Game series that went from great to bad as the sequels went on
Game series that went from great to bad as the sequels went on
New doom was pretty fun though
but 2016 is better than any of the other games?
Impressively so. You can make the argument for II, but III just shat the bed.
it wasn't. It was annoying as fuck slog, plagued by a pile of modern console cancers.
Go drink bleach.
1 was a solid Bioware RPG before they started to implode.
2 is absolute dogshit, but gets jerked off by everyone.
3 is also dogshit.
You're fucking retarded, bruh. It's a great game.
>muh old school for the sake of it faggotry
Your example is shit. Dead Rising 2>1>4>3
I always thought fable 1s cover looked badass as a kid
More like 2>1>3>4
didn't even mention Autromeda
Nah it was great.
>You're fucking retarded, bruh. It's a great game.
Go choke on a shit. nuDoom was a goddamn pathetic joke.
Nah it was bretty gud
didja play it on nightmare or not, grandpa?
>Full of cinematic shit, including real fucking cutscenes.
>All guns suck. Unless you use upgrades.
>Armor is literally a 2nd HP bar that depletes first.
>You can barely hold any ammo. Unless you level-up.
>Maps are linear pipes, connecting obligatory combat arenas you get locked into.
>Platforming sections. With insta-death pits.
>Only around half-a dozen enemies on screen at once, not counting "zombies". No Pinkie packs.
>Berserk pack is a timed boost that makes you invincible and unable to use guns.
>Rune challenges are just annoying filler.
>Everything glows.
>A goddamn robo-guy literally handholds you through the game, via radio.
>No mods, and the Snapmap is literally just all about connecting handful of pre-made rooms together, with strict enemy limit.
>Only 4 players max in Snapmaps (yeah they're apparently NOW "fixing" this).
>MP is Halo-tier shit. Period.
>Spider is the last boss, and is not hitscan anymore either.
>No, hitscan enemies are not a cancer. I miss my easy to gib shotgun zombies.
>Bosses have HP bars and almost Zelda-style attack patterns.
>Ending was literally a slap to face + "lol, look forward to teh sequel, goy!"
....yeah, "pretty good", if your first gaming system was Xbox 360
Difficulty changes jack shit in nuDuum. In fact, it only underlines this shitty game's lazy design, since no more enemies are spawned, maps and shit are exactly the same, and you just take more damage.
nothing will beat the first DR.
there isn't a single cinematic, bruh
there are a handful of in game sequences that you have control of the character for, or the occasional lile 5 second animation of him punching something
Maybe YOU take more damage, but I'm actually good at the game heh
Shhhhh faggot. The new Doom was great.
Exactly, the sense of atmosphere and actually having a decent story were by far the strongest in the first game, and later games gave in to the idea that people were only playing the games to see zombies killed in massive numbers in wacky ways.
2 isn't bad, I enjoyed playing it, but 1 feels like an inspired game with a vision where 2 feels like it's trying to "one-up" the first game.
1 >OTR > 2 > Dogshit > the rest
You're alright
the first dead rising is criminally shadowded by it's shitty sequels purely because everything after 2 relied on making bigger worlds, worse stories, and adding more zombies. 2 did it somewhat well but the gameplay was much clunkier and the game way easier
i agree with all of this except the bit about hitscan. Hitscan a shit.
I actually thought 3 was better than 2. Either way it's hard to live with the disappointment of the series
>with the dogshit map, combo weapons turning ordinary weapons into unusable garbage therefore destroying one of the series gimmicks, the psychopaths that are practically copy/pasted from 1, a boring requirement to wander around near the saferoom for an hour or so every day to give the zombrex, and lack of a fun camera mechanic
>better than 1
oh also I forgot in 2 the story goes pretty goofy and it lacks the grim turn the story takes in 1 in the later cases.
That's why otr is the superior sequel
I cannot believe how stupid games got with each installment. Goddamn Capcom was the king of minigames and Dead Rising barely had any thought put into theirs.
Playing through Dead Rising 1 right now, and it's ridiculous how well executed it is. Everything is fun, zombies are menacing, and the story is goofy and bleak and turns dark as shit near the end.
It's a solid game, it's one of my favorites, but it really just didn't need sequel's. Or if it did, it needed to change more than not much at all.
Also zombies in 2 were a joke.
DR 10th anniversary should have added a new co-op mode where the second player is Brad or something.but maybe it was best the game wasn't designed with coop in mind
Dead Rising 1 is perfect as is. Away from a few quality of life improvements, it's one of the few games I'd say is near perfect. I can't really imagine much I'd change past nitpicking to make it a better game.
I could make a 40 page paper on why the sequel just doesn't get why the first was good.
Op here i too am playing it
It's a good game user, make sure you get yourself the book in paradise plaza that gives you 3x extended duration on tools so you can small chainsaw all the psychos.