What is the best Oddworld game?

What is the best Oddworld game?


Exoddus > Oddysee > Wrath > Munch.

Though the first two are exceedingly close in terms of quality, and they're arguably both 10/10 games.

New 'n tasty

even as a joke, blasphemy

they're all trash and the creator is a hack



oddysee isn't as good as exoddus.

Lol, I knew this would be the top comment here. Sup Forums is so fucking predictable.

is dated gameplay wise, but the atmosphere is unbeatable

Exoddus is pretty much just the first game, but with more mechanics.

Lorne is a hack, but he still managed to surround himself with a talented enough team to produce 3 fantastic games.

hey, SW was alright. kind of shitty fps but still solid as a creative effort.

The start of it is honestly fucking fantastic, but the ending kind of falls apart.

The 3 I was referring to were Oddysee, Exoddus and SW

>people don't like Munch
Por que?

Is Munch good? I got the steam version of it and it seemed pretty mediocre at best, didn't get far at all though.

I remember liking SW better, but I dropped that game too.

>Is Munch good
As a long time Oddworld fan, no it's not.

Exoddus > Oddysee >>> Stranger >>>>> Lorne what the fuck is this shit >>>>> Munch
