Oh joy! My package from eBay came in!

Oh joy! My package from eBay came in!


>hot pink mailing envelope




fuck outta here, coon

stop stealing your neighbor's mail

looks like a condom package


It's either a basketball or an EBT card.

It's very light weight. And feels square shaped

>Pink Nail polish

Nice wyvern molds faggot.

This thread is basically the, "I HATE BLACK PEOPLE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE ON Sup Forums, AM I COOL YET?!" episode. I'm genuinely interested in what's on the package though. My bet is a switch game.

Show us your dick user.

I actually hope this post is about video games.


>nigger tranny
>special snowflake look at me le unboxing this

this isnt videogames

>unboxing threads
>not Sup Forums
fucking spike yourself

>hot pink envelope
>nigress hand
>didn't censor the barcode
just fucking get on with it

Well... It's open!

>Block out the tracking number
>Don't block out the barcode of the same tracking number
The shit on the upper right is probably important too you dipshit.


neo Sup Forums perhaps

>nigger hands
>nigger pink nails
i guess this is the next "check my ps4 nigger games i mean hands" level



>all these disgusting racists


>ds game

thread dropped

is that sony playstation move?


I think the pink nails are more worth of notice


Hi nigger

Is it a weed?

unboxing threads have been around on Sup Forums since its goddamn conception, underage.

Dragon dildo

Oh shit Soul Silver?

Sigh pokemon ss kys nogger


Pokemon Soul Silver

>Not Platinum



Looks tasty

I want lugia to step on me

there supposed to be for rare games,cool stuff, or dragon dildos

not fucking poke`pleb games nigger

Gen 2 remakes are absurdly overrated.

Didn't knoe you could order stuff online with good stamps.


How much was spent, OP? $70?

Well this was entertaining from start to finish.

I didn't expect anything, but I'm still dissapointed

>unboxing threads have been around on Sup Forums since its goddamn conception

>not knowing they came about as dragon dildo threads

wow, you do deserve to be called nigger

u r barneyfug

>Not the special edition with Pokewalker

>buying Nintendo games
>not using FreEshop for 3ds, and Acekard for Ds games.

>Not pirating the easiest console to pirate after the PS2
Ahh fuck, I can't believe you've done this

Who the fuck buys DS games? What a waste of money. Just pirate them you stupid nig.

Ebay accepts EBT now?

3ds and Ds is made for pirating.
I spend my gaming money on pc games instead.
Except Bestheda and bioware games. They deserve pirating.


Fuck off

Why do all of you have to be such assholes

You dont act like this in real life

Go back to africa

Excellent game purchase. Enjoy the game!


>You dont act like this in real life
Probably because expressing your views in real life is reason enough to get your head smashed in 2017.

why are the people behind unboxing threads always black guys?

someone please answer me before this thread gets deleted

You expect anybody other than a stupid nigger to be a faggot?

Because they do it to bait replies. You don't get as many replies if you just show a white hand, so white people don't do it as much.

>You dont act like this in real life

>the internet is real life

do you play videogames? you dont kill people in real life. you dont blah blah blah etc

Because it was cool 7 years ago, and they need selfies to post on twitter

get it guys nigger get it guys nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger im so subversive xD take that PC sjws O.O

Getting upset over words is pretty sad user. They're just made of letters, and in this case 0's and 1's.

>not new

OP probably got the pics from Reddit or Twitter.

you must be new here