>We know that women gamers face harassment and stalking and threats of violence from other players. When they speak out about their experiences, they’re attacked on Twitter and other social media outlets, even threatened in their homes.
Is it true?
>We know that women gamers face harassment and stalking and threats of violence from other players. When they speak out about their experiences, they’re attacked on Twitter and other social media outlets, even threatened in their homes.
Is it true?
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying men arent
literally who
Not really.
It's only when they try to create drama that this happens, like anita and etc.
Most people don't care if you're a girl or a guy they just want you to get on the fucking payload.
A bit more than men, probably.
But not even sure since men actually go looking to be trolled kek. Women too sometimes.
But women make a bigger thing out of it and it becomes "harassment" and a "hate crime", etc.
Professional victims always go looking for it and then make a YUGE deal out of it, which attracts even more harassment since they're being ridiculous.
Is America the biggest fucking cancer in this universe?
Socialism is
Yes. At this point im wait for Kim to nuke California
I don't understand how you can go on Sup Forums, witness it's regular women bashing threads and NOT say that that statement isn't true.
Nazis are.
me too, then we can finally get on with this country without having to declare war on one of our own states. and blow up some gooks in the process.
dirty lies, the upstanding citizens of Sup Forums would never stalk or harass anyone!
Hoo boy, it's this thread
So women are either completely white knighted and given special attention to in online gaming or targeted for harassment, seems like a fair trade off.
I guarantee every reply in this thread is from a male and thus invalid.
Men face more harassment of most kinds, but women are much more likely to complain about it. There was a study on this.
This, and it's almost every single thread
I wouldn't hate women if they weren't so obnoxious.
I liked it when he went to a cop funeral for cops killed by a Black Lives Matter extremist and blamed systemic racism.
Best memer ever.
I'm a girl(male)
Yes. We've been infested with Marxists shit. Nazism was a reaction to Marxism and nothing more. Fuck the despicable failed ideology that is Marxishit, it has killed the most and left an entire region into a backwards shithole that is STILL recocering.
Piss off back to neofag, leftypol kike.
>We've been infested with Marxists shit
What Marxist legislation has been passed? How many representatives are Marxists?
>This plethora of stormcuck asspain
Nothing better than keyboard nazi tears
>what is cultural influence
>what is the infesation of academia by marxist kike professors
>implying the demoshit party isn't infested with marxist sympathizers
We've just had a socialist kike that went to the USSR for his honeymoon run for president.
College millennials wave USSR flags in public now, whereas to do this 40 years ago you would have gotten your shit beat or shot dead.
Fuck yourself, kike.
Hello Britbong.
>cries about MUUUUHH NATZEES
Shouldn't you been kneeling you useful fucking idiot?
Nazis don't even exist anymore. You're being happy over nothing.
They literally get triggered at anything that isn't in support of "God emperor Trump"
Yea, that's right.
7 years ago if I had seen this post I would've just dismissed it as false flag trolling. Nowadays when I see it there's no disbelief that there are actually people like this. Sup Forums is the worst thing to ever happen to this site
why do jews push leftist shit in every country while keeping israel as right wing nationalist as possible?
It's atrocious on Runescape. Any other game is EZ.
Literally can’t disprove any of the points in the last panel
I feel this was intentional
>what is cultural influence
Not the same as the only thing that matters, political power.
>what is the infesation of academia by marxist kike professors
Liberal colleges have always been liberal. There's plenty of conservative colleges out there and moderate ones but they don't create outrageous headlines.
>implying the demoshit party isn't infested with marxist sympathizers
What does this even mean? Are you saying that they're marxist because they're politically inept in the USA like the socialists are?
>College millennials wave USSR flags in public now, whereas to do this 40 years ago you would have gotten your shit beat or shot dead.
Freedom of expression is an important part of democracy. Doesn't matter if you or I agree with it. People doing it without being reprimanded just means some personal freedoms are alive and well.
>muh Sup Forums
You're a retarded newfaggot. /n/ and /new/ got literally deleted for too right wing by moot. If you think this was ever a leftist site you're dumb. At best it was libertarian, Sup Forums had daily nigger and islam hate threads since 2006 idiot.
