How do I get my mom to buy me a PS4?

how do I get my mom to buy me a PS4?

pic related

She could ask her boyfriend if he could bring it over.

by posting nudes of her

Gimme her facebook, I'll convince her.

men no longer desire older women

Get a job

>mom walked in my room and saw my milf wallpaper, laughed, said "oh my god" and left
What do I do Sup Forums?

Rape her.

Did you fuck her?

Anime milfs are god tier


I want to but she'd disown me if I expressed interest. So instead I play video games

Was it lewd or what?

post the wallpaper

fpbp, that's a divorced mom if I ever saw one.


It was this

>that image

Incest only happens with the mentally deranged, or promiscous women that have a son who's essentially an ultra chad version of his father.

someone help her, her butthole is reverse farting and sucking in all her clothes

More please?

Pretty sure she laughed at the fact that it was an animu milf and not a real milf.


She's more than likely disappointed that her son is into cartoons

Why would you even hang that in your room?
What the fuck is wrong with you?

That's boring

>putting your sexual fetish on your wallpaper
>still living with your parent(s)

damn nigga have some self respect

>hang that
I meant desktop wallpaper you IQlet


giv milkie

Do you smell her panties? I love the way my mom's smell. Post more pics and I'll masturbate to your mom.

Why's she doing that in a public restroom?

Don't fucking try to turn this around on me, you weirdo nerd. That's still not any better.

Speak for yourself ass blaster

Been on nofap for 5 months, please no.



She laffed because it's anime you neet virgin



>5 months
Why are you torturing yourself? Just go and blow the biggest nut of your life

The lightning.

wanna suck her breasts and rub her hairy pussy

>old hags

She's going to get struck and die doing that in a lightning storm.

Buy buying a pc instead

>Mods reaction

Mind giving a name before mods delete?

itsreallywet2 on twitter or something

>being gay