What exactly happens when Metroid turns into a ball?

What exactly happens when Metroid turns into a ball?

he rolls around

she turns to pure energy.

Play the games faggot


He bounces pretty well

She hides away from the autistic fans who only care about her appearance.
If only she could shoot and move freely while in a Morph ball, she'd never come out.


Ya'know like what do you think would happen if you ate it then she unmorphed? I bet it would feel pretty weird haha

This is canon

She licks herself

sometimes i wish i could morph into a ball and never turn back

Why do Metroid fans think the games have anything resembling a story? They're worse than Dark Souls fags

t. brainlet

I guess you're used to choking on big balls then



Okay, but how does Samus see when she turns into the morph ball?

so we are just gonna ignore the fact that OP called samus metroid?


t. Pauly

I dont follow

I'm gonna miss Miiverse

>this is not Metroid

Didn't you ever wonder what if zelda was a girl?

How does Samus go to the bathroom?

She returns to her ship

all they need is a basic premise

-> now open your mouth

Anyone got the tuuubes comics with the space pirates making botch attempts at the morph ball?

Does Metroids bones crunch every time

so did this pic mean that the chozo were not as peaceful as they were presented to be?

the way it transitioned to this pic scared the shit outta me andi thought i was in a real life crappypasta.

Same thing that happens when Soundwave turns into a cassette player.

>ridley statue
Samus is tsundere for him

I cant see from the thumbnails, I think this it it?

he crawls around

I think Metroid is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything.

who is samus is she metroid's girlfriend?

Sucks her own toes

There's a few ways I interpreted it, Assuming the killer is the highest in the leader ranking

1. The killer had ulterior motives behind going to and researching SR388
2. The discovery of Aeion, X, and Metroid research has influenced the killer to use the discoveries for military power purposes
3. The failure of stopping the metroids going feral and mutating (and possibly the X not being eradicated) caused the leader to kill his hierarchy, either being the cost of failure, or trying to cover up a major disaster in hopes to save face on himself, or prevent the galaxy from finding the metroids

The morph ball is a lot bigger than it appears


He didn't decrease his body mass by 90% by doing that though, Samus does.

Fuckin comfy
