What the fuck is taking nintendo so omg to fucking test it? It's been a whole fucking month.
What the fuck is taking nintendo so omg to fucking test it? It's been a whole fucking month
>he plays multiplats on his underpowered gaming device
Many such cases.
fuck you dude
PC gamer probably jealous of gaming on the go. Why the fuck are you such a little bitch ruining these fucking threads. Seriously and completely unironically: FUCK YOU
>gaming on the go
If I'm 'on the go' how could I game at the same time? If I'm going outside I have a clear goal in mind. Why should I bring a toy along?
You've never had a handheld before.
when I get lunch or when im on brake at work I play video games. Fuck you faggot
op is probably a poorfag who has to take a bus or a train
I got this game free on PC (friend had a spare key from humble bundle), is it good? Also, multiplayer support when?
>getting this mad over weak bait
the only winning move is to not reply
PC gamers have things called "laptops," user.
I'm not him you dope
I genuinely agree with him. I don't think it's bait. If I'm not at home why am I playing video games?
Fuck off phone poster.
Not poor, I just like to go out and about and play handheld games. I do my business.
It's really none of your concern how I use it to be honest.
Lol. Dumb PCnigger. You can't put a laptop in your pocket!
some people have to commute to work/school on a bus/train everyday, the switch is ideal for that.
it's another "laptop fag hates the switch" episode. Fuck you. You know goddamned well that a portable console like that isn't the same as a laptop. The switch is ininitely more portable jackass
I do. I don't play multiplats on them and back when smartphones weren't a thing I used them to play games in the back of the car when my parents took the family on a holiday trip. I must have been like 12 or something? I learned shit like cooking and whatnot so I could become self sufficient. Cooking by the by is extremely easy. It's kind of unsettling.
>lunch brake
You could be conversing with co-workers and enjoying lunch. Just something. You could do plenty of things actually. Still I have nothing against handhelds but if you're going to sit down somewhere just to game it's not really 'on the go' now is it?
Perfect time for reading a book, listening to music, the paper etc etc. Hell I saw this guy watching one piece in the train once. I only knew this because he was being an obnoxious cunt and he left the speakers on. He also was a buyfag and had physical DVDs and was putting a new one in the diskdrive.
I Google it everyday first thing in the morning just in cause it low key releases.
Fuck you're right, I'll just stick to pc then because I need at least 120 frames to maximize my farming efficiency. Faggot.
Nope they don't.
Every PC Gamer laughs at laptop idiots.
I own a switch, I can't put that shit in my pocket. I never even put a 3ds xl in my pocket. It bulges out like a cardboard dick, I just have a tiny bag to carry shit around.
No I don't play it in crowded public places or restaurants.
>i-im not him bro h-haha
Jesus. Just give it up already dude. We all know
Why would I call my own post bait if I genuinely believe it? I really hate people that just butt-in to a conversation proclaiming my posts to be 'weak' and 'bait' it adds absolutely nothing to the conversation. Besides you should've seen he had a new IP
>doesn't wear cargo shorts
just how poor are you?
When is Nintendo done testing this shit?
Thinking anyone's opinion matters when you're playing a game to escape the never ending march of hell that is life < Eating rotten shit nuggets out of Nicki Minaj's tailpipe
user not everyone can cargo. In some states you need a permit to.
Is this a famed pop culture reference all the hip kids consider a thought-provoking joke?
Can you even mod this?
I feel like thats the appeal to Stardew Valley, mods.
Why would you mod stardew valley
For the lewds m8.
Nah actually i know theres some stuff i don't wanna hassle my self on, like the fishing n' shit.
But yeah mostly the lewds.
holy shit I'm not sure what you're trying to prove
I think you're a little bitch and nothing you say will change that
Insert any name of someones shit nuggets you wouldn't like to eat man, totally up to you chief.
To be fair most of the mods are made by 15 year old girls who don't make read mes and pack them with incorrect file structures. It actually blew my mind how many really well crafted mods there are on the nexus that are tossed in a rar and uploaded with a minimal description full of typos
I'm not trying to prove anything. I'm just stating the truth.
Oh in that case it's a food analogy
>I'm not trying to prove anything. I'm just stating the truth.
Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess
there is alcohol abuse in the game, its going to get rated a hard AO 18+
land of the free, my ass
I really ain't him, I've no idea why you'd jump to that conclusion. Unless it's you whose pretending to be retarded
>samefagging this hard
literally LOL'ing right now
>needing a $2000 gaming PC to play a fucking pixel retroshit game
Not the guy but,
I feel like the price tag isn't even necessary to get your point across.
Now it just looks like you're desperate.
C'mon man do better.
It could release this week, same goes for golf story.
haley is a bitch
>Cooking by the by is extremely easy. It's kind of unsettling.
Pathetic how many """parents""" can't cook. Fun, cheap, healthy, and relatively effortless.
I don't have any problems with my sleep. I have a healthy rhythm.
Is 2k supposed to be a lot?
Yeah. Also tells you how much they really love being a parent by how lazy they are.