Anyone else would rather have Bravely Third instead??

I mean it just screams Square Enix didn't want to put the budget to transform a 3D 3DS JRPG into a full blown HD JRPG, and i get that.

But to go full 2D "le indie aesthetic" like Octopath Traveller?

Did Bravely second flop or something??

Why couldn't we get Bravely Third with Monster Hunter XX Switch graphics or something like that?
Not talking about the artstyle of XX, only about using high res textures to make 3DS game look better.

This games existance doesn't mean you won't get a Bravely Default

It means they have to finish this meme game first before we get Third.
It's made by the same developer.


I would, but it's always good to have something new every now and then.

Bravely Default thread.

Also I'm incapable of mentally pronouncing Agnes the English was now.

I think they should take their time making Third, Bravely Second was pretty shit, only thing they did better was combat.

>>But to go full 2D "le indie aesthetic" like Octopath Traveller?
Kill yourself.

You don't have to like every Switch exclusive because there's nothing else to play senpai.

Well, 8 is greater than 3 user.

BD was trash and basically a rehash. Im glad its dead. OT's visuals are bad but everything else about it is pretty neat. They should have Edea appear just because.

I liked their OP and Magnolia.

Also the new jobs were hilariously broken, which I also ejoy

No, not really. It's probably better we get a game like this instead, because Second kind of shows you what direction they're going to take the series in. I mean I would like Bravely Third, but unless they can confirm that they won't go full retard again, then I'd rather them just do something new like Octopath Traveler.

So far it seems to be working out for the best, because the game's theme, and battle system are amazing.

Bravely Second sucked shit. They ruined it by making it a pure sequel instead of loosely connected if at all.

I'm sick of companies just making sequels. It's good that they're trying something different.

I don't even own a switch.

But no dev should be stuck doing the same thing over and over.

They could aways go with something like Bravely Untold.

Think if BS as FFX-II

im looking forward to this desu though i do hope they come up with a better name

the bravely game were ultimately disappointing messes that really didn't deliver what they were promising

this game sort of looks promising, it has some original idea so i think this is a better deal

Should I play the demo?

I have it downloaded on my switch but I don't want the game ruined for me. Also it'll be painful to wair for the full game after if I like the demo.

I liked both Bravelies a lot.

Why not both

It's made by the same producer, team is completely different, which you'd know if you research a minute

I think the art style looks great, OP can suck 9 dicks.

Demo is pretty good and is just the very beginning of the game for 2 of the 8 characters. If you don't mind having to replay the beginning for those two when the game comes out then go for it.

Depends on whether or not you hate unskippable text because if you die against either boss you'll have to "read" through that again. Hopefully they'll realize this in the survey.

Cool, I'll check it out then.

Or, you know, maybe the Bravely devs don't want their entire lives dedicated to making sequels to the same fucking series forever? Dude, you need to realize that devs should be allowed to flourish in making different games, not getting enslaved to the save tired old franchise.