Where's Bloodborne?

Where's Bloodborne?

>Mario Odyssey is not even out

>no divinity
>no ironic pubg
Either shit bait or shit opinion.


check out this faggioli

So? We already know it's going to be a strong GOTY contender at the very least.


What's that weeb garbage on the lower left?

>no Life is Strange

you fucked up OP

That's Mario

good now replace mario with sonic mania and it's gold

>a game as irrelevant as Senran next to Odyssey and BOTW
Now that is some proper fucking bait.

>muh tumblr """game"""
holy fuck kill yourself

Sonic Mania is good, but i think Mario Odyssey i gonna be GOLD.
This 3 games are the pinnacle( IMHO) of the respective genre.( I really hope Mario is gonna be good at least half as it seems on the trailer)

Bloodborne is GOTY every year

Fuck you and your bait.


Wasn't even the best Monhun clone.

>implying bait

Anyone can name 3 games from 2017.
Name 2017 games from 3.