Go back to neofaggot, obvious shill.
gamergate threads are not allowed, kys cuck
>Muh buzzwords
Holy fucking shit, use those ww2 memorabilia to kill yourself
EVERYONE on the internet gets shit on, fucking deal with it you entitled whores., suffer quietly like the rest of us.
They know that a united people are a strong people. Thus, they seek to make themselves strong while making others weak.
And she just went from a 8/10 to a 10/10
>Sup Forums had daily nigger and islam hate threads since 2006 idiot.
There's a difference between "YOU DOUBLE NIGGER" posts on young Sup Forums and "NIGGERS ARE LITERALLY THE WORST THING TO HAPPEN TO THE COUNTRY" modern Sup Forums shit.
If it makes you feel any better, socialists getting a real foothold in the Democrat party will almost certainly lead to the party's complete demise.
This guy gets it
Fuck off
>Doomsday on September 23
>Sup Forums is always right
>not the same as political power
You're a useful moron. When you cannot gain political power you undermine society through psychological and cultural means. Just as Kruschevev.
>“We can’t expect the American people to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have communism.
>"We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.”
>liberal colleges have always been liberal
Not until the 1960s. Consequently this is when the leftist invasion of academia really started. Harvard was quite conservative back in the 1920s, now it's a cesspit of indoctrinated Marxists regurgitating whatever their kike professors tell them.
>what does this mean
That they enable, support and fund marxist shittery to take place by openly sympathizing with organizations such as antifa or black power organizations who openly fly communist flags and chant communist slogans you retarded brainlet.
>freedom of expression is an important part of democracy
Yet leftist universities and towns openly shut down any right wing speeches, thoughts and protests. Fuck off.
literally idpol, stop lowering the bar you fucking faggot.
Everyone is gay
Not an argument leftypol neofaggot. Smash yourself in the head with a hammer then cut yourself with a sickle you useless cunt.
>Yet leftist universities and towns openly shut down any right wing speeches, thoughts and protests. Fuck off.
They're a private company. They can remove or ban anyone they like.
What're you, some kind of communist?
>Sup Forums founder deletes facist LARP board twice
>Sup Forums is made by and for rightwingers
If only you knew how dumb you really are
I've singled out your posts because this is truly the dumbest bullshit I have ever seen come out of Sup Forums. You are truly a brainwashed idiot. Fuck off back to your echo chamber, you are beyond help.
Sup Forums is a brother of Sup Forums's. you are the alien here neoturd
If they did the same to communists you'd be on your knees screeching and crying.
>leftist mayors forcing the cancellation of right wing protests is part of private business
Kys. Throughout history the biggest harm to free speech has come from leftists who openly shut down or censor dissenting thought or push for shit like "hate speech laws."
Welcome, newfag
I was being facetious look at my image lel
Forcibly remove communists/socialists
Maybe just maybe you shouldn't visit a site with "tits or gtfo" at their foundation...
Daily Reminder: Sup Forums is always right.
>muh neogaf boogieman
You're like a broken fucking record.
Sup Forums has poisoned this site by inviting redditors that do hate women and minorities in during the election. Now, much like you yourself are doing now, they spam political bullshit everywhere.
Moot is an sjw faggot. He hung out with sjw cunts when he lived in NYC. His actions were not popular hence why he brought /new/ back everytime.
>still no argument
How fucking sad you moronic neofaggots are.
This is literally leftypols owner by the way.
>no rebuttal
>just a meme and a desperate plea for him to stop blowing you the fuck out
wtf now im #mentallyhill
Banning people under threat of violence and rioting from tho other side is not freedom of speech.
If women would just stay in the kitchen they wouldn't see those threads.
>Sup Forums has poisoned this site by inviting redditors that do hate women and minorities in during the election.
so these posts are advanced satire?
>what are daily nigger hate threads on Sup Forums since 2006
Once again you're retarded.
Redditors are overwhelmingly lefties.
Are you suggesting that the creation of r/the_donald hasn't created a flood of redditors coming here and ignoring the board culture?
>muh Sup Forums
>can’t just debate the topic of the thread with actual arguments like a human being
>thinks calling out Anita Sarkeesians bullshit is Sup Forums
/leftypol/ retard detected
>What are tablets and smart fridges?
