>he didn't buy a VR set
>he isn't hanging out with his anime gf right now
lmao @ poorfags
He didn't buy a VR set
that is pretty cute desu
the future is now
It's fucking creepy
Damn i need VR
What game is this? I've seen it before in a video
VRChat is pretty dope desu, even if the mods are a bit SJW
k i'm buying one
Where can I see more of this?
What is this from?
VRchat, it's fucking great, free and opensource
No I mean what stream?
so its real now. the game can only get more advanced from here. we're really gonna have a bunch of fat hiki losers pretending to be women living fake lives as anime girls with each other and dating each other. someone should just trigger a nuclear war. maybe trump will do something good for once.
apparently, pokelawls
This is literally IMVU 2.0. Have you ever seen videos of that game? There's all these cute and extremely paid for hot barbie-doll models, and when the mic turns on, it's some 60 year old man who sounds like he's been smoking 30 pinecones a day.
This is the same shit except more degenerate. I'm sure the developers intended for it to be for like teens/kids, but soon realized the age demographic is 40+
Holy shit, that's hilarious. Thank you user.
LOL somebody sounds triggered
am i looking in the wrong places or is the vive around £600 new
also is the vive even worth, the oculus looks decent
all i can think about is the fat grown nerd pretending to be the anime
>People will deny this
Nice. I'll check it out.
depends how much you enjoy porn and shooting galleries
>people will get upset at this
>being happy that most men are gonna be the fat guy from Surrogates in a couple of generations
>things like this will be accessible to all soon
>i'll be able to make cute boys make out for my amusement for a few ebucks
To be fair, when I play games, I usually always play as a women. Especially in Bethesda games, I spend many hours making my girl look just the way I want her to, with plenty of girly clothing etc.
I would probably play as a female in one these games too, but I feel like if you want to play as a man in any game you're gay. I just like girls way more than men. Who can confirm?
All you're gonna do is call them a faggot and never do anything. Maybe you should commit suicide to spare your sensitive eyes from seeing the horrors of tomorrow. Or you know, join a group to defend the values of society. But if you are ever a dirty luddite I will come find you and transform you into my sexbot.
I've always wanted to be a tittymonster big sister who hugs everyone, but given the sorts of themes people have already done like the police helicopter I might end up doing something like that.
>extremely paid for
You just make and import models in unity, you mongoloid
3/10, enjoy your (you)
>someone should just trigger a nuclear war
You should have voted for hilldawg, that was her day one plan
Now we're stuck with that whiny orange bitch pussyfooting around the big red button
yo this is fucking cringe dude. every single person there trying to be all kawaii uguu waifu with each other has to be actively blocking out the fact that they're all GROWN MEN.
heres a real reason to get VR
People spend a shit ton of money on IMVU. To get their character designed just the way they want, buying property, items, clothing, etc. Nice bait, retard.
>intended for it to be for like teens/kids
VR is expensive as fuck and requires a lot of room to use properly, how the fuck would they market it to kids?
nice try shill
>men have to play MANLY games, like war games! with guns and boom booms! explosions!
Show me where you buy shit for your models in VRChat and I'll admit I'm a retard. Oh wait, you can't.
>no teleport
Vomiting, will fail hard.
i'm already in a group to defend the values of society bro! MAGA! Praise Kek XD. SHADILLAY!
Are you not aware that most kids desire expensive things? The newest Xbox/PS console: $600 dollars
The newest Iphone/Galaxy: $900
Kids/Teens usually get whatever the fuck they ask for. This can totally be marketed to a younger audience. Most adults don't have time to play games according to the people who sell this shit anyways.
>war games for fence sitters.
Even paint toys are better than this crap.
Tell me where I said people paid for anything in VRChat. Oh wait, you can't. Because I was talking about shit in IMVU you fucking idiot.
>yo this is fucking cringe dude
This is the most reddit normalfag thing I've read today.
The game looks good though. Still not buying VR this decade.
It looks really cool but what's the point if you can't feel anything.
Then why are you calling it "literally imvu 2.0"? Typical nu Sup Forums, talking about shit they know nothing about.
>that grill at the end
Because conceptually, it's the exact same thing as IMVU. Except in this game - people don't put in money.
Take a picture of some IMVU room and then of this. What will you see? A bunch of faggot models occupied by 40 year old men pretending to be hot chicks/anime girls/faggots in general. That's the similarity. Nice buzzwords though.
