He's expecting a breeze, show him you're a Divinity: OS2 thread

He's expecting a breeze, show him you're a Divinity: OS2 thread

I want to like this camera but the camera and movement controls and overwhelming items gets to me.

screw it. any tips?

pls dont bully the internet speed

fuck i forgot the picture now the post is even more shit



ranger/warfare (+some huntsman for skills, obviously)
scoundrel/warfare (+polymorph potentially)
summoner/anything support hybrid (healing/buffs/(magic) armor regen)

Anyone else encounter this bug? I got her when I entered academy and I can't get rid of her. Sometimes I can control her, sometimes she is in some dark place. And the game with fifth character would be way too easy

Finished Driftwood, had so many quests completed but not finishing in my journal. Fuck me.

Spear or dual daggers?

I can't get past the tutorial

the fucking ship is so tedious. I just think I don't care about story in rpgs anymore.

What are those eye-tearing "graphics"?

low quality setting lmao

i am playing on shitty laptop

Spear is useless. In OS1, they forgot they put in blunt weapons and in OS2, they forgot they put in spears. They're just kinda there but are a waste to use.

Strength based warfare/polymorph/summoner

be the muscle wizard

be the battlemage that controls the battlefield

I'm playing the first one and the difficulty curve is all over the place. Quests are a mess, it looks like they don't know how to design quest steps. I "stumbled" over the main quest line just by exploring the graveyard and church. I'm playing on tactician and I don't know if I'm on the right track or in an area that should be too hard for me. This game is a total mess and that's not counting the awful dialogues.

Should I persevere or try the second one?

Just play the second one. I love it and I even loved the 1st but could never get out of Cyceal. The place is a bore.

Got 3 source points now. what do?

What's your fps like? I have a shitty gpu and am wondering if I can get decent fps on lowest settings.

I was not expecting that much detail

oh my

exploring is like 20-30fps, fight with lot of fire can go down to 10


>Enter "The Black Bull" tavern in the second zone
>Greeted by transsexual bard
>Barstan Tungs: Ah, arrogance, that most peculiar of human traits, given your lack of cultural accomplishments, save the towers you erect in worship of greed. Stripped of their weapons, humans are as fragile as flower petals. Admit your cowardice.
>Only options are to flagellate yourself or bow down and suck xir off
They're never going to stop, are they?

How long until someone creates a Dragon Ball mode with custom story?

There are already a mod that creates a barb class with custom spells. There will be a "Goku" with kamehameha spell.

Geomancy any good?

>click on second portrait
>kill it

learn to jew the jew, user

>Lizards have the best looking armor
>While Human's armor looks like absolute shit

Just got to the alex fight. Should I just focus on him and his cronies when the voidwoken shows up?

Didn't really love the first. Someone wanna catch me up on what's new? Worth picking up?

>that guy who plays a human male warrior in a fantasy game

Just stay alive, fuck I hated that fight, gotta get lucky and hope that worms goes for his team rather than running past everyone to fuck you up.

Alexander himself isn't much of a threat go for his cronies first.

Yeah. If I recall correctly, if they have the chance to do so, all of them will prioritize the worm over you, and the worm will attack anyone close enough at random. You want to clear away from the worm and kill as many of them as possible.

Dont know if its like this on Tactician, havent played in that difficulty yet

There's a reason Lizards have the longest and most successful civilization, user.

>probably not even 1/3 of the way through

Is it like the first game where they put all their attention on the first map and forgot about the rest?

>always see everyone complain about Cyseal
>tfw it's my favourite part of OS1

I want to say yes but it has so many spells that damage your own party.

>one geomancer ranger
>three undead punch wizards

Still on the second map and I find it to be FAR more interesting than the first.

Cyseal is objectively the best part of the game. The rest of it is a half finished mess.

Either farm the continent for xp and loot or head back to the LoV and sail to Arx immediately.

I have to get Jahan. Can't talk to the tree on Bloodmoon. What do I do to be able to speak with the tree?


>carrying the subtitle over to the sequel when it has no prior significance
I'm so triggered

Jahan asks you to kill some demon there named Advocate. Kill him and then cast spirit vision and talk to the tree. You need to find out the tree's name first or it will speak demon gibberish.

The second map is where I'm getting bored. I'm in the cemetary and I could not give a fuck about the people I'm doing quests for.
>speak to NPC
>obvious evasive language
>take quest anyway because can't miss out on XP
>combat starts
>more enemies literally spring out of the ground to join fight
>kill everyone
>quest complete
>not marked as complete in journal because Larian

>when it has no prior significance
The fuck? Did you not play the game or something?

I play a human rogue thank you

>her nails digging for blood

>No playable lady-gobbos
Tabletop wise, DM's are jewish as fuck with magic items and feats, so I gotta' pick humans if I want a LITTLE FLEXIBILITY

Is leadership worth it? I have it on my summoner but I'm not sure if it's worth.

But Cyseal is the best part of the game. The rest is just tenebrium rot.

What should I run with summoner? Does Summoner work with undead characters?

Dual daggers every time. Dagger scoundrel is one of the highest dps in the game.

So a couple of questions.

Is every skillbook in the game craftable? There are some pretty neat sounding ones (like the cleanse/mass cleanse wounds and elemental infusion spells) but I've no idea where to get these. How does one reliably craft skillbooks anyways?

I'm also not sure if I'm done with Ifan's questline on the second island either. So apparently I did stuff out of order for him, but usually that doesn't matter from what I've seen. I never met his contact in Driftwood, but in the process of trying to do the Prince's quest, I came across Roost and killed him to save Saheila, but Ifan talked to him first.

