Would you give up your entire vidya collection to have an adopted little sister who looks exactly like Marie?
You lose your consoles and gayming pc too.
Would you give up your entire vidya collection to have an adopted little sister who looks exactly like Marie?
You lose your consoles and gayming pc too.
Change is scary, so no.
Depends, will she become my sex slave?
If yes I can just pirate my entire collection back and a PC is replaced easily.
This, though I want her as my wife
user asking the important questions.
Like Marie, no. Like Kuro, yes.
PS I'm not a pedo.
i would do much more then that
kuro is miracle
Who the fuck is gonna to say no?
I would give up half of my lifespan and all of my family members' souls just to motorboat Marie's tummy.
Me. Little sisters are shit, I'd rather have my games or a big sister.
Sure, little sisters are the best and I haven't touched my vidya collection in a long time anyway
>and gayming pc too
but i use that to work
Absolutely not.
Little sister? No.
Waifu? Definitely.
I want Marie to beat me up
upgraded version reporting in.
Why would i wish for Marie when the perfect little sister already exists?
i like the new girl too
Fucking Brown Hair Honoka.
because the perfect kasumi was a thing of the past after they ruined her in 5 and again in x3
Her face is more chinky though.
Good fashion sense
>completely different specs
Kill yourself
it's ok to eat rotten food, but i've long jumped ship to girls that aren't ruined.
it's a shame that KT got so lazy it's going to be another decade until a major change happens and hopefully puts things back in order
I wanna honk honk.
So long as she's lewd with me, yes.
You'd have to be the most Sonic tier autistc sperg to think this. It's just sad...
Big sisters are even worse.
Is she attracted to me? If so then yes, in a heartbeat
that's just normal reaction to seeing something you liked get a bad change and wishing it to go back to the way it was.
you, on the other hand, got immediately emotional over an anonymous person's view.
She actually is pretty cute. I think I'm going to like her.
>reserved fashion
>doesn't look like an superpowered anime autist
>doesn't have a generic seductive "unf i'm horny" voice and lines
>moderate tits, around Leifang's size
>second biggest hips, after the obvious sow (who had the whole body exaggerated anyway)
I already have a positive view on her
Now they just need to put her in a fighting game. It's been so fucking long since the main series had a character that doesn't cause a magic explosion to occur every time they attack
I'm not emotional, I'm pretty calm. Just stating the facts here, it's pure autims. Not only did she benefit the most from the graphical improvements but she even got some character development.
Is this really about Kasumi? I bet you're one of those Itagaki fags.
>Itagaki fags
>Implying that's a bad thing
I bet you wouldn't even suck him off, you fucking homo
>Give up all your video games just to be able to watch your ultra hot little sister get into cars with Chad and occasionally giving you a disgusted look or two
Are you guys retarded
>Kill yourself
>I'm pretty calm
ok autismo
>she benefit the most from the graphical improvements
characters like ayane, kokoro, christie and eliot did
meanwhile kasumi and leifang got fucked the most by the graphical improvements. kasumi's hair color and volume got changed for no reason and her face is all off. now she looks like a generic as fuck pissy heroine. the real kicker is the wide-eyed duckface in x3 that's reminiscent of those 3dpds who aren't cute but try really hard to pretend they are.
and i hate itagaki
so long as she has no interest in any other boys aside from me forever then yes.
if she even has a 0.000001% chance of flaking off or getting with chad thundercock then no.
No because I already have a gf that looks like her
This user gets it
Mariegf user? Post pics.
if you mean an adopted little cock sleeve, then possibly
this, and willing to dress as her too
I tell retards to kill themselves on 4chins all the time and so do most people newfag. Why wouldn't i? Your death would literally improve my life at this very moment, then i wouldn't have to listen to some autistic faggot ranting about the color of Kaumi's hair.
>Literally Sonic's arms aren't blue arguments
And stop being X3 into the discussion to support your autism, I'm talking about her DOA5 and that's it. I can't believe some retard is actually trying to have this argument.
You're not even right about the hair as the color it has in DOA5 is the result of that particular light engine and the wet/dry system. It's still red.
She needs to replace Honoka and then they need to pretend Honoka never existed. Then DoA will have finally redeemed itself in my eyes.
I'm not him, I think Kasumi is beautiful in all her iterations but you do realize Kasumi and Ayane have the same exact face? Her hair was toned down a bit to be more of an Auburn color unless is direct sunlight and that's fine. I believe her hair losing some slight volume is due to the change in art style. Still with these changes, she is far from ruined.
