Is he right?

Is he right?

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It's a link to some youtube video probably made by OP and currently attached to a shitpost on Sup Forums, so without even clicking it I can say with 99.99754% certanty that he's not.


based bob bringing the turth

Without clicking, i am going to assume it is Bob trying to white knight for the guy that couldn't play Cuphead and complaining how gamers are jerks.

>Is he right?

>Blob Potatochipman

>just got this guys, what should I expect?

No, and you are a faggot for posting Movieblob garbage.

And you nailed it, in a way it's kind of boring to know these kind of guys that you know in advance what their response will be.

>Is he right?

I don't watch shit with an intro longer than 10 seconds.

They said the video way edited of the guy dying repeatedly.
It wasn't edited, it was a solid 30 minutes or more of a retarded game journalist not able to make it more than halfway through the first stage, not to mention 3 minutes to make one incredibly simple jump.
The man should be fired, end of story.


>You don't have to be good at games in order to review and analyse them
You know I don't really ever use "cuck" as an actual insult, but this guy is a cuck.
>I don't know how to read, but I'm going to review this book anyway, and everyone should see my review as valid

a high schooler could write a book review
that doesn't mean I'm going to take it seriously

>3913579kys newfag there's literally nothing wrong with reddit in fact they served a powerful ally to Sup Forums during gamergate something your lame ass wasn't even around for....

>The problem is, a journalist posted a funny video
It wasn't funny. He was playing entirely seriously to try and beat the tutorial. There was nothing funny about it. Quit trying to rewrite history.
>kinda sucking at it, kinda a non-story
A games journalist can't even get past the fucking tutorial of a game isn't a non-story. Quit trying to underplay what happened just so you can have your little contrarian video please.
>Whatever gamer culture means in 2017
Expecting games journalists to be professional isn't gamer culture, its called having fucking standards.
>They edited together some video to make some kind of point about games journalism that I don't quite understand
Dunno what they are talking about here. Just more manipulation of the information and underplaying whatever happened.
>Obviously the point was that games journalists don't know as much about their own medium, and therefore don't deserve as much credibility as the true devoted voices of gaming media
NO WHAT THE FUCK HOLY SHIT FUCKING NO JESUS CHRIST WAT. I have never, in my entire life, heard such a blatant mishandling of information in my entire life. This goes beyond strawman.
>Which goes to who? The guys shouting racist obscenities to PUBG and are frightened by the tim and eric version of night trap.
WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT IS THIS GUY FUCKING DOING?! Now he is saying that people that call them out for being bad at a fucking tutorial, are the underage people that watch minecraft and five nights at freddy's videos on youtube.

Yeah ok, that's it. I lasted up to 3 minutes, but I couldn't go any further. The assumptions, the misrepresentations, the misinformations, the underplaying of what happened, and the barrage and avalanche of fucking strawmans was too much for me. Fuck that guy. Also, his style of commentary of talking to a cartoon Navi is unfunny, unprofessional, e-celeb cringe cancer.

I'm giving you your one allotted (you) but that's all you'll get tonight mister.

8 minutes of a guy sucking his own cock over his opinion.

It's like he uploaded an argument he made up in head in the shower. Guy is just agreeing with himself the whole video.

>nearly 10 minute video saying what can be said in less than 2

Is this the "top 10 list one-at-a-time slideshow-with-ads-inbetween" of video?

The gift of Moviebob has touched another.

>Bob "slavery is good if it's racially diverse" Chipman
>Bob "white people are racist for wanting to be employed" Chipman
>Bob "literally believes in eugenics" Chipman
>Bob "thinks Revenge of the Nerds was a documentary" Chipman
>Bob "seriously compared Super Mario Bros. 3 to 9/11" Chipman
>Bob "fedoras are okay when *I* wear them" Chipman
>Bob "Nintendo characters are my moral compass" Chipman

>seriously compared Super Mario Bros. 3 to 9/11

Wait what? what's even the parallel one can draw between them?

That Brick by Brick book is more horrifying than the cwcki.

>Bob "seriously compared Super Mario Bros. 3 to 9/11" Chipman
I thought that was JFK. He also compared the fourth gen console wars to Nam.

Yeesh that was hard to watch. What an awful video format

How fucking dare you link me to movieblob.

I'm not watching a moviebob video but based entirely on the thumbnail I'm going to say yeah I agree. The controversy is dumb, the only problem it blew up so hard was because of how Dean and other game journos handled it. There wasn't much outrage at the Polygon playing Doom video, just general mockery and jokes made at the expense of polygon as usual. Even now things are returning to the status quo. It is just outrage culture at its best.

>I thought that was JFK.
It was actually both.

God bless him.

is there a pdf to this book to download somewhere?

If you're shit at video games you can still write about them, just don't demo games for people and don't review them. Problem fucking solved. I don't care how good the person writing an article is at games if the article is good

He was trying to explain why Super Mario Brothers 3 premiering in that movie "The Wizard" was culturally relevant to his generation. He just did it in the most retarded fucking way possible by comparing it to a terrorist attack instead of something that makes sense, like comparing it to seeing Star Wars in 1977 for the first time.