Why the fuck did you post Obama? He's not the U.S.'s current president and was a shitty president anyway
So which one are you in my pic?
Is the pay still good after you failed?
>If it makes you feel any better, socialists getting a real foothold in the Democrat party will almost certainly lead to the party's complete demise.
I find this to be pretty interesting. Right now they seem to be keeping a good distance and one of the larger ones refuses to put in a candidate for offices since they don't want to be a spoiler. I doubt they can have much sway in the democratic party considering how owned dems are by corps. Sup Forums is no place for political discussion though
>You're a useful moron. When you cannot gain political power you undermine society through psychological and cultural means. Just as Kruschevev.
You mean like our dear friend Alex Jones? But Alex and his compatriots have actual political power now.
>Not until the 1960s. Consequently this is when the leftist invasion of academia really started. Harvard was quite conservative back in the 1920s, now it's a cesspit of indoctrinated Marxists regurgitating whatever their kike professors tell them.
So what? Conservatives still write the economic textbooks and that's more powerful than whatever horse shit classes you're concerned about. Econ 101 is a formative experience for every single president and representative.
>That they enable, support and fund marxist shittery to take place by openly sympathizing with organizations such as antifa or black power organizations
These are 3 completely different organizations with completely different goals and I don't even know if antifa has a goal. I don't think I've heard any dem in office support antifa. I'm doubtful for the others as well. All of those organizations are useless.
>Yet leftist universities and towns openly shut down any right wing speeches, thoughts and protests. Fuck off.
The students will be paying off their debt to attend that school for the rest of their adults lives. If the consumer doesn't want it on the premise it shouldn't be there. Police cooperate with conservatives protests in public spaces
LShareBlue is literally a reddit boogieman, this is what I'm talking about.
Probably because the subject is a concern Trump would never invest time into, but Obama would
Not really, the ones that are stay in reddit. The right leaning ones flooded here.
Makes sense because it deserves no attention anyway, that would be classic Obama wasting time on a non-important issue
This is accurate I've seen girls almost die at bars because they said they like big dicks. Manlets and dicklets wither flip out or passive aggressively harass the woman until he trips her for a faceplant.
This thread should be deleted because it’s a fucking retarded moot point subject, and it’s just a bunch of nigger faggots gaslighting each other claiming they’re the true Sup Forums
I completely agree, I reported this shit long before I decided to post
>Police cooperate with conservatives protests in public spaces
uhh except for when the police are infiltrated by leftists and controlled by far left mayors. I remember one police site that said to contact them if ANTIFA wanted a "public display of standing down and submission" to the left wing protesters
it's not 2011 anymore nigger
the_donald faggots reverse-colonized Sup Forums
>Everyone who dissagrees is a communist
But hey mate you wont believe me anyways.
>uhh except for when the police are infiltrated by leftists and controlled by far left mayors
This is an inquiry do not take offense. Can you tell me more about this? What city? The circumstances? I'm interested in reading about this
Every year blends together at my age.
>you mean like our dear friend alex jones
Did you not read what I quoted? The soviet leader literally states how to propagate communism in the US. You undermine it though indirect meana such as cultural and psychological. You don't go right away and elect an open communist. It's a gradual art.
>so what
The "so what" is that these useful idiots and kike professors have started to gain much more influence in society and their thoughts have been propagated by the mainstream media, as well as politicians from the Democrat party beginning to sympathize and defend them. This is the problem you tard.
>dem politicians and MSM defend antifa, call trump supporters all nazi white supremacists
>dem mayors allow antifa to assault people and burn down property while telling the police to stand down (see Berkeley)
>it's ok when university do it because they are private entities
Yet I fucking guarantee you if right wing institutions and businesses did the same you'd cry rivers of tears. A baker doesn't want to bake a cake for faggots? Sue his ass and get him to lose his business and pay a fine!
Also you are false about the police. Democrat mayors and governors have cancelled right wing protests and have told police to stand down and let antifa beat up elderly Trump supporters or burn down prope. See Berkeley and Charlottesville. Kill yourself useful idiot.
lol, which rapper is this?
>vidya thread
>50 replies, archived
>political shitposting
>500 replies and 200 images
>tfw never actually measured my dick because I'm scared of what the number will say
Not like anyone will see it anyways