Is this the best game of all time?

Is this the best game of all time?

It's pretty good but in retrospect, nah. Just pretty good. "best game of all time" is really subjective too so I assume it's really based on your interests as a person.

I would say doom you apply any theme to that games gameplay and it's always fun, people still are playing some doom even now, I myself just beat episodes 1-3 again. But this is just my opinion.

No, it isn't even a good RPG

This is my unironic opinion as well. It's pretty good. But no, not the best game of all time.

Better rpg than anything in 5+ years at least, it actually makes you think about the choices you make.

TW3 is good and all but to be the best game of all time you need fucking gameplay, which is easily the worst aspect of that game.

Not even close. There was a lot of dedication and love put into it though, a shame that underneath the story and characters it's just bland with awful quest design.

Easily TOP3/TOP5.

Everyone has their own top, sure, but W3 would be there with games like FF7, Persona 5, Planescape Torment, Diablo, HoMM3, Starcraft, GTA V, Ocarina of Time, Tekken 3, Reasident Evil 4, Morrowind, Civilization II etc.

>look at me I can meme

b-but I can't express my inner loli at character creation ;C

yes. nothing will ever beable to top it. makes you sad dont it?

no petscop is the greatest game of all time

No. It's not very good.

Top 3.

Does it have the best waifus too?

it's not even the best game of its series, so hell no.

Too bad most of the choices have a shit consequence

It's not even the best game of 2015.

That's the point man almost nothing in the witcher world has a happy ending. It has a great way of making you feel bad for picking the good option like a she-elf calling you a white knight bitching at you for helping her.

Then how is this choice when LOL EVERYTHING SUX ANYWAY

One thing turns out good but it could also have a negative consequence to it. I bet alot of people screwed up the priscilla serial killer quest

heroes of might amd magic 3 is best game

Pretty underwhelming tbqh, shit character motivations all around, and mediocre combat really drags it down imho

I finished heart of stone which was great even though the inciting incident is retarded, but couldn't even be bothered to go back and finish blood and wine

>mediocre combat
Stop this meme

>fighting humans or animals
>*aards and presses 1HKO button*

>fighting monsters
>*scroll through 10 oils and 30+ potions until you find the right ones for the fight*
>*spam all grenades to instantly take enemy down to 80% HP*
>*spam light attack and dodge for 20 minutes*

And that's on the hardest difficulty, if you're playing on anything easier then you can just spam attack and dodge and completely ignore oils and potions

chess is the best game of all time. the legend of zelda is the best video game of all time.

Worst game of a shitty series.

they put some respectable effort into the writing i'll admit, but cringey half-assed video game writing is not why i play games, the gameplay is absolutely mediocre and generic.

but New Vegas has better writing, better gameplay, and better quest design.

It's not even the best witcher game.