Waifufags are a sad bunch
you can improve your life by closing your browser any time, you emotional sperg. don't even pretend you haven't been fuming in your seat and came back to this thread again and again to have the last word because somebody said mean things to your waifu. "i'm calm", hurr durr
X3 was brought in to cement in the fact that she has been getting progressively worse. without considering X3 she still looked like shit in 5. in fact, VV was her least bad modern appearance followed by NG3RE
it has always been orange, though. and yes, doa5's crappy military shooter lighting certainly doesn't help
only if im allowed to impregnate her
>give up everything that cost you hard-earned money for a cute girl you can't fuck
I know enough of those already. No thanks.
I actually do have a younger stepsister that looks vaguely like Marie. I'm just not attracted to her since I've known her since she was 6.
>having an adopted sister
Why on earth would I want another sibling? I'm not an incestuous pedo if that's what you're saying and I think you are.
Agree. Don't give Honoka's dumb fighting style to anybody though
>you can improve your life by closing your browser any time, you emotional sperg. don't even pretend you haven't been fuming in your seat and came back to this thread again and again to have the last word because somebody said mean things to your waifu. "i'm calm", hurr durr
This is some of the most pathetic stuff i have heard in the past months. Worst yet your autistic obsession with the past implies that you might not be underage, so this "he mad XD" deflection is coming from a supposedly adult brain. Are you literally a time traveler from 2008? That would explain a lot.
>doa5's crappy military shooter lighting certainly doesn't help
My God you are so fucking ignorant it hurts. What does this even fucking mean? DOA5 has a very deliberate soft, Gravure like lighting, it's one of the reasons it looks as good as it does.
I honestly can't tell if he is just shitposting for attention or is actually this dumb. He doesn't even understand how color depth works
Do either of you even remember what you're arguing about?
>What's your hair color?
>Me? I'm an orangehead.
i just said i liked kasumi before 5 and look at how it devolved into this black hole of autism
waifufags are retarded
Stop sexualizing little girls.
Just to be clear, since you either have thin as paper skin or take everything literally, don't actually kill yourself user. I wish you a happy and prosperous life.
Just...get better.
i'm more worried about you killing yourself thanks to your emotional outbursts
this discussion is an every day occurrence on Sup Forums and i'm jaded by it
You're the one butthurt enough to issue death threats over someone making a passing comment on your waifu. You aren't really in a position to call anybody underage or mad.
>What does this even fucking mean?
DOA5 is the darkest and most discolored game in the series. It's a known fact. It doesn't look good at all.
already have 2 so no op. besides I worked hard for my vydia
Yes. Who needs the ol video games when you have such a cute sister to take to the park and hold hands with
We live in an age where saying KYS on Sup Forums nets you this kind of response.
I think you should fuck off back to NeoGaf.
>DOA5 is the darkest and most discolored game in the series. It's a known fact. It doesn't look good at all.
Once again you prove to be so fucking retarded it hursts. Maybe i should took what i said back, you can't get better from this. Game literally has the brightness cranked up to achieve the gravure look.
If we were talking about traps or futa sure, but not little girls.
You know by immediately telling someone to kys does make you look angry
It's fine if you prefer her previous appearance before but what you said was ruined. You also stated Ayane looks fine but Kasumi clearly wasn't but they literally have the same face with the exception of color. Could you elaborate on what you think that TN "ruined" when modernizing her?
Also her hair was brown in DOA 1
>PS I'm not a pedo.
Don't you lie to me, user.
they arent that little
they dont even exist
firstly try to convince japan
They are little girls and you should feel bad.
But I can get them all back, right?
>You know by immediately telling someone to kys does make you look angry
One of the few perks of this cesspool is not having to pussyfoot around retards saying retarded stupid shit. It's downright cathartic
"Your death would literally improve my life" isn't "kys", it's something xXxSaSuKexXx picked up from his stash of comics for 12 year olds. If you simply said kys I wouldn't be too confused about your well being.
You need to have played all of the other games to argue about brightness.
>what you said was ruined
Well that's his fault for taking it too literally, wasn't it?
I elaborated on it in And yes I'm aware she has the same face as Ayane, but the framing can change your perception of how good/bad a face actually looks
>Backpedaling this hard
Too used to being able to edit posts?
>retard retard autist kill yourself your death pleases my soul
You are angry. I don't even know why you even pretended you aren't.
And all over a comment on a fictional character. This is some serious fucking mental issue.
No, seriously, kill yourself.
What do I have to give up so that I could look exactly like Marie?
Do you have autism?
Find out in this quick and easy test!
some are better
some are worse
there's no test
masked Lisa is objectively her best form
i'm actually mad that leifang no longer looks like a smug martial arts elitist that you want to beat into submission
>masked Lisa is objectively her best form
What a poor opinion.
wow jap game threads are so video game related guys
>some are better
>some are worse
Congratulations, you have autism
sure, I don't really like videogames
>another mouth to feed
No thank you
thanks for the diagnosis autist
Yes, but feed what user?
Christie had it worst.
Hey, you. Post more.
But if I could get Marie Rose as a wife, probably
You take that back, user.