Boot up game you haven't played since childhood

>boot up game you haven't played since childhood
>title screen
>start reminiscing about childhood
>realize life will never be that good again

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only if you let it be like that

>ywn be kid getting a used copy of pokemon crystal again at mall, that magical moment when games weren't everywhere and bringing home a game meant a big thing

Even the mall changed let alone the store being gone, it hurts OP

>boot up game I liked when I was a kid
>start playing
>it looks like shit
>early game is a boring slog
>controls are clunky and cumbersome
>allowed to save every 2 hours, if I die I have to go back 2 hours
>game disk crashes every thirty minutes of gameplay
>decade old console makes loud whirring at all times
>game is really fucking hard
>turn game off
>fuck my hot asian wife and beat my mixed race kid
>walk down my mansion steps into my theatre sized living room
>snort 20lbs of cocaine
>turn on my ps4 and play an actually good game like bloodborne

stop living in the past faggot games were dogshit before and they're only getting better

>tfw permaNEET and will never know this feel

>>boot up game you haven't played since childhood
>>title screen
>>start reminiscing about childhood
>only half an hour to play games
>only can play on weekends
>parent would buy games only as christmas presents
>Now i can play until i get tired every day if want
>Nearly all the games i want avaliable on the internet
>got gud enough to beat games i couldnt beat back then
How can mommy's boys recover?

>go on Sup Forums
>game you loved in childhood is considered bad comparatively to another game
>start to believe it
>try and enjoy the superior game over the one you loved
>boring as fuck
>play what you grew up with and its so much more fun to run around
super mario world > super mario bros 3

>boot up game you haven't played since childhood
>its exactly as good as you remember
>start to bitterly long for the times when you'd play it as a careless child
>instead take solace in how things can always be enjoyable despite the passing of time
>become at peace with yourself and your time on this earth
never thought some long forgotten GBA game would cause me to make my peace with life


Every time I replay ffvi(got it as iii in an snes bundle for my 4th birthday) Don't worry OP savor the memory

you should be glad that you are alive at all

Sometimes it's the little things good for you user

>realize that I was a fucking stupid multiplayer game only idiot as a kid and finally learn to appreciate all video games as I grew up
>actually experience multiple hours of pure happiness while playing vidya every day instead of getting mad about them, even if the developers might pull some bullshit on you
>mfw coming to the realization that frequent / hardcore multiplayer gamers are always the most bitter, washed up, and jaded people in the community and actively seek to ruin it because of their unending need for competition

>play game you loved from childhood
>it fucking sucks
What's her name Sup Forums?

i can't appreciate all videogames but i do know the feeling you have. every day i would play team fortress 2 and be actually stressed, its no wonder i didn't have a job, that shit felt like a job

castlevania circle of the moon

Robotech battlecry. I still love it but realize how cheap it is.

Karl Anderson?

>boot up game you haven't played since childhood
>title screen
>start reminiscing about childhood
>think about how hype you are to experience this game again
>play it for a bit
>realize you had much lower standards as a kid

Star Fox. It's aged like complete shit.

This sums up the entire N64 catalogue for me, save for Harvest Moon.

>play Silent Hill for the first time again in 17 years
>break down crying when i remember playing it back in 1999 in a countryside area that sort of resembled Silent Hill
>life was so good back then

Where it all went wrong?

life will never be the same again

but that doesnt mean it cant be good again

life is what you make of it

>boot up game you haven't played since childhood
>start reminiscing about childhood
>remember that faggot that was always causing trouble and talking shit when your parents would force you to invite him over and he would want to play your games
>get pissed off all over again about shit that happened when you were 10
>Fuck you, Ben, you stupid cunt.

Pokemon red/blue/yellow

>boot up game you haven't played since childhood
>It's Toy Story 2 for Playstation


>boot up game you haven't played since childhood
>title screen
>start reminiscing about childhood
>realize that you appreciate the game even more now
>realize that your love for vidya only evolved with age
>become content with how life has gone and continue enjoying games

>Really want to play game from your childhood
>Remember your parents guilted you into selling since you hadn't played it in a few months
>You weren't even poor at all with both parents having pretty high and stable income, they just wanted you to sell them due to them having a hate boner for video games
>Now I'm gonna have to fork over $100s for individual copies if I want to replay them on console
Was this common among kids were their parents would guilt you into selling your games (or sell your games themselves)?

You're right, I miss those days.

Computer opens up new worlds. Computer is a communicating device between different universes.

>boot up game you haven't played since childhood
>title screen
>start reminiscing about childhood
>as you play, you realize the game fucking sucks
>good memories of the game start to sour and fade

How did I ever even renotwky enjoy Kill All Humans?

i remember trying that for xbox original and being disappointed

Contra is the only NES game that does it for me and i'm not sure why. Pretty much any SNES game makes me feel sad though

>Street Fighter 2
>Secret of Mana
>Megaman X

I only played the sequel and enjoyed it back in the day. Is the first one worse than the sequel?

>ywn play sa1 for the first time in 1999 ever again

I want Iizuka to fucking die...