else faggot

This all bodes poorly considering there's not even a "game over" screen.

Even if it completely sucks, it won't walk away with anything lower than a 90, and that's the worst part.

>Odyssey is exclusively about possessing and collecting stuff. There is no skill ramp up with possessing things since they all have different traits, and collecting things is just about whether you can find them, which is hide n seek and requires no basis of challenge
Honestly I wait for a game to be released before I shitpost my blog reviews on Chinese picture sites, but that's just me.

>an entire game of korok puzzles
woah.... guys........... I'm so excited..........

>Wooded kingdom
>Metro Kingdom
>Cap Kingdom
>Cascade Kingdom
>Mushroom Kingdom
>Sand Kingdom
>Ice kingdom
>Tropical Island Kingdom
>lake kingdom
>Luncheon Kingdom

>I don't play Mario games
>"you don't play mario games"

Thats what games have come to now, particularly with Nintendo. They can get away with the simplest gameplay because Nintendo did it. I always thought it was a joke, but now I see it's a real thing.

Or you can be a retard and see a game for what it is.

Or maybe you use possession and platforming to collect stuff? So you know, just like the previous games.

Somebody is mad

Platforming plays a very minor role in Odyssey. Possession is exclusively just a vehicle for getting around the level to find more moons. There's no skill involved except capturing that very thing you want. Except the game doesn't make this hard at all. If the game had any sort of skill involved in possession, it would make it a task to try capture different things using strategy. The sleeping dinosaur is as far as it seems to go and that's a scripted event. Odyssey is going to be a themepark Mario and nothing else.


You forgot Seaside

Damn dude, How did you get your copy early? And it looks like you beat it and know everything about it to! Does your dad work at nintendo?

did you even watch any gameplay video of the game?

dk64 was a mess because it required an insane amount of backtracking because coins/items could only be picked up by certain characters, so you had to constantly go back and forth changing characters

saying the name of a game isn't an argument, you should first actually understand why people don't like certain games, it helps

>Odyssey is going to be a themepark Mario
I thought we were talking about Odyssey, not Galaxy

>literally an entire game of korok puzzles

lol, come on guys after jordan amaro (nintendo dev) posted the "mario travels the world" twitter post and the actual map from the japanese ad anyone with a brain can at least speculate 15~ worlds. the topography gives it away.


>Have to get all 600 moons X stars with every character to get the bonus level

just because your entire experience with this game is just reading false flag shitposting on Sup Forums doesnt make it true

>Have enjoyed each 3D Mario release immensely since 64
>Even 3D World, with it's shortcomings, was a fun experience
>Sup Forums trying to tell me that Odyssey will be shit

Nah, already looks better than 3D World, especially not being based around a multiplayer experience. Game's gonna be a minimum of a 92 on metacritic, can't wait to see the pant-shittery here on release day.

2:58, here's using possessing to navigate a challenge

>And what were puzzle pieces used for in BK?

Open new worlds.

What's wrong?
Aren't collectathons like Mario 64 just that? empty sandboxes with a bunch of shit thrown in?

I told you guys nintendo tokyo sucks balls

they have never made a good game


.pls buy a ps4 ;_;