>blimeo vanes
Blimeo vanes
Good stuff.
bido gams
good thread
This thread should be archived
y-you too
Hi, Rafael Cruz here. Well, this is my campaign speech. It all has to come to this. Today is the Day of Ratribution, the day in which I will have my revenge against the American people. Against all of you.
For the last 6 months of my life, ever since I insulted everyone in New York, I have been forced to endure an existence of humiliation, rejection, and bound delegates, all because voters have never been attracted to me. I'm 45 years old and I'm still a senator. I've never even held a convention. I've been running for president for a year and a half - more than that, actually - yet I'm still a senator. The RNC is a time when everyone experiences those things, such as pandering, and country music, and....and delegates. While all these weeks I've had to rot in irrelevance.
It's not fair. You voters have never been attracted to me. I don't know why you voters aren't attracted to me, but I will punish you all for it. It's an injustice, a crime, because I don't know what you don't see in me. I'm the perfect candidate, and yet you throw yourselves at these obnoxious New York liberals, instead of me, the True Conservative.
I will punish all of you for it. On the Day of Ratribution I'm going to enter the hall of the Republican National Convention, and I will slaughter every Clinton-backed, Trump-supporting fake conservative I see inside there. All those delegates I've desired so much, they would have all rejected me and looked down upon me as an inferior candidate if I ever made an advance towards them...while they throw themselves at these progressive demagogues. I'll take great pleasure in slaughtering all of you.
You will finally see that I am in truth the superior one. The true grassroots conservative. Yes. After I've annihilated every single delegate in the convention, I will take to the streets of Cleveland and slay every single person I see there.
You denied me the nomination, so I will deny you the presidency. The priesthood is rising, Donald.
>_____ is comfy as FUCK
Why do brainlets always post this?
oi m8 fag means somethin else ere
because, like 98% of Sup Forums, theyre not good at articulating thoughts.
Die you degenerate Barneyfag
shit meme, you're not funny
I never understood this barney image
That had better not be that man's house you faggot.
>thread with the same picture and filename appears literally three minutes later
Gee, I wonder
I'm /outoftheloop/ what's all this Barney fag shit and why do people care?
Overblown shit made up by closet bronies because they're butthurt that he keeps calling them out on shilling outside of their containment board.
It's sad, really. Instead of not posting that shit outside of their containment board, which they're not even allowed to post that shit here, btw, they keep doing at and proceed to pull this shit on the guy trying to tell them to go back.
No wonder they're so hated.