Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire

Will it be better than Divinity: Original Sin 2?

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Without a doubt. The only question is if it's gonna be any good.

By miles
Not gonna get as huge a metacritic score, though, cause of RTwP


Decided on your class yet?

Nope, it will get worse reviews.

>They sided with someone other than Hylea

Hope so. We haven't had a good isometric RPG in a while. Plus the setting tickles my fancy.

The sub classes look pretty good as do the multi classes. I'm looking forward to porting over my did and maybe adding the subclass shifter or fury also maybe multi classing with the shattered pillar monk. I wonder if transcendent suffering stacks with spiritshift.

>Will it be better than Divinity: Original Sin 2?

Depends on what you value.
Better written? Probably.
Better game balance? Probably.
Better story? Probably.
More coherent and better communicated game design? Probably.

whats the setting

tropical islands, pirates, sea monsters and shark people

No. Without Avelone and with Sawyer at the wheel it'll be mediocre, at best.

Fucking normies and their RTwP hate. Literally all we have is Pillars and Staglands

RTwP is normietopia tho. Turn based is for the thinking man.

easily, divinity was straight garbage

It's not opposite day, user.

She's a petty cunt like the rest.

>writing focused game with no good writers
You can expect something like Icewind Dale though.

*breathes in*


>it's actually dual classing

Mite as well play an action RPG, RTWP is truly the worst of both worlds. Then again, PoE has trash gameplay and Deadfire will be the same, I can't wait to fight the same uninspiring enemies for the umpteenth time.

It's gonna be dead in the water

>hate divinity story
>love the combat
>love poe story
>hate the combat

2/10 for the effort, you received -1 for misspelling might.

Avellone has coasted off Torment for 17 years. The most overrated writer of all time.

Is it going to be infested with backer shit?

I want the RTWP meme to die already, just make the combat turn-based already

That's literally everyone with a lick of sense.

Kill yourself if you genuinely enjoy PoE gameplay, there's not a single good aspect about it beyond muh balance. You know what I hate the most about PoE? People dickride it because it's Obsidian, and only because it's Obsidian.

10 people get to decide a race/class/etc. for an NPC and Obsidian writes their dialogue/role, and 5 people get to create a pirate raiding party and their ship.

Shit taste: These opinions
Patrician taste: The exact opposite of these opinions

rymrgand is so fucking cool I love the idea of a god of entropy

poE is the only rtwp cRPG there is
just fucking kys or go play the other 30 turn based RPGs that were released since 2012.

We get it, you hate IE games. Don't know what you expected from PoE.

rtwp truly has to die, so PoE has to go. I'm sorry, user.

>poE is the only rtwp cRPG there is
really makes u think, I wonder why it is the only one...

the first game scored higher than divinity 1

They should let Bethesda make the next game.

contrarian: this post
normal, healthy opinions: the original post

>one is green
>the other is also green
fuking destroyed poetards

Is first Pillars of Eternity worth playing? Is writing good or rather is the plot interesting?

divinity 1 was a fucking mess, larian improved a lot of things in the 2nd one

divinity 3 will completely crush poe

>enjoy rtwp games
>people who dont enjoy rtwp games come into thread about my rtwp games telling me my rtwp game should be turn based instead

Better plot possibly, but even there I'm doubtful.
I'll definitely enjoy playing it, though.

>divinity 1 was a fucking mess, larian improved a lot of things in the 2nd one

yeah but what if PoE Deadfire is even MORE balanced than PoE?

100 in metacritic, checkmate

some people enjoy eating shit, who am I to judge

majority of people prefer turn based just deal with it poetards

listen if two games in roughly the same genre come out at the same time one of them has to be bad
there are laws that shall not be broken

It's true, you shouldn't judge yourself like that user.

>still a 6man party rtwp
na it will be shit

if rtwp is so good, then why is chess not rtwp?

It'd be cool if he wasn't a selfish cunt like the rest of them.

