Blue Reflection


>Here's the response
>Dear Customer,Thank you for your inquiry.
We prepare 2D images basically on the resolution of 1280*720 for BLUE REFLECTION Steam version, meanwhile 1920*1080 for PS4 version.
>Therefore, if you play in the environment where the resolution is larger than 1280*720, the images are shown as stretched. We hope you will accept this.
>We will consider conforming 2D images to a larger resolution, but cannot promise. We trust that you will understand our position in this matter.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is this intentional?


>trash port of a trash game

>koei puts gust in a chokehold for a pc port
>they squander it agajn

Did the game end up being good? That battle track is too good.

so this is the
4k/60fps mustard race HAHAHAHHAHAHHAA

What did you expect?

>Koei Tecmo weeb shovelware is technically incompetent

Quick inform Kotaku

well, my monitor only goes up to 720p, so I don't mind

>We trust that you will understand our position in this matter
Wait, they do realize that this sentence means that they provided a valid reason to why they don't provide 1080p, right?
Or are they that retarded?

That got me hyped.

We will know it tomorrow
Why do they hate money?
Why do they hate PC players?

just one question: but why?

You should've expected this. KT is fucking trash at PC port. Just look at most of their game on PC.

Please buy my game

>Release game for PC
>It's the fucking PS3 version and not the PS4 version despite PS4 porting supposed to be easier to do

They're just a bunch of retarded fucks that don't deserve your money at all.

>That got me hyped.
Yeah, it's amazing.

>We will know it tomorrow
Oh, I thought it was released already for some reason.

How the fuck? They did good ports already. How do you go BACK?

>Gust will die in your life time

Oh for fucks sake. Source, please. I meant it, I don't want to believe that TK is so fucking retarded. You would think that after so many time fucking up ports they would at least learnt something.

>people will still buy this
rofl lmao, this is why you never get quality shit

Night Azure port is great.

>Admits the PS4 version has higher quality assets
>Don't use them on PC because reasons
>"We hope you will accept this."


Quite fitting considering Gust games are trash. When was the last time they made a good game?

someone will fix it

Why the fuck does anyone care about this game. It's a really mediocre RPG with constantly recycled bosses

it tanked in Japan and the reception wasn't good, but who knows
it makes me wonder, though, how can they go from those 3D models to the ones showed in Atelier Suelle.


consolefags think this is a "victory." the real victory is playing a better game

On what planet? Borked shadows, textures, AA, will drive up your first logical core to 100% usage because what the fuck is a multicore? I had to do some hacky shit because the game is unable to properly use hardware acceleration on its ingame video cutscenes for some reason.
Shit's fucked and some of the worst ports to come out in recent memory. I'd say it's second place on worst ports this year with Automata holding the number 1.

Like they did for Atelier Sophie, Firis and NoA?

>natsume crumbled and burned
>Now it's Gust
I don't like this timeline

personally, I fucking love it

I thought this was their shtick though, porting the inferior version to PC.

Pic related is my surprise.
I already had the PS4 version preordered instead.

There you go princess, I saved you retarded ass some google searches.

Was perfectly fine on my machine and sure never 100%'d any of my 12 cores, so..

Nier is a garbage game but it's only real problem is the global illumination values, and you can fix this now.

>preordering shit games

why? it's going to be twenty bucks in a few months. *17.99 used

>he likes the fact that AA companies are dying
Why, though?
I understand not liking the games but why would you oppenly wish for other people not have something they like?

Nigga it's been out for a year in Japan, I know exactly what I'm getting into.
What's wrong with preordering?

There you go princess, I saved your retarded ass some google searches.

you know you're getting into shit, and you're excited, that's the problem

Sasuga KoeiTecmo, at least they're sincere I guess.

personal issues

>we will consider
So people should email them and let them know how they feel
I won't because I'll pirate regardless but still

I don't think it's shit based on what I've seen.

>We prepare 2D images basically on the resolution of 1280*720 for BLUE REFLECTION Steam version, meanwhile 1920*1080 for PS4 version.
Is there a logical reason for this?

then you can keep liking your shit then

>Caring about this terrible looking weebshit

well, hope you get better then, user

Fucks over pirates.

They deserves to die.

Also, what's with Koei Tecmo not implementing mouse camera support for their games? Or any mouse support for most of their games. Only one that got it was Warriors All Star and implementation sucked there as well.
Fate/Extella is super fun to play with a mouse and keyboard, why can't they just do that?
Had to fucking emulate a mouse when I pirated most of their shit, the lag on that was insane but it was still way more playable than a kuso analog stick.

sony probably payed them, maybe they just love sony's dick or maybe they just suck at porting games, who knows?

