If you didn't support him, you're either
a woman
a faggot
a technology baby
or a retard
If you didn't support him, you're either
a woman
a faggot
a technology baby
or a retard
Go hide under your little doggie hat and shut the fuck up, Vulpes.
Or maybe I'm with the Enclave who's swooping down to show the NCR how it's done.
Have fun organizing the En Clave Retirement Home
About to kik Ulyses's ass so I can render unto Caesar the nukes that are Caesar's
is it ever explained exactly what the fuck they were doing in DC during 2277?
The president ordered it
>Bethesda giving a shit about fallout's story
My Amicus
Who was President after Richardson? Was it really nothing for 30 years then Eden?
Just gonna get this out of the way
HH > OWB > DM > LR
I'm a woman and I support him unconditionally. Give me your (You)s
>If you supported him, you're either:
>an old white man who wishes it was 1850
>an "alpha male" (see "faggot")
>a technophobe
>literally retarded and unable to learn from the past
Get me a salad, Ceasar!
Drop HH all the way behind LR.
>not playing as a woman and getting your face put on a coin so everyone knows it was a woman who helped the Legion win their greatest victory
If you didn't support him, you're either
a virgin
a subhuman monkey
or a manlet
>hey you cant leave the island with the platinum chip yet
>no option for "fuck you *pulls out gun"
at least pic related was an option
Yeah, that's going to make all the men slightly uncomfortable as they beat and rape their female property and sell their daughters off to be beaten and raped by someone else.
House > NCR > Legion >>>> Independent
i thought Sup Forums was /yesman/
I do support him, but shut your mouth you sound like the damn president of his fan club.
>president of his fan club
No, that would be the scan of your mother he uploaded to a Securitron
I've heard there were tons of scenes with him later in the game, but I've never seen them cause the fucker never survives past the first 5 minutes I walk into the Tops.
It's unfortunate that killing Benny with his own gun is one of the few 3-star challenges in the game, and thus highly valuable and a huge incentive to not let him live.
>Tied, not nailed to the cross
>oh hey hows it going we removed your brain
>wanna help me?
>No? You're angry we took out your brain? well let me ask you again? Well let me ask you again, wanna help?
>Player: Sarcastic no (yes)
>the most annoying fetch quests in the entire fallout series
>tons of scenes with him
Not really. They cut a final scene if you free him from the Fort where tries to kill you, yet again, sometime later on the open road
the cross is bloody too, leading you to think there would be. Still a slow death for benny isn't something I can complain about, anyone who doesnt kill him is a giant cuck
>kidnapped without any sort of player/character agency, subdued by god knows what and for god knows how long, operated on without consent, and facing five entities of unknown power while unable to defend yourself
Choosing 'no' should have been a non-standard game over.
The only time I remember someone arguing for it was because his courier was near maxed in S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and as a result would have no problem running the place
That was a real fucking argument, and he kept doubling down on it
its definitely the unrealistic zany choice but thats what fallouts about to a lot of people
This DLC is so fking shit, im stuck in there...
>Caesar thread
Yes Man was the only logical choice. Everything else is just being a cuck.
HH is pretty simple and boring story...the burning man is awesome but it cant carry the whole expansion.
>Being an NCR fag
>walk into town
>talk to someone
>"please can you help me? I'll pay you!"
>think about it
>realize they're offering you a job
>realize they're trying to give you orders
>realize they want to be your superior
>you are your own man!
>you wont stand for this shit!
>scream "I AM NOT YOUR KEK!" while shooting them in the face
Graham was great but the survivalist carried it for me. I also liked having to be on the look out for White Leg ambushes.
tying prolongs the suffering, nailing causes infections that lead to delirium and fast(er) death.
Shut up Doctor "O"
>Doctor O supporting House
I think you're confused
>some strong, independent female ranger is captured during a legion raid on an outpost
>gets gangraped by all the present legionnaires and then turned into a breeding sow
>I'm going to destroy the last bastion of organized civilization in the west in hopes that my horde of savage tribals learn to appreciate said civilization in the process and decide to emulate the finer aspects of it
>Never saw a stimpack, only uses healing powder
>only uses healing powder
>using healing powder
So close to be perfect
They put her in the arena, where she killed a Centurion with her bare hands. You get to fight and kill her if you're not a lady courier
It's a good imitation, I'll give you that
The image is referencing how Cook-Cook cuck-cucked an entire battallion by raping their only female and didn't have the balls to go after him before the courier showed up
>extremely prosperous
If you ignore all the other issues, NCR is super prosperous. Shady Sands looks nice. They have a train. Computers. All sorts of things.
>taking control of pre-war infrastructure and tech makes an entire nation prosperous
>mimicking a system of government from 200 years ago is bad
>so we'll mimick a system of government from 2000 years ago
Legion larpers are silly
wow computers??? no way. no friccin way. they have trains???? oh my god. BASED ncr, BASED democracy WTF I LOVE BUREAUCRACY NOW haha we america again *elects president for 50000 years* OH SAY CAN YOU SEE
>every ending where he dies the legion goes to 100% shit, even if they win
>implying Marcus isn't right about the people following Caesar, not Caesar's ideas
The only legit choices are NCR or House, even if you go with Yes Man, your death will lead to a power vacuum, and you maybe delay the occupation of Vegas for 60 years, if Yes Man doesn't go rogue before that
>dude Tandi was in office forever, NCR isn't real democracy
...But she was elected fairly every time. If that's what the people wanted, that's what they got. That's how democracy works.
Why is Caesar so retarded?
I'm actually a young white man who wishes it was 2150
>hurrrrr da peepole is always right :DDDDDD im sure they held legitimate elections every single time :DDDDD
Prove they didn't.