It's 5 you silly shitposter. At least put some effort in.

Isn't it 5man? Or was it 4, even?

>sawyer writes a character for divinity
>its shit
was he just sabotaging divinity 2 or is he just a shitty writer?

that was chris avellone i believe

who did he wrote?

except that he didn't.

Didn't even know he wrote something. Which character?

Is this new one going to continue with the role play killing, immersion breaking fucked up stat system?

Thane was alright, so much better than red faggot.


Galawain was the right choice. Souls are a limited and diminishing resource. The world is better off using those souls to bolster the souls of the rest still living. That will undo some stagnation and allow for great individuals to step forth from the tragedy

>PoE Deadfire comes out
>it scores just as high in metacritic as DoS2

id love to see the uncontrollable autistic screeching that would follow

>D:OS 2 comes out
>critical acclaim
>breaks sales record

this phrase was never more appropiate, PILLARS ON SUICIDE WATCH

Depends on what you mean?

>PoE Deadfire comes out
>its still rtwp

Shark people?

I know I'm bringing my cipher from the first game over, but whether I'm multiclassing with something else or keeping it full cipher is still in question. Want to test out the beta and try the class combinations out.

We've lasted through weeks of shitposting coming from you Obisidiots as the D:OS2 release date approached, I'm sure we're the ones screeching here.

Larianiggers won't know what to do with themselves after all the shitposting.

>D:OS 1 comes out
>critical acclaim
>breaks sales record

>PoE comes out
>even more critical acclaim
>breaks even more sales records

>D:OS 2 comes out
>even more more critical acclaim
>breaks even more more sales records

>PoE Deadfire comes out

im seeing a pattern here

>divinity threads constantly shitposted prior to release by Ederposters
>hurr it'll be bad
>shit writing
>game finally comes out
>its a success

*boops you* OwO

>We keep getting better games
I fail to see the issue here.

>arrive at xaurip lair crawling with scores of them
>fight takes 3h because I have to wait for every one to take a turn
>turn based is so much better in every situation!

who /wael/ here

lol so randumb XD

>but get this, it's wp
fucking lmaoing @ u fags

>wanting better video games

but then, what will i shitpost about?

>Implying reviews matter

>this ui
wheres the skillbar?

Can't you people just enjoy things? D:OS2 is great, and PoE2's gonna be too. Now you got two cRPGs in one year, boom.

inb4 wheredoyouthinkweare.jpg


Apply yourselves.

ya got a point, rtwp is much better for bigger battles

Siding with Berath is also acceptable. Hylea is best choice, though, no doubt.


remember how rpgcodex prank and how everyone got hyped?


let's be honest, dragonfall was better than both these games

i thought PoE Deadfire's release was next year


enjoy your third place, loser

Don't forget better atmosphere and better graphics. Pillars' handcrafted painted pre-rendered backgrounds beat Divinity's soulless engine graphics.

right above the portraits

DOS makes me cringe, PoE made me tear up

the environments in deadfire look fucking gorgeous. look at deadfire whilst playing pillars is almost like night and day, even though the backgrounds in poe are gorgeous to begin with it's like they've gone to a whole other level. and the deafire environments look so dynamic with the wind and the lighting.

So it seems. Q1 is close enough though.

>Implying Wael isn't the chaotic neutral god of shitters

Pillars was great and Avellone's only helpful contribution to it was Durance, which admittedly was the best companion of the whole game, but still, there were plenty of other good ones too.

Well in the first game the optimal stat distribution for a tank character was to take out all points in strength and put them elsewhere in stats I can't remember the name of but the result was a character clad in heavy armour who needed a cloth wearing wizard to pass checks of strength like pushing in a wall if I remember correctly.

Killed the role play element of character building for me big time. All for the sake of balance in a fucking single player cRPG

dragonfall>divinity 2>pillars of eternity

wake me up once someone makes a turn based combat mod

>Min-maxing ruined my immersion