Later, I uncovered some stuff about the deathfog such as how Ifan delivered it to the elves unknowingly and that Lucius was responsible.

Finally, I met his contact in Driftwood in the inn, but it's assuming I haven't met Roost yet. Now I'm at the end of this island and ready to move on, but I can't tell if I've finished Ifan's stuff like I have with my other two party members. Any help?

Finally figured out how to do that stupid blazing statues quest while saving the possessed dwarf. That was pure trial and error.

So what is average play time? I am not looking for pull my hair out challenging but not easy as shit summoner either.

Devs said undeads are for playthrough 2. Where they right? Making my characters now, would like at least one skeleton but I don't want to miss content.

I did skeleton first playthrough and everything is fine so far. It does make some quests a lot easier though

They're just a bit more difficult
I went with one for my first and it's been going lovely

Neat, thanks.
By a bit more difficult do you mean in combat or in dialogue stuff? The devs made it sound like they wouldn't get access to half the quests and would be chased out of towns.


it's more difficult meaning healing supplies are harder to come by in early game, but once you get poison skills it will get very easy

I'm trying to decide between playing an OC Lizard, or just playing as the Red Prince.
I like having diversity in my party's races but I think I'd for him to tag along as I find his questline pretty interesting, same for Beast and Sebille or Ifan.

>mfw finding a new legendary two hand weapon with +1 Strength, +1 Two-Hand, and +1 Warfare

no one knows you're undead if you're covered up. There's also a mask that lets you appear as other races

I'm playing with 3 other buddies on our first play through about 20 hours in. But one fucking dude cannot stop skipping through all the dialogue, killing/stealing from every npc, and being the first person to loot consistently. Like in the middle of combat he will fucking loot. Sure he shares loot most of the time. But holy fuck. No matter how much we bitch at him he continues to do it. The shitty part is that he's the host. How the fuck do you deal with idiots like this.

don't play with them?

You only make one character in this one? There goes all my plans

That means I've got 20 hours to dig through again.

Why couldn't it just be my character, I hate managing a huge fucking party.


By not being friends with them.

Seriously quit. you don't have to deal with it.

Tried the lone wolf trait?

The first game had the lone wolf trait too. All it did was have me not pick NPC lines, still had to deal with a faggot teammate.

Then just don't take anyone else? Whats the fucking problem, faggot?

The fact I have to put effort in to enjoy it, means I won't enjoy it.

So where do I find the Lich I let free from Mordus' basement?

Also I completely missed the whole Lohar and Mordus quest line the first time I was in Driftwood because if a bug, ended up going into that zone and fight at level 13 so it was too easy.

>not interacting with a character is effort

head north from town, he's getting some fast food on the trail to the sawmill.

The other problem is I want to sword and board. But I'm sure its trash like in every other game.

You can actually become devastatingly powerful and nearly unkillable with just a few points in Geo and Necro, actually.

I think you're just trying to find ways to be mad at a game you're never going to fucking play you faggot.

>geo and necro
That has nothing to do with swords and shields.

Sure it does, you armor up, kill your enemies, armor up more, throw your shield at them, Use Overpower to delete their armor, then blow up your own armor to kill them.


>want to play as a warrior
>end up playing as a warrior that can sprout wings and fly around the battlefield, coat the ground in oil and then suck it up to restore my armor
this is pretty rad, do the older divinity games let you do cool shit like this?

do you have a clip of this sort of combat? I am interested if I can sword and board in a cool way.

No Divinity game has a strict class system.

Is it normal to suck at the beginning of the game or is it just me?

>go in one direction, get raped by teleporting crocodiles
>go in the other direction, get raped by assassin

depends what difficulty you're playing, if you get raped in classical you're objectively a faggot

How do I do local co op? I have a mouse and keyboard and a gamepad.
Cant my buddy use gamepad and i use keyboard?


what's the point? almost all warfare skills need a melee weapon but as a huntsman you want to use a bow/xbow. do you switch all the time?

Has anyone experienced the bug where one character permanently follows another, even when unchained?

My Lohse follows Ifan everywhere. I removed Ifan from the group to try and fix it but it removed Lohse too, and when i tried just recruiting Lohse it wouldn't allow me to talk to her. So I brought ifan back to the group and it added Lohse back.

Its a minor but annoying bug and I cant find a fix anywhere.

Would you settle down? It's a good game.

Warfare is a multiplicative physical damage boost. It's not for the skills, it's for bullshit damage numbers.

Basically all you're doing is loading up your armor. Your Shield Toss skill deals a lot of damage, since it's based on your shields armor value, which makes it a good phys nuke for casters as well.

Anyway, as you kill enemies you make corpses, which gives you bonus armor when you use Bone Armor from the necro tree. You also get Fortify which gives you additional armor, and Mend Metal which heals your armor over time. The idea is you use all of this, to make your armor value higher than the enemies, using shield toss to lower it if you need to. Overpower then completely deletes enemy armor if your armor is higher. You can then use Reactive Armor, which blows apart your armor dealing heavy damage, plus additional damage for how much armor you have. You can then just regain that armor again using you Geo skills.

Most Warfare skills don't require any specific weapon, only the shield ones require a shield. You can Battle Stomp, Battering Ram, and so on to your hearts content, even with a staff or a wand.

Can somebody give me tips for the first game? I want to try to play though it

Cyseal is the best part of the game

Everyone gets bored of DOS1 after it

There is no reason to pick huntsman more than the necessary points to get their abilities
Huntsman: +5% bonus damage while high ground
Warfare: +5% bonus physical damage at all times.