I liked it. Roboscorpions were a bitch though.
>Mfw one of those floating disambodied brains were responsible for creating the Cazadores
>Tandi was "elected" every time
>she was so popular everyone knew it was a waste of time to even run against her
>no term limits so she was "elected" 50 years in a row
>she was so popular everyone knew it was a waste of time to even run against her
And this is exactly my point. SHE WAS POPULAR. She didn't blackmail people into not running, she didn't have her opponents killed, she won democratic elections BECAUSE THE MAJORITY WANTED HER TO.
We have rules against that in the real world because "X is popular so they can run the country indefinitely" is a bad idea
Only if you're scared of true democracy
>"true democracy"
>indistinguishable from a dictatorship
>we'll keep electing X because lolpopularity
>but there's one important issue X wont ever deal with because they're a petty bigot
>when X is finally gone history will whitewash their policy decisions because lolpopularity
>you can't do wrong when people love you! and we'll make sure history remembers X the way we want it to!
>dissent is for communists!
It is distinguishable because if the popular person screws up bad enough they won't be elected anymore. Their power is reliant on the continued support of the people.
Daily reminder the ncr literally hired raiders to attack Vault City and destroy the walls just to scare vault city into joining the ncr for protection.
>he thinks the ncr are the good guys
even the golden age of president tandi the ncr were evil fucks only caring about expansion
>he thinks the ncr is a democracy
Tandi was elected for decades, the senate never opposed her, when she died the ""republic"" went into a decline.
Yes to all four.
Please contine to remain mad.
And the people are dumb, uneducated, shortsighted and easy to manipulate.
If you don't trust your people to make the right decisions then clearly democracy isn't for you, Ivan
PLEASE will you vocaroo you saying your favourite new vegas line?
>hurr durr my universe doesn't need to follow the rules I set up or that are reasonably assumed because it's fictive
There's nothing else that triggers me this hard.
America has rules against that because their country and system of election was born in conditions that demanded that the majority not have complete control over democracy and no individual gain to much power. In many other countries there is no limitation beside popularity on how long an individual can be the head of the Government, because ultimately it allows for more effective governance.
NCR is the serious, actually realistic choice
House is the choice for people who are willing to turn aside democracy for the chance of an enlightened autocrat, who is a genius at economics, computing, industry and finance, to rule over humanity and make it prosper.
Yes Man is the choice for people who want to write fanfiction about their Courier taking over the mojave.
Legion is for 14 year olds who take the legion seriously on any level
That's why the founding fathers had the foresight to make America a republic, because of the very reason that the populace is too stupid to be trusted.
Any real democracy is exactly what that guy said, a dictatorship
I'm assuming you're an ameritard. You should take a look at what your own founding fathers thought of the popular vote.
Bush getting two terms, Obama getting two terms, and Trump getting elected shows that you can be a huge fuck up, a liar that does nothing,, and a fucking retard and still have the undying support of the people that want to see you in office.
House is such a clumsily handled character. They portray him as an all-capable genius, yet he has one fault and that is his obession with Vegas. You know, just like capable real life dictators makes mistakes because of their emotions and their human fallibility. It's really gay and way too obvious. I wish he wasn't there.
If Donald Trump is a retard what does that make you? Do you honestly believe you're smarter than him?
Hes borderline immortal after OWB
Those can all be blamed on Americas odd election system and their horrifically racially charged politics. Problems that are fundamentally American, not democratic.
Both Bush and Trump lost the popular vote in their first running and Obama won because he had the highest percentage of minority votes ever seen in a US election.
>mention Trump
>cock-sucking faggot in his maga panties gets triggered
Like fucking clockwork.
You got me.
How is House obsessed with vegas? Seeing as how that's where his power base is centred, a booming economy in the mojave, and where his actual, real self is stuck forever, it makes sense that he'd prioritise vegas.
>yet he has one fault
He put too much faith in his own magical mathematical skills and left the most important part of his plan to the last minute, which screwed him over
His desperation and self-confidence in his people skills led him to recruit one tribal who betrayed him and one mailman who, 3 times out of 4, also betrays him.
He refuses to even talk to NCR because he doesn't like or trust them, which is part of the reason why they order his assassination. His apparent hatred of NCR also extends to his treatment of wastelanders who have dealt with them in his ending.
I think we all can agree this election was filed with poor people for the job, doesn't matter who's side.
Now off with Sup Forums and back to Sup Forums
The courier just has plot armor, a reinforced spine doesn't matter for shit if you take a .50 to the face.
But Jeb tho
Jeb is so weak though.
>tfw found the legion to be the most interesting faction, but never side with legion because of the lack of quests, the lack of any decent number of legion NPCs/companions, no legion towns, can't explore legion territory east of the colorado except one shitty fort, and the fact that siding with them causes like 90% of the rest of the game map to become hostile to you, forcing you to wear glitchy disguise armor the whole time.
I feel the exact same way, but others don't really seem to get it. It's not about some "girl power" shit, it's about the Legion getting its Rome, and settling down into an actual civilization instead of a war band, and having Legion Citizens born into it will allow you to have some women born into it. Being prosperous and well funded will allow the legion to allow women to become Legionaries, thanks in part to the Female Courier's skill during the second battle of Hoover dam.
It's not about Girl Power or Equality or anything, it's about the glory of Rome, and all those who would fight for it.
You could just console command in the 87th Tribe armor, since it doesn't count as faction armor and its aesthetic as fuck. Or wear a non faction armor and just wear a legion helmet on top of it.
Besides that, yeah the lack of content and characterization sucked.
It's a shame they couldn't finish them, i would love to see what they were cooking up with them.
>side with the Legion
>not gunning down NCR at every opportunity anyway