E3 2018

>E3 2018
>Valve gets a showcase during the PC conferece
>Gabe comes out casually and quietly
>doesn't do anything flattering or anything big, just says "Alright, we've got a game", then walks off
>room goes dark, screen goes black
>valve logos in silence
>20 seconds of black screen with a few subtle static flickers and silence then
>"Doctor Freeeeeeemaaaan..."

How would you react?

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Boo him

wasn't it confirmed dead?

Typical pcbro

This meme is dead. We hate Valve now.

>implying it wont be shephard

how about instead we hear
Doctor Breeeeeeeennn....

Actually, it'd be better if Gabe said nothing.

drone of the valve variety is filtered too

>it's a half-life trading card game

why even make these threads anymore


>gabe walks on stage
>says nothing
>just stares solemnly for three seconds
>walks off stage
>nothing happens.

>Gabe walks out on stage
>opens mouth as if he's about to speak
>closes mouth
>looks down at feet for a moment
>looks up and gazes across the crowd
>opens arms like pic related
>spotlights immediately shut off
>OP's 20 seconds and then G-Man happens
>everyone compares Gabe to Jesus

>Get angry because it's the Half Life card game.

I'd wake up.

>half-life pachinko


Half Life card game with pay to win card packs announced.

Meme life 3, the most wanted game from r/valve xD

the real reason to want hl3 is having a new engine for mods