So, which one were you?

So, which one were you?

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I always go with the bluer/cooler coloured ones, so Sapphire.

The "I waited for the superior version" kind

I waited until Emerald

I also chose Blaziken.



Emerald was literally my first video game I ever owned


I was on holiday in Spain and I wanted Sapphire so fucking badly. We eventually found some tiny little independent shop selling them in English. They only had Ruby left, that was absolutely fucking fine by me.

More like the "poor kid whose parents had to make him wait for things" kind.

I wasn't faggot enough to buy pokemon games in the midst of their decade-long 'hurr same game every fucking time' autism.

I got all three

Yeah but dude you ARE 40 years old and on Sup Forums

Only Hillary voters bought Sapphire

I was the:

>Son what Pokémon game do you want for christmas?
>How do we recognize it?
>It's the Red one
>Here son, here is the Pokémon FireRed you wanted

>tfw never have the Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/FireRed/LeafGreen style transparent cartridges ever again.

Asked for Ruby but got Sapphire.

Sounds like a good deal to me.

Well, which one?

I started with this

>>How do we recognize it?
>"it'll say ruby on it"
Were your parents illiterate?

I got Ruby.

Then about 8 months later for some reason I begged my nan for Sapphire. Dunno why, I found it quiet underwhelming just repeating the game but with a Mudkip.

I think it was incredibly easy co,pared to Ruby somehow. Must have had an odd team.

Sapphire because my mom said "That's your birthstone" and I was like "Okay"

I bought all three versions for the first three gens. I really liked Pokemon as a kid.

Not bad.

Groudon looked cooler anyway

Leaf Green
Heart Gold
White 1/2
Omega Ruby


This one.
But to answer your question I wanted Ruby, but I got Saphire instead.

>Neither Kyogre or Groudon appear in game

Really pissed me off, I thought I could get the one missing from my version

Bothered me that most of the shadow pokemon were shitty Gen 2 scrubs. I wanted the regis, damnit.

Only fascist authoritarians who actively participated in the Holocaust purchased Ruby.

if only

I always picked the more alpha version

>4th gen
>5th gen
>6th gen

Everybody with a brain picked Sapphire nigga.

>Better villain team

I went with Blue version

sapphire then emerald

t. brainlet

Ruby won by default.

Wanted sapphire but the store I went to as a kid only had Ruby and dad said he wasn't going to another store.

how good are the remakes? better or worse than original R/S?

Lugia is infinitely cooler than Ho Oh

neither. gen 3 was when everyone got sick and tired of pokemon and moved on.

played emerald years later.

Literally me

shit compared to emerald.

Better in almost every way except for the fact they're piss easy
The originals weren't terribly challenging but goddamn you could play ORAS with your face and win

I was the "Red" version guy with the exception of gen 5 so

>he continued to play pokemon after red and blue

FireRed, had Yellow, Silver & Crystal, somehow skipped over these two and emerald until a few years ago. I bought the Alpha Sapphire remake if that counts.

Probably because gen 2 pokemon couldn't be carried over so they stuffed a bunch of them in the ngc games.
Still fun though, Wes is best mc.

Reminder that you can travel from Littleroot to the door of victory road continuously without a single zone transition (Caves, gates, etc.)


I was both this time. I even remember going to toysrus and buying them. Only gen I did it with for some reason. It went
Y - G&C - FR - R&S&E - Pl - HG - W - Y
I was so disappointed by white that I wasn't sure if I was ever going to play again. Then I got Y and I was even more disappointed and haven't even played one since.

>be nine year old me
>love in american values of liberty and democracy
>read the entire federalist papers as well as the pentagon papers and understand the evils of totalitarianism that threat america inside and out
>buy sapphire

Best decision i ever made

Blue, Silver, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Platinum, Soulsilver, Black, Black 2, and then I didn't play any of the others.

>Liking the gen that's a single broken link in what would otherwise be an unbroken chain of compatibility
>When Nintendo added GB to GBA connectivity SPECIFICALLY FOR GAMEFREAK
3, 6, and 7 are garbage.

