Yo, buddy. Still alive?

Yo, buddy. Still alive?

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>tfw Pixy never got to see his buddy again

Just finished the game.
Showing down with him was pretty stellar.

what ace combat is this from anyways?
i have the 3 PS2 ones.
i only ever started playing 4 and it had boring ass still image anime cutscenes iirc.

Ace Combat Zero.
All the Ace's have live actors which is pretty cool.

>hating on AC4's cutscenes

That said AC5 and AC0 both go for a different style, so maybe you'd like those better. Just don't play 0 before 5.


Now you know. And now no other boss fight will ever come close for you in terms of staging.

i only played like 5 missions and it didn't really grab my attention.
but it also turned out that these games are just Jet Fighting dogfighting videogames and i expected something different for some reason...

Thread theme


I don't know what you expected from a game that's called "Ace Combat" and has planes on the cover.

You're retarded aren't you?

i dunno, Sup Forums always hypes it up so much.
it's like going into Armored Core expecting zone of the enders.
thats kinda how i felt.
i thought it was more than just a dogfighting game.

It's just a really good arcade flight game. If that's not your bread and butter that's fine, but I don't know why you expected anything else.

It's unfortunate that you didn't like jousting in jets but at least you gave it a shot.

yep, i thought if one game was gonna do it it would have been this one.
but whatever, will probably sell the 3 games to some dude who will appreciate it more.
I hope Ace Combat 7 turns out good.


>muh borders

Was Pixy autistic?

A globalist

What did you think the AC games would have that they didn't have?

It didn't really click with me initially but the more I played the more thrilling it was to gradually improve and complete missions.
The nature of the narrative compliments the immersion provided from flight-sim gameplay spectacularly as well.

I think he was smart enough to realise that borders were an inevitability.
I think he was more trying to make a point that nothing much would change from regular war if he didn't try to shake things up, give the world nations a clean slate.
That being said he doubted his own motives by the end of it anyways.

>You can finally do ace moves
>after 10 "Ace Combat" games
About fucking time

>Pixy is played by Yuri Lowenthal
Shit, it never crossed my mind. Bravo Yuri.

>And now no other boss fight will ever come close for you in terms of staging.
I'm inclined to agree for the most part, but I'm curious as to why you think that

>Just don't play 0 before 5.

Well, he did the voice. Another guy played him in the FMV. I've always thought that was weird. They had to pay two actors for one part, and then they had to make sure the voiceover matched the way the live actor speaks. That just seems like making more work for yourself.

Might as well finish it now, but it works better that way.

Yeah I'm not sure why they did that, I'm just surprised since I haven't recognized Yuri outside of his 'young man/boy' typecast.

I finished it today, I'm OP.
I realised it was a prequel released after 5 but I wasn't too big into flight-sims to begin with and Zero got the most praise on Sup Forums at least.