why is the OW playerbase so soft bros?
Why is the OW playerbase so soft bros?
OW maintains the lower skill playerbase better than most games. Abilities allow for them to get kills frequently enough to not feel useless when faced with superior skill.
If you can't play an online game without raging and blaming your team you need help. The fact that you posted this to Sup Forums to show us how you "won" against him is even further proof.
heres your answer and heres your daily dose of rekt
Because blizzard coddles these people.
They spend more time punishing 'bad people' then actually working on the game and it shows.
I felt the exact opposite actually. It's hard to get kills when facing an opposing team who knows what they're doing because you can't really do shit against tanks+healers as a sole DPS.
these people are "I'm taking my ball and leaving" kids of our day
they're retarded, play like shit and make sure to ruin everyone's fun
Because normies don't understand online banter and think it works like Facebook, where you can just report everyone who upsets you.
That's you.
always block anyone that uses emoticons
No, they just don't want to play with socially retarded people who blame others non stop even though the ranking system of the game shows that they're no better than the people on their team. People who rage all the time always have thousands of hours in the game and still blame RNG or bad team mates for their low rankings.
You know how many fucking players this shitty game has? Of course you will have some retards, extreme softies and children. Stop acting as if this only happens because it's overwatch. The more players you have the more bullshit happens.
turns out people want to play in a team that encourages each other rather then rages
who fucking knew right?
Sure, people have the right to say whatever they want, but clearly the community should be encouraged to be friendly and helpful to each other, rather then bitter and hostile.
Overwatch has a terriable community and its the main reason I stopped playing long ago, trying to handle the constant stream of bitterness takes its toll. Its strange because high ranked counter strike was just so much better, and I cant seem to fathom why there was such a massive difference.
Because the OW playerbase consists literally only of feminists and normalfags.
>guy makes a threat and actually follows through with it
Who's the soft one supposed to be?
>Its strange because high ranked counter strike was just so much better
I can't even imagine such a thing. When I played CS I used to limit it to 1 MM game a day, otherwise I'd just be angry all the time.
It's a team game. Raging and trying to blame others instead of just trying to win the game is retarded. Go play a solo game if you can't manage to control your ego for 20 minutes.
Ignore them.
I'd take my ball and leave too if I went down to the park to play and some retard is screeching over the fact that he thinks he's slightly better than you at a game even though the ranking system clearly shows he isn't.
My question is why do good players sill play the pile of shit, the developers hate you so why keep giving them money?
The answer is surprisingly simple. CS:GO is not a kids game, Overwatch is.
Now hold on, I know what you're going to say:
>Well 8 year olds play CS:GO all the time and 30 year olds play Overwatch too.
That's correct. The difference is the expected maturity.
Parent's that allow their kids to buy a game where you play as a fictional terrorist where you kill fictional anti-terrorists know, or at least expect, their kid to be mature enough to play it. Parent's don't do that with overwatch. They see a cute smiling teenage girl in a jumpsuit on the cover/homepage and give it the OK.
Adults that play overwatch are immature too. They are figurative children. It's why they don't play well with others, it's why they refuse to take banter or even advice, and it's why they rage quit and report everyone for asking them to switch off hanzo. CS:GO is a more mature game, more mature people play it. People that report other players for saying something they don't agree with and players that are able to communicate and coordinate as a team.
>not saying "leotar? more like leotard :D"
jeff is going to ban all you fucking daft cunts
>People that report other players for saying something they don't agree with
shit. I meant to put a "don't" in there. My bad.
You only have to give them money once
>not having fun with others online
Blizzard's actually the one giving them money, though. I mean look at how they tried to E-Sports the shit out of it, should be tons of dosh going around.
>say nigger cunt faggot
>nobody bats an eye
>say nigger cunt faggot
>everyone is literally shaking rn
I know because I play both.
what's the issue you baby
he said he'd leave if you didnt shut up
and that's what happened
You're playing with the wrong people in Overwatch then, every single random game of overwatch when I play it's all ironic, nigger and trap memery.
>playing owerwatch
no one shakes they just report you because they know blizzard sjw cuck devs will ban you. I've baited people with appropriate text thats triggered them into meltdowns then reported them for their toxic behavior and they probably got banned and not me. Blizzard are full SJW no fun allowed now.
TF2 may be barely alive now, but the banter certainly is.
does anybody actually even anymore really?
its ded.
Thanks user, now you destroyed the world.
So much this. I keep the verbal abuse in my head. Telling a teammate off doesn't really bring improvement - it'll tilt them and make the game unwinnable. Too bad people are too retarded to see this be the case.
They're sheltered children that never had to experience real gaming. So when something comes along and challenges their worldview where Blizzard can do no wrong and "mastering" Overwatch's meta-rigging over mechanical expertise somehow puts them in a position of authority, their brains just shut down at the incomprehensible like the people stuck in Plato's cave.
Hi Leotar
Overwatch does not have many players
>stop abusing me online pleeeeesss stop i'm telling jeff your cyberbullying mee nooooooooo
and you think this makes TF2 sound MORE appealing?
>He wants to act like an immature child instead of doing honest good teamwork with one another
Toxic faggot.
> :D
The fuck did he mean by this?
>reported for tbagging