The VRchat videos I'm watching are pretty entertaining, the first time VR doesn't look like a complete waste of money.
Quick Post VR Games to play
>Robo Recall
> VR Chat
>Audio Shield
> Rec Room
and "Experiences"
>Waifu Sex Sim
>VR Titties
>VR Kanojo
What else we got?
>I'm an adult who makes my own decisions, who cares if I escape into my 3D life where I pretend to be a 14 year old anime girl who dates my other 14 year old anime girlfriend (who is also a fat 40 year old man in real life)
Reminder that VR is the greatest community ever.
>expensive so only the rich can afford VR + Gaming PC
>only white people playing because of it
It's beautiful.
Gal Gun VR
Robo Recall is Oculus exclusive, and it's free if you buy touch controllers
I have an OR, but can't vive users do a mod?
indeed, who cares
this is the future of humanity
>That sassy look on the blonde
>That shameful peek up at you after you've been cockblocked
I can't wait to live my fantasy life with a grown man and watch normies complain about about the birth rates dropping.
What the fr*ck was her problem?
You had your chance at the reset button, but I bet you voted for bernie because you wanted free college
If you didn't vote for her the second you heard she wanted war with russia, you aren't a true american
The ultimate goal of any species is to transcend their physical form and live on eternally as anime girls in the self-sustaining technological ether.
>you weren't in the military so don't you DARE play games with guns in them
>here pretend to be an anime girl instead, remember, this doesn't have to be a fantasy, you can easily chop your dick off and go on hormones xD
wonder whose behind this post.
>I'm an adult who makes my own decisions, who cares if I escape into my 3D life where I pretend to not be a disgusting fat fuck, and be the ideal male I want to be (who is a fit alpha male soldier who I can never be).
i already can't feel anything
I'm guessing you never tried it, it's really not as festering with anime girls trying to erp as you're claiming. There's weebs around obviously but most people I've met on there are pretty chill
>only fat 40 year olds play VR
Can't wait to meet all the lolis who's rich parents bought them VR.
Holy shit it'll be like the old unsafe internet chat rooms all over again
once a coward forever a coward no matter how hard you try to mental gymnastics your way around it.
Hey, just like reality!
one is a video game for fun, the other is filling the void of loneliness in your life with a fake relationship and pretending to be a woman you stupid tool.
Just hug your pillow or pet
I'm sure you're right. But I'm shipping out into the Army soon anyways. I won't have time for VR for the next 4 years.
to bad there's not enough degenerates to buy gal gun on PC, so the fourth game is PS4 and Switch exclusive
how about you go check it out yourself, it's mostly people showing off their models, animations and places which is pretty damn cool and oftentimes creative
Unironically this. VR is like the Pre-WoW days of MMOs. It's only nerds playing, no normies.
Wipe that frown off your face!
My dick is beyond diamonds.
Damn, good luck with that, user.
I introduced my black friend to it, are we screwed?
just like early internet
>post Nam military
>anything but a welfare babby
the only "servicemen" who would prefer loli simulator over a gun game are tranny POGs that got booted out by trump anyways
>tfw didn't have money for all the good MMOs back then
>tfw no money for VR
I'm going to miss another golden age
suuure whatever you say show us how "tacticool" you are in your kiddy game
I'm in the Army and I would play VRChat. You aren't a "servicemen", faggot. We can do what we please. Go back to your pretend soldier simulators you crybaby bitch.
maybe for the first month, than the normies will leave when the novelty wears off and it'll be nothing but ERPers like Second Life, IMVU, and almost all asian MMOs
t. welfare babby
>t. shizuka the 12 year old anime girl
is it really worth it buying a vr headset only for porn and porn related games?
i just bought a 1080 ti and i'm thinking about buying one, but i read that the oculus sends all your data to facebook , is a vive ok too?
I don't really see the problem. I'm in favour of euthanasia because it allows people in a lot of pain to die. Similarly this allows people in a lot of emotional pain to emotionally exit real life.
Brb buying 1080ti and Vive
>Screenshot taken!
at least these weebs are pretending to be something they can't be, you're literally playing pretend soldier because you lack the guts and bravery to do it for real.
I played it today
There are more furries than lolis
wow you're so bad ass I bet you smoke weed
escape the botnet
so wait what, are you actually trying to imply this game won't become a hive of ERPers just like almost every other online chat community. VR neckbeards are 10 times as susceptible to this shit LMAO ?