What went right?

What went right?

Lack of competent competition.

Nothing. Consoles are an abomination and Sony is fucking you in the arse without lube. Fuck you.

>global console market is one quarter the size it was ten years ago
Damn, everyone is on suicide watch!


no games to be proud of

>bot consuls r betr thn pc cuz muh anime game

PC is the device of the Christian inquisition that is to come and purge faggotry that comes bundled with consoles.

Doesn't even feel like it to be honest because they're doing a good job getting a pretty good range of quality exclusives to publish.

Perhaps, but exclusives do not explain bad customer support and consistent raises in PS+ prices.

>sony fanboy
Reevaluate your life

I can't speak for customer support but yeah the PS+ shit fucking sucks. I got a job though so it's not really a big deal.

Maybe you should reevaluate yours. By owning a PS4 and a good PC (and a Wii U) I get to play whatever I want and not be bitter child about when good games come out I want to play.

The Switch isn't part of generation 8, it therefore is winning generation 9.

>I got a job though so it's not really a big deal
That's exactly what being fucked by Sony sounds like. Online accessibility is not something one should pay for, never was.

Nothing new here, PS123 all outsold the competition.

Microsoft just made the wrong call thinking that what works in Burgerland works elsewhere. Like when I told my American expat friend that cheques were discontinued in 2002.

>good games

Arguing with people about what video game console they enjoy
When you were in kindergarten and you had to draw a picture of what you imagine yourself doing as an adult, did you imagine yourself staying up into the morning in front your computer telling yourself "It's alright that I missed this semester. I'll just sign up for the next one"?

This. There wasn't anything to compete with it. Both Microsoft and Nintendo shit the bed.

The PS3 lost heavily to the Wii though.

>having pictures of Asian girls on hand
How many of them do you have? If you ever actually managed to get an Asian gf, how do you think she would react to your cache of Asian girls?


At least I was fucked by Sony for less long than I was fucked by Microsoft, but yeah I don't like it either. I wish the government regulated some of this shit, the amount of things different companies are trying to monetize through subscriptions is getting out of hand.

You're a bit of a child aren't you.

what an odd thing to wonder about, sound like you're speaking from your own experience, are you projecting or something?

>sonyfag sonyfags
just sage this thread, it's cancer and sonyfags will never recover

Aggressively trying to recover from the financial disaster that was the PS3

Semester? I'm not in middleschool anymore sonychild. I have money and can buy myself a proper gaming computer instead christmas-present-grade shit-tier systems.

>not having a folder of reaction images
get out newfag. what a creepy question to ask ,are you some kind of weirdo?

>on le reddit we find it objectifying 2 hav pictures of women saved
>u never have gf

Asian girls are fucking disgusting anyway

>sony dominates
>expect to see a whole slew of exclusives like during the PS2 and PS1 days
>everything is exclusive on PS4
>*also on PC


nothing went right xbox fucked up so hard sony could sneak up a fucking pay for online kike shit

now nintendo can as well


Xbox One shitting the bed right out of the gate helped a lot I bet.

Also Playstation 4 has way more exclusives. What exclusives does Xbox One even have?

Here's my asian gf
is she disgusting?

>solid lineup of exclusives + console only games + cheap launch price
>some games perform better on it than the PS3

>flubbed reveal
>small handful of exclusives; little reason for an idort with a decent PC to get one since nearly everything gets ported to PC
>OG xbox BC is the only reason to pay attention

MS isn't even trying anymore, are they?

>>expect to see a whole slew of exclusives like during the PS2 and PS1 days

having a huge library of games is shit anyways. too many games to buy. i like it this way. a few big releases of content packed games that i don't ahve to spend all my money on is way better. it allows you to fully appreciate and explore a game. sony pretty much designs games for replay value now a days because they don't release as much shit now a days, have maybe 500 hours in bloodborne alone. anyways console games back than were primitive and new games are as detailed as movies, 1 new game is worth like 20 old games.

that's a 12 year old boy you lying lion

also you know you need to be at least 18 years old to post here

When's the next big PS4 exclusive coming out?

>be consolefag
>talk about exclusives
>buy single-ply because i'm too poor from sony raping my anus
>become fat because can only afford mcdonalds
>even waifu leaves me because can't afford jizz dry cleaning
>don't have every game ever released because 'console r betr'

You can always quit and prevent console developers from getting their unjustly earned shekels.

>the what's-a-reaction-pic meme
>gets them everytime

body and down is great, face up is utterly horrendous. 2/10.

Don't forget that all the cinematic games sell well and are praised on the PS4, Sony is heavily responsible for cinematic games taking off.

will he ever recover?

>no sony consoles in sight, just a pc

You forgot about
>play only two games a year because muh trophies

Might as well become a fucking animal rights-protesting vegan.

what are you talking about? there was a shitton of games on old consoles but majority of them were shit

that projection

>Sup Forums in charge of analogies

pls respond

yea, that was just advice for the future shitposting

PS4 is the best gaming hardware ever made. PCbros shitting themselves left and right here is proof of that.

