You DID Link the Fire, right user?
You DID Link the Fire, right user?
I didn't do fuck all
>being a mindless hollow
>implying I'm not the Lord of Hollows
I mean yeah, in the first game. But that's because the world isn't completely fucked up after the first game is over, there's still time for civilizations to rise and fall and humans to live their lives with society as it used to be still intact
but by the time 2 and 3 roll around it'd be a waste of fucking time. Extending the age of fire out for a little while longer then it should is fine but you can't keep doing it forever, especially by the time the whole world is crumpling up into a singularity of ruins and destruction
>being the lord of fucking nothing
good job? I'm the lord of discarded styrofoam containers, it carries about as much weight
i tried to walk back out after killing gwyn so my buddy could summon me
Better than being a cucken one, at least as the Dark Lord I can cuddle in complete darkness with Anri for eternity.
i just wanted to use my souls OP :(
>for eternity
*until some chucklefuck kills you to steal the First Flame that's sitting in your chest, or until Anri's mind goes hollow to match her body
>being a bitch for the gods
In Dark Souls 1 I linked the Fire.
In Dark Souls 2 I walked away because I wanted to symbolically walk away from the entire game.
In Dark Souls 3 becoming the Lord of Hollows is the morally right choice plus you get to fug Yuria.
>going against your own self-interest just to be a contrarian
Humans will basically stop hollowing once you take the Lord of Hollows route, since you reunited the Dark Soul with the First Flame. Thats why all those hollows bow to you, instead of attacking you.
In time, they would have returned to their healthy human forms.
How is Londor the morally right choice? The game does its best to beat into you the message that usurping the flame is just as unhealthy and pointless or an endeavor as linking it.
t. Vaati's drunk cousin-in-law
>Throwing yourself onto a bonfire and going mad
>Serving my interests
>letting the world decay into a dark hellhole unfit for reasonable human civilization
>serving your interests as a member of the human race
The age of darkness is the right choice.
How does effectively killing myself benefit me in any way?
The only ones it benefits are the ones old enough to have duped people into doing it many times before.
The world is already a dark hellhole by DS3's time. In Dark Souls 1 the world outside of Lordran is mostly at a salvageable shape. Some kingdoms have fallen to undead scourge but most kingdoms still thrive.
>implying I would let anyone kill me being the most powerful being in the universe
Lights out, sunfagget.
pshh you aren't even hardcore enough to handle REAL darkness, get that fake shit out of here. I can still see the Sun and everything, it's just eclipsed. You're the vapers of darkfriends.
Game Theory should do more Dark Souls videos to piss off Vaati.
>there are people that unironically think the gods were good guys
Pontiff Sulyvahn did nothing wrong
Can you give me a quick rundown?
Nito is Sans who is Ness
>Lothric bows to Sulyvahn
>in contact with the Angels
>rumored to posses abyssal abilities
>controls Irithyll with an iron but fair fist
>owns castles and cathedrals all over the world
>direct descendant of the forlorn tree bloodline
>will bankroll the first cities in the Painted World (Sulygrad will be the first city)
>in the process of terraforming the Deep
>own basically every Soul editing facility in the world
>first designer animals will be Sulyvahn's Beasts
>said to have +99 Int
>ancient Braille scriptures say that two angels will descend and bring about an age of the Deep and tall women with nice asses
>He owns Eye making facilities all around the world
>you likely have his eyes inside you right now
>every Hollow has the mark of Sulyvahn imprinted on then on awakening
>has regular communication with Saint Aldrich
>discovered the Profane Flame
holy shit
>I can still see the Sun and everything
I-it's not a sun, user...
The first time I played Das I was rused and thought he couldn't be the final boss. So I just sat to rest.