Was Sephiroth a good villain?
Was Sephiroth a good villain?
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he was ok
Wasn't he dead before the game even began though?
He managed to convince a bunch of players that he even IS the villain instead of realizing it's Hojo and Jenova that are responsible for basically everything.
So yeah, pretty good.
Nah, not dead, just frozen in Great Glacier
He's excellent, but his hair has always been fucking stupid. Like imagine how much better his design would be if those fucking ridiculous bangs were gone.
They are gone in his Safer form
Will he be in KH3?
I never noticed that they were hair antenna.
Only in the original FFVII before he went full weeb edge.
Nah, he was really basic.
yes. he was so good that pretty much every JRPG villain past him tries to emulate him somehow
His modern design tones it down by a lot
He's pretty good. Mindfucks the MC, pulls his own weight.
Sephiroth as a character wasn't that great. He was just an evil momma's boy who wanted to be god. What made him good and memorable was his effect on everything around him, especially Cloud. Your team was doing about 400 damage max at the time you first see him just for him to blow your accomplishments out the water with 3k minimum damage every hit. Your team was truly threatened by the Midgar Zolom just to escape it and see that Sephiroth not only beat one, he gutted one and hanged it on a tree. Sephiroth was so great a threat that Shinra had to disregard you and your crew to deal with him first. And you spend the entire game believing Cloud's story only to find out that Clouds psyche is barely there at all. And that's because of Sephiroth's influence. And what little psyche is there Sephiroth snuffs out entirely. Sephiroth threatens everything around him just by existing and that's what made him memorable and what makes it better is that the game doesn't constantly shove it in your face or have every character suck off Sephiroth. Rather it just shows you the effect he has and has the characters just try to react as best they can.
And you know what makes it even better? Sephiroth doesn't give a fuck about Cloud. He just did what he does to all the other clones. Nowadays you'd think Sephiroth was obsessed with Cloud but he really wasn't
>Your team was truly threatened by the Midgar Zolom just to escape it and see that Sephiroth not only beat one, he gutted one and hanged it on a tree.
Except he didn't do that because we was busy being fucking frozen at that point in the story.
A bunch of times over the course of the game when "Sephiroth" does something, he isn't actually there.
a piece of jenova flying around dressed as sephiroth, under the command of sephiroth, impaled the midgar zolom on a tree. is that better?
Always wondered if "Safer" was a mistranslation, was it supposed to be "Seraph" or something else?
>under the command of sephiroth,
Are you sure Sephiroth is in charge of Jenova and not the other way around?
Bad translation of "Savior"
pretty sure. jenova cells were the tool, sephiroth was the one pulling the strings
No, once he learned he wasn't an ancient he should have lost all motivation for his revenge against humanity and abandon the idea of godhood, also now knowing what Jenova was should have killed her himself.
Hojo was technically the BBEG, not Seth, who was just some crazy guy Cloud dedded.
>Sephiroth doesn't give a fuck about Cloud. He just did what he does to all the other clones. Nowadays you'd think Sephiroth was obsessed with Cloud but he really wasn't.
That's what I liked and hated about FF7. Sephiroth has no real vendetta with Cloud, its the other way around, but at the same time it tries to make Cloud and Sephiroth mortal enemies. It been awhile, but do they even have any real interactions before the end of the game?
Yeah, what happens in the Nibelheim mako reactor is kind of a big important scene
Was the edge calling tonight?
>so long gay Sephiroth
>at the same time it tries to make Cloud and Sephiroth mortal enemies.
Not really. Cloud is pulled to Sephiroth for reasons he can't explain. Sephiroth is just using Cloud for the same reason he's using everyone else. To Sephiroth, Cloud matters about as much as everyone else which is to say not at all.
Nah. There are things about him that are good, but he's not particularly compelling as a villain even if he's cool.
He comes off convincingly as this cold-hearted calculating badass, until his motivation is revealed that he's an immature beta-bitch faggot and he's pretty stupid actually.
Oh yeah, I forgot all about that. I thought that was all Zack. I remember CC having that scene but then remembering it was in CC, and aids of a story.
Why left handed?
in japan, left handed people are evil
i dont want to be left handed anymore
Safer is right. It's セーファ which is just lacking the ー in the end from セーファー which is safer. Maybe due to letter restrictions.
Savior is セイヴィアー and seraph is セラフ which are both pretty fucking far away. It's just idiots that don't know Japanese speculating out of their ass for years.
No it only counts because they're on the opposite side of the world. You're good.
which was a mistake
You realize these are the same people that translated Wyvern as Y-Burn.
That's understandable if you read the characters and don't actually know what a Wyvern is though.
That doesn't have anything to with this. I'm not talking of translations but the original Japanese. There's only one way to translate it that makes any sense and it's safer.
Here's a Japanese dude asking what the name means and another telling the dude it's "safer".
The game has two other major antagonists so I don't really think it's that critical of a question.
Why was he so goddamn badass?
Because for all accounts, Sephiroth was a pretty chill good guy.
If he never found that mansion basement and gotten the wrongest idea about his origins, Sephiroth probably would have continued on as a heroic dude. He would not have been mindbroken and would not have wanted to blow up the planet for mommy. He eventually would get fed up with Shinra being Evil Corp and gone on his own adventures.
Reno was my favorite
He was decent.
Probably the best place to ask, has any of you played the New Threat mod? Feels pretty good to play the game that you know inside out but everything is different