Reminder that most people saying PS4 has no games owned a fucking Wii U


Sorry user. You're right.

agreed. what a fucking dipshit.


He's got a PSOne on the shelf to his right

How does it feel that you'll never defeat Sony nintendicks? MORE EXCLUSIVES, BETTER GRAPHICS, BETTER ONLINE


PS3 had a rough start, but towards the end of the generation i think it might have outsold the 360?

Microsoft is too retarded to advertise to the eastern regions or has no entry into the market.

Europe and japan mostly, i think the only territory where xbox is dominant is north america.

The 360 never was that much ahead of the PS3, but Microsoft drastically increased their share of the market coming from the original Xbox, and Sony was unable to prevent it, so history passed it as a failure from Sony's part

fucking delete this
Switch is the world's most popular console in Japan and USA

Gran Turismo Sport comes out in October I think

Not sure. I mean normies just buy whatever their friends have or they buy the sequel to their last console so it just seems like chance. Intellectuals just keep playing PC and don't dabble with non-potable consoles.

why is she wearing french costume?

Fifa & Madden
4k meme

Saying "cinematic" is meaningless
It always means "the game has good and realistic graphics"
But are all movies real life? Don't 2D animated movies exist? Doesn't claymation? Doesn't anime?
I see no one here calling Person 5 a cinematic game even tho it's a literal anime show put in a game
Cinematic is just something used to bash on Sony because Nintendo consoles can't handle that kind of fidelity, so Nintendo fanboys such as yourself try to turn that around and make it into a negative

xbox literally fucked it up.
The scenrio that let PS4 dominated cant be replicated unless Xbox once again goes full retard next gen

Nothing. The competition hasn't nought out any resistance.

The Switch is an interesting beast though.

>PS123 all outsold the competition.
and funny enough non was due to its position as consoles

PS1 pic related
PS2 cheapest DVD player and high -re-buy rate due to faulty laser reader
PS3 cheapest BD player, also lost to Wii and burned all the money PS1 and PS 2 made

>too many games to buy

At least that's not a problem now.

>*or Switch

Switch came tooo late to the party to compete with PS4 tho, but I set a good presedent for Nintendo, and how to manage a great 1st year after all the mistakes they made on WiiU

>there are still people desperately trying to spin that Switch is gonna flop like WiiI U did

My favorite line is when the say "Well Wii U had a good start too!" implying that Switch isn't already around halfway to Wii U's total lifetime sales before it's even seen its first holiday season

>PS2 cheapest DVD player

This is not true. The PS2 was around double the price of a standalone DVD player on release. DVD players plummeted in price much faster than the PS2, within a year of it's release you could get a standalone player for a fraction of the price of a PS2. How the fuck did this myth even start?

I dont have the time right now but Im sure PS2 was cheaper than even other Sony Branded DVD, will have too look deeper on it.
but lets says im wrong on that, PS2 do had a high re-buy rate cause of the failing rate was high as fuck on the disc reader component

>re-buy rate cause of the failing rate was high as fuck on the disc reader component
You could fix that for $20. Source on the high re-buy rate?

A certain shitstain of a continent bringing them all those undeserved sales

pretty much. it allowed sony to stop giving a fuck, and exploiting their consumers even more.

Video games.

no one bought PS1 as a cd player and no one bought PS2 as a dvd player
those were just added benefits

>PSN price hikes for literally no reason

I can't believe how quickly people just accepted this shit.

>You could fix that for $20
only like USA. later 3rd world places did not have that luxury but by the end of hte PS2 life time / early PS3, PS2 was really cheap, even there, so although it was not possible to get it fixed, it was kinda common to see people just buy it again.
I mean this on its own its testament of people liking the console and the games, but eventually helped to inflate numbers

>reeeeeeeeeee why don't they put every game on pc

>coming up on 4 years, the PS4 dominates a system that launched 6 months ago and hasn't been through a single holiday season yet in total sales
Truly stunning.

70 million

>no one bought PS1 as a cd player and no one bought PS2 as a dvd player

its even more eye opening after all the trash XBL Gold got during 360 era.

>70 million
Sony would have already report it and wank to it like they always do

My parents bought ps2 as a DVD player so your factually wrong. Keep talking though

It's all gamergate's fault the PS4 got big.

amazing argument

you are teh one that needs to present one 1st user.

This was a boring console war, just sony stomping on everyone.

>dude lets make people buy the same game 3 times because there's one different pokemon in each version
>region locking
>paid online
>pokemon bank
>extremely outdated hardware sold at a premium
yeah sony is the big evil

>Thread its about Sony
>Had to bring Nintendo out of nowhere
Jesus fuck, the insecurity