Stop it


It's "Parthena".

>Varia Suit

It's "Barrier Suit".


It's "Gukbap".


It's "Homura".

But I guess you love dem hamburgers, Apollo.

Other urls found in this thread:국밥ばりあ

>>It's "Gukbap".
I thought they just called him king koopa in japanese

Never even heard of this gukbap shit



Back to starcraft TV with you oppa


sword titties

クッパ is how you write 국밥 (gukbap) in katakana.

Names are the last of the localization issues, that's just autism


kys weeb


>lol filthy EOP I'm not patching the game for you, wait for official translations you pleb


>It's "Barrier Suit".
I actually never thought of that. Is Varia a mistranslation/trying to make it sound cooler? Or did the nips make it so B was meant to mean V?

I knew OP was a korean piece of shit when I saw that gukbap. how about shitposting in reddit instead?



It's "Professional Cocksucker"

>It's "Parthena".

wouldn't that be パーテナ instead of パルテナ?

It's not the first time niponese name changed to western. Could always be worse.

Glad they changed her name to Pyra. When I hear Homura I think of pic related and I don't need another boner while playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

Based brap-poster

Pyra is the original you retard. Homura is a translation of Pyrrha from Greek mythology.

fuck why did I laugh

Japs physically cannot say the letter V because there is no V in their language

I assume the mixup, if it did really happen, was a result of some sort of transliteration fuckup because of that difference. I'm not sure if "barrier suit" actually describes the Varia suit's functions very well, though.

Man I can't believe Madoka is already irrelevant, it feels like yesterday that everyone was shitting themselves over that garbage

fucking this
just go with bowser

It provides a barrier against the heat.


Go to sleep Korea.

The movie ruined it.

Παρθένα = パルテナ = Parthena

>It's "Gukbap".

Is he talking about Koopa? I don't get this joke

All of them sound better in burguer. Names localization is not a big issue when you don't fuck up shit like Los Angeles in Ace Attorney or go full spaniard with your "el Tio Golpetazo" or "Don Pepe y los Globos"

>virgin MILF /ss/

>It's "Parthena".

Actually it's supposed to be Pallas Athena, but the Japanese butchered it which was butchered again translating it into English.

I Think that it was always meant to be "Variable Suit" as the suit can do many different things.국밥

if that really was the basis for the name, I don't understand why it wouldn't be transliterated into パーテナ or maybe パーセナ

You're all wrong, it's kekBRAPPP


Pallas Athena = パラス・アテーナー or パラス・アテナ

>I don't understand why it wouldn't be transliterated into パーテナ or maybe パーセナ

Aρ isn't an アー sound in any form of Greek, ancient or modern. Θ gets transliterated as た行 in Japanese.

Παρθενών = パルテノン
Θησεύς = テーセウス
Θερμοπύλαι = テルモピュライ
and so on

Holy shit the knockers are amazing, game name?

Also, if you google translate the japanese wikipedia page for gukbap you get a page on Bowser Soup.

White washing

well I guess I just don't understand Greek pronunciation.

Fan art of the character Pyra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Her tit size is exaggerated in that art but she still has some huge ones in game.



Oh yeah, that was terrible too. Fuck Treehouse.



Pokemon is the one thing where I can't possibly understand why anyone would have that point of view. It's just so reliant on theme naming and stupid puns that wouldn't carry over if left alone.

Pokémon is for 3-year-old kids, so it's okay.

Nah, it's a translation mix-up

It makes sense in the Japanese way of cutting 'loan words'. バリアブル, ハリアント, and バリア would become バリア when mixed with スーツ. I do agree that it was simply a translation error when brought over to America. What I find interesting is the fact that all of them kind of work. Barrier Suit, Variable Suit, and Variant Suit all work, but I think that it is most probable that it is 'Variant Suit' as it is a variant suit. There is a case for all of them really. I take it no one has stepped up from the original team?

Shouldnt V be ヴ?
So it'd actually be ヴァリアブル.

It's a typical Nip pun joke, how did you not finish Weeb 101?ばりあ
It can go either way.
Not really a pun joke at all. What is the pun that I'm missing?

>It's "Gukbap".
I know Shyagaru Magalamoto took inspiration from korean dishes to name SMB baddies but he didnt outright name them after korean dishes.

what does varia mean anyway?


Why do you care? You should be playing Starcraft right now.

She can't be a virgin if she's a MILF that's contradictory you fucking dumbass


ヴ is not a native sound in Japanese, most people just use ブ and others instead.
It was clearly meant to be Barrier Suit, but Varia actually works and sounds better in my opinion, so whatever.

you gonna post more or what?

>open thread
>OP post is the only post of cute sword

I havent gone to pixiv in a while and my twitter feed is mostly filled with FAGs.

I don't really care about her
Like at all

lol at EOPs

Homura did nothing wrong.

I'll admit I giggled

Actually クッパ *is* straight up how you write gukbap in Japanese.

Looks like fish heads on water, UMA DELICIA.

tiny head is gross

I want to fuck those big tits.

I guess you're one of those autist that still call him "Stafy".


Post more of this whore.

where can i jack off to this