Literally fucking who? I watched 2 minutes before he said
>"some guy with social media followers...made an edit with all the worst gameplay mistakes..."

What the fuck? This a completely dishonest representation of the situation.
The reviewer being criticized was the person who uploaded the video unedited and that's what people were basing their criticisms on.

This huge faggot is outright lying to prove his contrarian point. What a giga-cunt.

>tfw professor showed one of Bob's old videos on the movie industry the other day
>told us to take notes because movieblob speaks really fast
>indeed he does, none of us can keep up with him
>he inserts video game references all throughout that nobody but me understood in a video about the fucking movie industry

>Everyone knew, and loved Super Mario Bros 3 in my childhood
>I guess you could say it was our generations 9/11
How can someone fuck up their wording so bad?

I sat through it, he doesn't have a point. He calls it dumb because he believe it's 100% a case of the hardcore elite trying to silence and shame those that aren't the hardcore elite. He doesn't reference Dean's tweets or follow up articles surrounding the "controversy" he just comments on how this was clearly some neckbeard running a harassment campaign.

what was his reasoning for defending him?

So how many of you fags are actually planning on buying this game?

He didn't have one based in reality. His reasoning is that Dean was being made fun of by the elitist gamers that only praise pewdiepie. He took 0 interest in tweets or the content of the article, and even ignored what the video that caused the controversy was. Instead of saying it was unedited footage posted by Dean in his coverage, he instead tried to say it was a neckbeard with a large social meda following who edited together a fail montage of Dean that started the whole thing as a harassment campaign.

An SJW.......lying?! STOP THE PRESSES!

If it goes on sale I'll probably pick it up. Looks pretty neat.

fuck yea i'm getting it. it's the only game this year i've been looking forward too. i've waited an eternity for it.

listening to this dude's robo-voice plug in is really annoying

I could understand it if he was trying to be a youtube critic while getting a job in the industry he's criticizing, then you should hide your voice / identity.

But if this is just some random guy, what the fuck is the point, can't even make it 20 seconds listening to this

Was it autism?

>you don't need to be a master of something to report on it

No, but to create an accurate review and argument you do

>Giving an Other M apologist (Views)
What's next, want me to support Dobson's Patreon?


Aint gonna watch it, but Super Bunnyhop is 100 percent correct regarding this.

No you don't.

It hooked me the moment I saw it

What did you say about it George?

you don't need to be a master but you need some level of competency and interest. Dean has neither and you can tell from the video and several of his older "reviews".

screw your shilling bait post OP, lets talk about what's really important

God damn it's not like his fucking generation wasn't adults during 9/11 anyway or anything.

Oh snap didn't know this was the designated rage thread, almost falled for it.

this retard is 35 btw.

I'll probably buy it once they add online multiplayer.

He I said this.

It's really easy to sound smart when you immediately call your opposition idiots, revise events, and then create entirely new information to suit your argument.

You falled for that bait nice and good.

you're giving him too much credit.

Got a link to the original artcile? I'm curious to what the image at the end was that makes him drop any sense of wanting to defend Dean.

For a moment I thought you were talking about Sup Forums.

>"Someone edited the video guys! That's what started it, honest!"
>The video, that you can watch right now and is still up, shows Dean struggling with jumping over the pillar for a solid minute and is the first minute of the video
>26 minutes in and all the progress made was the first part of the first level

Bob once again proving he's doesn't know anything but wants to jump in anyway.


>Sup Forums suddenly loves Movieblob

Wew what happened?

>Bob 'Super Mario Bros 3 was my generations vietnam' Chipman

Anyone have a link to the book?

We always loved moviebob you god damn newfag.

here /trash/

You need to be able to pass a tutorial level, yes. You can't review movies if you can't get past the DVD menu

Yes you can.

Which one is pic related?

Shill somewhere you obese faggot

Bon bon


Thinking about it, but I don't have any income right now, which makes me a little weary about buying shit. How much is it going to be?

Never watched his shows before. I had to exit it after the Navi-thing started talking.

how so?

why did your professor make you watch an e-celeb video instead of just doing a lecture?

It's 20 dollaryroos

I call bullshit.

>Roulette Ballerina finally gets 2 votes
Good to know people have taste here

What controversy? It's just a joke. Game journalist failed at gaming and we laughed, we moved on, then the journalists milk any grain of attention we give them because their job depends on it.

it's not an uncommon practice these days. i knew game design majors that watched sequelitis in class.

That's it? Okay, I guess that wouldn't be bad to purchase it.

>pretending that reddit is a gamergate ally
>forgetting the entire debacle with r/gaming

Haha alright here's your (you)

>Sup Forums suddenly loves Movieblob
>Implying Sup Forums agrees with him now

Go revise history somewhere else Bob