Emerald was my first, went back and played Crystal, then played Platinum, Black, X, & Sun

>not liking the gen that set the ground work for the best games in the series
>not liking the gen that turned the game from a glitchy mess to something playable

>missing out on gold/silver
I feel bad for you user

This is the oras map since you can see the roads better, ignore mauville since the originals had it wide open and clear
Purple is an alternate route
It's a novelty but all it really requires is surf off the top of my head

I can understand this mentality to an extent but never understand not including gen 2.

Sapphire, always a first version fag but I traded Mario Party Advance for a used Sapphire. Got Emerald later though.

Did gen 3 had the biggest map? Looks pretty big.

Sinnoh and GSC/HGSS blow it out of the water

Same games but with modern technical enhancements, a shit ton of legendaries, and reduced difficulty. No reason to play the originals. Most of the hate is the reduced difficulty and not bringing over Emerald's enhancements.

Is that an achievement isn't that possible with most gens during endgame?
I thought you meant you could do that from scratch on a fresh file.

Black 2
Going to be Ultra Moon

It would be great if you could do it fresh, but no
Basically all of the recent games, and even FRLG in the same gen have a bunch of transitions between cells. The road gates are the really obvious ones and they're notably absent from Hoenn.
It's kind of an autistic thing to get hung up on but I like the coherent flow quite a lot

I got ruby because I liked the angry dinosaur better than the dumb fish

Who here is emulating RSE on PC?

nigga i played emerald first

>once you get Rui your Espeon and Umbreon don't ride shotgun in your crazy bike anymore
That was disappointing

but ho-oh's theme

Sapphire. I always got the one less people got so i had leverage at the bus stop. I did later get Emerald as a gift
>mfw I actually pre-ordered Colosseum for the bonus disc just to sell kids at school Jirachis for $15 a pop


Sapphire, then emerald on release day, was fucking nice

Uh, they had the smallest maps.

>Two regions
>Smallest map
Nice meme hoennbabby.

I liked how they forced you to use shitmons because of the small selection of johto pokes. Gale of Darkness broadens the selection much more and is a more refined game all around though.


Two regions doesn't mean it's not the smallest user. Hell the fact that they needed to tack on Kanto just goes to show how small they thought Johto was.

Always went with the "Red" versions, only exception was Moon

GSC and HGSS have two regions and that would fundamentally blow the fuck out of Hoenns size. (and those water routes are deceptively tiny and already make Hoenn look way bigger than it is).

And HGSS expanded on Johto and Kanto significantly. ORAS just added some RNG islands with a single patch of grass or two. You're retarded if you think RSE/ORAS are the bigger games.

Ruby because Groudon looked cooler and i always pick the "Real version"

Then one my friend told me that kyogre was the best in competition(for those who remember the thing before showdown forgot the name) but i never believed them.


>GSC and HGSS have two regions and that would fundamentally blow the fuck out of Hoenns size.
Together they barely amount to the size of one post gen 3 region user. If you though those water routes were deceptively small then you haven't played a GSC/HGSS game.

>and those water routes are deceptively tiny
Still bigger than any route in GSC.


So you're gonna tell me next that having hilariously padded route lengths and a million meaningless places to dive means its "big"
Realistically XY is probably the biggest game. But it doesn't feel like it because all it is is overly big routes and like 6 steps off the beaten path to an item.

Why do Hoenn fans consistently prioritize the weirdest shit in Pokemon games?

What's the 4th gen red version?

Diamond. It's whichever name comes first.

Pretty much me. Last one i played was colosseum in like '05. Replayed red version a few years ago but that's it.

>So you're gonna tell me next that having hilariously padded route lengths and a million meaningless places to dive means its "big"
As opposed to having several extremely short routes with nothing in them?
You didn't think this through did you.

>Why do Hoenn fans consistently prioritize the weirdest shit in Pokemon games?
user, we're telling you the fact that GSC/HGSS is the smallest region. You're the only one bringing it back to Hoenn.

>As opposed to having several extremely short routes with nothing in them?
So we're resorting to 100% fabrications now? Here's your (You).

How can you tell which one is the "red version"?

The red version is the one that comes first.

White 2
Omega Ruby
Going for Ultra Sun

The one that had my favorite Pokemon available in it, which was usually an exclusive.

Red, Gold, Sapphire masterrace reporting in

Actually, iirc they added Kanto because Iwata compressed the game's filesize down so much when he was brought in to fix shit that they had enough room for Kanto and added it as a neat extra. Kanto wasn't originally planned to be in.