Why isn't anyone talking about this?!?!

Why isn't anyone talking about this?!?!

It's made for Sup Forums.
>No gay anime shit
>Action based, not turn based shit
>Great AAA graphics
>Awesome music and story
>No gimmicky bullshit like grinding for drops
>Fast paced and competitive
>No anime panty shots or flat chested loli shit
>Actual middle aged men as a protagonist


PvE sucks

Why did you waste your time typing that? The game would be better with loli guardians.

>>No gimmicky bullshit like grinding for drops

>No gay anime shit
>Action based, not turn based shit
>Great AAA graphics
slight upgrade from D1 and with a better draw distance
>Awesome music and story
music is gr8, the story is meh
>No gimmicky bullshit like grinding for drops
lmao you have to grind to get a chance at the weapons/armor you want from a vendor
>Fast paced and competitive
D2 is a slow team-shotting game with low TTK
>No anime panty shots or flat chested loli shit
wrong. look at the emissary at the third spire
>Actual middle aged men as a protagonist


>Fast paced and competitive

Are you fucking demented?


it featured mostly only sjw characters and the first one was very disappointing
not really a recipe for hype or interest

Good taste user.

Because its a boring rehash of a boring game?

>It's made for Sup Forums.
>No gay anime shit

>no anime panty shots
Explain to me how this is a positive in twenty words or less

>No gay anime shit

You're in the wrong neighborhood motherfucker

because nothing to do. just like the first one. the only meaningful content is shit at endgame, of which there is pretty much nothing. also pvp stinks why the fuck couldnt they just use the same format as halo for fuck sake

I don't have time to explain why I don't even have time to explain why your shitpost is awful.

Because Sup Forums sages every Destiny thread. This board doesn't like popular games in their safe space.

kys frog shitter

>mr. firefly actually says this in D2

I can't believe how self-masturbatory the sequel is.

biggest problem is the trash PVP

they made the best thing about the first one the worst thing here
>grenades and melee do nothing
>supers take forever to charge and you're lucky to even get one during a match
>can't pick your game mode
>they did all this because they wanted the game to be taken seriously like an "E-sport" what ever the fuck that is
>they tourneyfagged the game up but still didn't give it designated servers so there are too many unpredictable variables for it to ever be truly competitive like shooting phantom bullets and necro kills from the lag

I think I've run timer on almost every game I played and team shooting is fucking awful. The only grenades worth a damn are the titan lightning grenades and warlock super charged charged vortex grenades. To bad they're on a 1 min timer.

Already 300+ on my two characters.

Fun game but the end game has had the grind removed mostly which doesn't bother me really but I'll miss playing with my friends once everyone is done til the next exp.

its fucking terrible, and the level design is trash. Its all narrow hall ways and close spaces with no vantage points anywhere. Levels are small and basically amount to a circle, with a hall way around a perimeter, and another further out on a larger perimeter, very little map variety.

it's made it so roving firing squads is the entire meta and there's no value in going lone wolf to sneak around. in the first game I used to snipe, that was my whole game,now if you are "sniping" you are actually just quick scoping during a mutual fire fight

also I like vehicles in pvp, everyone who doesn't can eat shit!

The roving firing squads could be fixed if abilities where not so shit. You can walk through grenades and not give a shit.

>made for Sup Forums
>goes on to describe it as lacking everything Sup Forums likes

I've been a hardcore destinyfag since day 1 and it hurts me when I say don't buy this pcbros they took all the loot out of a fuking loot game to make it easier for them to balance. The fuking gear from the raid is just as powerful as the shit you get off doing public events. Then they took their fast paced pvp and turned it into a slow team shot fest. My favorite game of the last 3 years turned to shit it's not a good feeling.

There weren't all that many noticeable improvements compared to the first game when I played the open beta. That coupled with having the same alien races, classes and graphics killed any hype I had for it

it just doesn't make sense to me why crucible has casual and competitive options that are exactly the same
why give a choice?

let casual be the same way the first game was, and let competitive be the way literally less than 1% of the faggots playing this game actually like

I'm glad I skipped out on the first Destiny and started on this, I feel like I'd have let the launch mishaps sour my perception of 2 much more.

As a result I'm actually quite enjoying it, it has been a while since a modern game had me actually looking forward to playing it while I was at work. Titans are ballers, the rest are low-test scrubs in weak betaboy armor.

>thinking titans would be anything without hunters
you niggers roll in and lean up after we already blazed the trail and made it safe for you

>>lmao you have to grind to get a chance at the weapons/armor you want from a vendor
Don't know why anyone would bother most of the gear in the game is lame.

If I were to guess it was to combat lag since we are still using p2p in 2017. They are so lazy and incompetent that they would rather make the game worse to make their jobs easier. They also took a page from overwatch and everybody gets credits for kills now can't have ppl feeling bad about bringing the team down by going negative.

Why did they fuck with pvp?

It was perfectly fine in D1. It was just straight up battles and whoever is most skilled wins. It was a CRUCIBLE.

Then they went and ruined it with this esports roaming deathball bullshit.

if you recall their early conference about the game when they quite literally rolled out colored hair feminists to talk about toxicity in videogames and the steps they are taking to avoid it, its clear these decision were intentional.

you notice they removed the death stat at the end of matches, just give a ratio. Knowing who actually died the most is toxic masculinity
match making for end game? no only guided games by going with people that have been upvoted, we need to avoid the toxic masculinity online!

>Knowing who actually died the most is toxic masculinity
match making for end game? no only guided games by going with people that have been upvoted, we need to avoid the toxic masculinity online!

What the hell are you rambling about?

no match making with strangers that may say things that trigger you or show support for donald trump
no hard stats that show someone doing objectively better or worse than anyone else
thats the toxicity they are doing away with

they hired a woman that went on stage to talk about getting bullied a lot to design these features

Don't break rule three.