>Sup Forums is unironically shilling for 30fps Doom
Sup Forums is unironically shilling for 30fps Doom
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30 fps on shooter is a mistake
i just want doomguy on smash
I thought the goal is just to see if a device could run doom in the first place, not how well it does it
The Switch is basically running a GT 920mx. 30fps on that, especially as pretty as the game is, ain't bad. They'd have to fucking destroy the graphics to even have a chance of 60fps. I'm talking literally everything at the lowest possible setting
Original DOOM can only run highest was at 34fps you underage shitstain
You do realise they already downgraded the fuck out of the textures? And that the highest resolution is 720p?
NintendoGAF is a religious organization
Then you have Bethesda shilling Nu-Doom on top of that
they already had to downgrade the graphics a shitload to make it run at 30fps
No I'm shilling for portable doom
It doesnt look like it got downgraded that badly. Mainly looks like pre baked lighting got removed, and shadows, textures, and character models got downgraded a bit.
original doom was made for 90s hardware
is the switch 90s hardware
I do not see a single Doom thread on the board. Whole lot of shilling there huh.
of course you cant see much difference comparing screenshots downscaled to 240p
grow the fuck up
You know 30 fps isn't unplayable right? Hell, 60 fps isn't necessary for a game like doom, all it did was just make it seem more technically accomplished than other games.
If I can play doom on the go with little compromise, that's great. I really wish they would have made it 60 fps but due to the processor I'm sure it would have been seriously bottlenecked.
I get the switch shitposting but you fucks were LITERALLY doing the same thing last year with doom, making fun of it because it looked like brutal doom.
Jesus christ fuck you retards.
>Downscaled image
>Switch still looks like hot garbage compared to Console version
Are you fucking blind?
>Hell, 60 fps isn't necessary
You are right less that 120 in game like doom is borderline necessary
>720p both docked and portable
ok docked is shitty, but it's really cool that they got it running at the exact resolution of the switch's screen for docked
for portable, I mean
I play my Switch on the train to work
>Sup Forums is unironically shilling for 60 fps
If you aren't 120 fps or higher in pc, you have no room to talk
>comparing Nintendo Switch first model with Playstation Pro
>Sup Forums
It's nu/v/.
>shilling for 30fps doom
That's just nintendogaf.
Fuck off
Doom was designed to be played at 60fps
Fast paced games need it
>He plays sub 800 fps
>Sup Forums is shilling portable version of doom.
I think it's quite alright, its actually the only version I'm getting of Doom.
>comparing gameplay captured from a ps4 to a compressed youtube video
I love it when people do this
>You know 30 fps isn't unplayable right?
that's not the general consensus
>Hell, 60 fps isn't necessary for a game like doom
it's an fps, higher framerates are necessary
>I really wish they would have made it 60 fps but due to the processor
no shit, that's the whole point of the switch being underpowered
It's pretty pathetic that once nintendo releases shit that runs at sub HD 30fps it's suddenly OK, may I remember that wiiU was praised for its high number of 1080p 60fps titles.
I later found out it was fucking BS when I bought one, even WWHD was 720p 30fps for being a two gen old port.
incorrect, the pc standard for fast pace shooters has been 120fps plus for years.
You can't make fun of last place when you're literally next to last.
>>You know 30 fps isn't unplayable right?
>that's not the general consensus
yeah just look how all those people are playing on PC instead of console
>has been 120fps plus for years.
That's funny when most steam users have integrated chips
I guess the wii accurately represented vidya last generation.
do you know what standard means?
yes, do you?
Again, do you think the wii was the standard last generation?
Everything is literally the lowest possible setting and it can barely hit 30fps lol
I've never seen Sup Forums defend 30fps until now, in fact it is (or was) used for mockery against consoles that weren't WiiUs.
Mind you, we're talking about a title that offers a better experience on 3 other platforms
It's hilarious that v defending 60 fps at this point.
consoles need to die
Post your face when you are going yo buy and enjoy Doom on your Nintendo Switch and there's nothing all these contrarian faggots can do to prevent it
bunch of nintodlers are not Sup Forums
Oh dear
>gyro aiming
unironically pick one.
As someone who played the game on PC, I don't know how'd you be able to play it on a controller. Playing it on something like an Xbox pad seemed iffy, and I can't imagine doing it with a Switch controller...
nobody is defending 30fps, they are defending a AAA fps on a fucking handheld, retard.
You haven't played Splatoon? It aims pretty well with the gamepad.
>unironically not liking gyro controls
gyro controls is the only way I would get the switch version because fps on sticks is retarded.
Unfortunately that ain't happening
this, it's pretty obvious who's flocking to these threads. Anyone who cared about doom already played it on pc at a proper resolution, framerate and m+k.
>playing fps on handheld with gyroscope controls
And who is contrarian here?
Keyword is gamepad, its will be awful in handheld mode
>unironically liking gyro controls
contrarian as fuck
the joycon controllers have gyro controls as well.
I don't understand this meme. Have you played a fps with gyro controls? It is the second best way to play, coming in (far) behind k+m but much better than joysticks or dpad.
>Sup Forums is unironically shilling for poor todd's ratings
switch cartridge
>I am not the villain in this story....
>It's ok when nintendo does it
Bitch unlike your autistic ass the frame rate of a game doesn't bother me.
I already own doom on pc and played through it numerous times, I'm gonna get doom on switch when it's like 20 bucks because I want to play it when I'm at work.
You don't need to play it on switch, it's not a PC, it's a console/portable hybrid.
If the new game doesn't play well at 30fps it fucking isn't even Doom.
>First Doom launches in 1993
>user honestly think a nothings changed in 24 years.
>user honestly thinks things HAVE to change to be acceptable
>I can't imagine
Well, you could actually go and try it, they would wouldn't even need to imagine.
3D gyro aiming is breddy good for shooders.
This, having a solid frame rate is more important than having it be 60fps.
Also I don't see a difference between 30 and 60 when playing a game. So it looks like it's people who are spoiled who are crying.
30 FPS IS COMFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Console fags unironically shilling for 30fps Doom.
Both pathetic ass answers. If you played doom on PC there's no way you would want to experience a downgraded version for a higher cost so all you're telling is that you never played it on PC like a lying fuck. Also why would you want to play doom AGAIN at work? The multiplayer is constantly said to be garbage and the SP is the saving grace of the game which again, why would you want to play again on a shitty version?