Did anyone buy this? How is it? as good as samurai warriors 4-2?

did anyone buy this? How is it? as good as samurai warriors 4-2?

Gets boring fast. Only one musou per character so you'll be seeing it a lot of fucking times. Each story is like 5 hours but can be rushed in about 2 hours. Multiple endings though.

thanks user, I am actually new to the musou genre, can you recommend me some good ones?

Depends on your preferences. ALL mousou games are made by members or former team members of the Dynasty Warriors series. No ,atter what you pick, it will feel the same. If you like anime, One Piece Pirate Warriors is really fun. If you like Chinese history, Dynasty Warriors is great, if you like Japanese history, Samurai Warriors 4: Empires is better.

This one

>Doen't have BAOOOOO written anywhere
Fatuous picture

If you're in it for the gameplay I would go for WO3U, if you're in it for more of the story do DW7, and for an even mix DW8.

Otherwise if there's a particular franchise you enjoy, like Zelda, Dragonquest, or what have you then go for the spin-off on that

nice vintage meme sun jian get with the times

Its actually fairly nice, if you like the characters.

It doesn't have a lot of moves, but the ones it got and the combinations are okay.

The lore and voice acting quality is quite high.

I would like to try out dynasty warriors 9 when it comes out, how do I get into the series? I only played the psp games when they came out so It was a long time ago now.

They're all the same, just pick the one that's most available and play the others if you feel like it.

If you're going for DW specifically I would say 8 as it added a bunch of chars and movesets I really like, and lets you have a second weapon to switch to so you aren't stuck with a shit weapon if you try a new char out.

Main flaws with 8 is that it has worse VA and pesentation in cutscenes than 7, and it takes you ages in ambition mode to unlock the ability to forge weapons properly

Has there been anymore news on any of the musous from TGS today?
All I've heard is the Yinping, Guo Jia, Wang Yi, and Deng Ai reveals for DW9, and Shiida, Tiki, and Celica for FEW + DLC.

Sophie is so good.

Mediocre. If you like some of the characters, wait for a price drop at least.

-There's no free mode so Story/Hero/Dramatic Missions can't be played again until you finish a story mode/start a new game. There's plenty of 'grind' missions are re-playable but they get old pretty fast.

-Large maps has you spending more time running from base to base instead of actual hacking. No horse/mount makes this worse, so you'll be forced to have Zhou Cang in your team to move quickly.

-Bravery system makes your allies useless. I understand that they shouldn't complete missions for you, but they should at least increase their own bravery as the stage develops or something.

-Card system is all over the place. Creation and friendship adjustments are random (combine 3 S rank cards each with 4 slots, 2 friendship gifts and +10 element = get a C card with no slot, fg or element...really?). Equippable skills cannot be removed/overwritten.

On the plus side, some characters are really fun to play. Hero skill effects/combos allow for varied team set ups. Story has multiple branches which I think is ok but doesn't justify having no free mode.

is it really? I am a combatfag, i loved onechanbara for example. would I like the atelier series?

Nice fan service game (esp. if you've played a lot of Koei Tecmo games) but still, get it on sale.

>William speaking English while everyone else is babbling in moonspeak
This is still as hilarious as it was in Nioh.

Atelier is a turn based RPG, you dweeb. They do have pretty good battle systems, though. Mana Khemia is fucking ace, with combos and mid-battle party switching into even more combos.

Can someone explain to me why Rio from Rio fucking Rainbow Gate is in this game?

Damn, it's that bad huh ?

Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada is pretty fun but by God the PC port is genuine ass