Who's doing the pc port for KT games? The devs themselves or outsourced to other company?

What's with the Gust hate lately?

>Caring about other people caring about this thing that you don't like.

Posting nip pics won't hide your reddispeak m8.

>Was perfectly fine on my machine
>Nier is a garbage game but it's only real problem is the global illumination values
Nier also has more game breaking issues than just the global illumination and while I wasn't affected by those, lots of other users were.

You are all paying for all these years pirating games
Really makes you think.

I don't care about the new ones, I care about the older games
You probably think both are bad, though

I don't see why, isn't more competition better?

Goddamnit, TK is so fucking worthless, holy shit.

Gust threads were so quiet and comfy
I really don't know what happened
PC Ports? Compile Heart-fags?

That just seems really strange, You have higher assets why not use them?
My only guess is they might want the game to run as low as possible to compensate for poor optimisation.
I'll still end up getting it on PC but its a shame to know they fucked it up to this extent; I wonder if this is something modders could fix?
rip the assets from the PS4 version and mix them into the PC release.

Well that's genuinely disappointing. I hope the Lydie & Suelle port isn't like this.

How does this even work?
>We have all the assets at 1080p already but for PC we decided to actively make them worse. Please understand.

With fucking Blue Reflection and TK ports? While BAMCO, Idea Factory and even XSeed manages to give good ports? I mean Cold Steel port was fantastic.

No user, TK is literally retarded, and not only on PC, their game ports for Wii U were shit, even on Switch I got Dragon Quest Heros 2 and it was shit as well.

I'm starting to think it's some problem related to their engine, maybe it somehow tanks FPS the same way Sophie tanked them when on the synthesis screen, which is full of small 2D graphics.

>please understand
Understand what? you fucks, you don't get to say that unless you have an actual reason

Or that time they ported the Vita version instead of the PS4 version.

I love Hyrule Warriors, but I'll never buy a Dynasty Warriors because of their utter incompetence.

Saves file size/bandwidth. I dunno if Steam charges based on something like that.

>isn't more competition better?
Not really they aren't directly competing against anyone in particular.
Dying would have better impact on the industry. Those shitty shovelware need to stop.
Hello jewbois!

>posting a reaction image is caring
>Implying this board isn't built on insulting shit that looks terrible.


>That just seems really strange, You have higher assets why not use them?
Japanese suits are really petty and out of touch. No, really, that's it.

Sophie used to go crazy on the synth screen and walking round if I remember it right. Opening your inventory would make it go back to normal.

Can't remember how long it took them to fix it but the fact they did makes me think it's something to do with the game rather than engine. Otherwise surely you'd one have to fix it once?


not even worth a pirate/10
good job guys

This can't be right.

top one is vita ver. but I suspect the pc port is gonna look pretty similar

redpill me on Blue Reflection

Is this real? Hilarious.

It's actually a comparison for the Vita/PS4

>sony probably payed them,


>posting a reaction image is caring
Yes. You not caring would equate to you not posting at all.

>Implying this board isn't built on insulting shit that looks terrible.
It's a shitty foundation then.


I don't know why would anyone expect any better from PC port of Gust games.
Every single of their games that ported to PC has been horrible and they show no sign to improving the port quality nor they willing to fix shit so the game will run better or looked better.

teach them a lesson anonymous, make those piracy numbers grow

Haven't you played their games recently? They're watered down. Sophie is one of the worst Atelier, NoA2 is somehow worst than the first, Firis is just boring and the PC version is fucked. They went to shit during the dusk series.

>paying KT for better versions of Gust games

Sony is losing on all fronts except for the one where they compete with Xbox. They're desperate.

Game with a nice battle system but thanks to being too easy it doesn't matter, it's pretty much about interacting with schoolgirls and helping solve their personal problems, game is far from amazing. But it doesn't matter, TK doesn't care, so if you want to play the game just pirate it.

If that's what it takes for more Ar series.

Their game sales isn't all that great to begin with.

>You have higher assets why not use them?
Average Nipponese's PCs are outdated as fuck.

It's a magical girl simulator with subjectively pretty artwork. That's about it.

>people actually defending the pay to play online machine
It's as if the entire fucking industry, its fans included, went to complete shit in 2013.