Can we all agree Metroid Prime 3 is the worst of the series?
Can we all agree Metroid Prime 3 is the worst of the series?
Worst of the Prime series goes without saying.
it's the low point of the prime games but the worst of the metroid series is clearly other m
But what does it mean?
You forget the DS game
oh yeah, you're right. that was way worse than prime 3.
It's better than Prime Hunters at least.
Other M > Prime 3.
Of the Trilogy yeah I already thought that was the general consensus.
The DS game is still better than other M
it was the worst game in the series, but still a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy
uh sure if we're not counting hunters/fed force. Still a fantastic game
stop namefagging dobson
My least favourite prime and yet it was the only one i actually finished.
Other M is actually fun and interesting.
It's the weakest of the prime games yeah
But the worst is either Other M or Hunters
neither of those things are true
fusion is worse than prime 3 as well, you forgot fed force too
it's a fun scifi action game. More entertaining than the Prime 3 borefest or Hunters snoozefest.
Okay Andrew Dobson whatever you say.
2d means another 2D Metroid, the /10 was just from the gallery format.
stop responding you fucking idiot you only encourage these kinds of posts, if you can't help yourself stay on reddit where you can instantly downvote while shitting in your diapers
>it's a fun scifi action game.
actually a horrible scifi direct-to-dvd movie where you occasionally have to mindlessly press buttons and point your wiimote at the screen to make the story progresss
>prime 3
>not metriod backtrack 2: more backtracking
Prime 3 is still a lot of fun even if it is the weakest of the trilogy.
Other M is obviously the answer, no question.
Even if you like the gameplay, everything related to the story is abysmal.
u mad?
prime 2 has far less backtracking than prime 1
backtracking has been part of the metroid experience since the beginning
Fusion is still a decent game though. And I found Fed Force fun at least though I doubt you could call it good.
I saw the bideo too
>complaining about "backtracking"
>in a Metroid game
I agree, they're still worse than prime 3
Prime 3 would have been decent if it didn't slap you with a worse case of "go back and collect shit" than both Prime 1 & 2.
>action game
>Mash the dpad to take no damage and blindly attack everything to win
They tried to make a good character action game and a good metroid game but ended up making a mediocre fusion of the two
>m-muh too linear
Fusion is still a great game
ya I still think it's great but it's linearity alongside the dumbass navigation room unskippable cutscenes make it one of the weaker metroid games
To this day I'm pretty sure my most contrarian opinion on video games is thinking Prime 3 was the best in the trilogy. The light and dark in 2 numbed my brain, and its bosses were the most tedious crap I had ever seen receive so much praise. The backtracking in 1 was pretty uninteresting in comparison to how you navigate in Super or Zero Mission. The more sectioned off style of 3 appealed to me more and I remain unconvinced of Metroid's viability in 3D. Retro's work on DKC was fantastic and I was actually relieved when I found out they weren't doing MP4.
>Beam ammo
>Tedious as hell before the Dark Suit
>Each area is mostly self contained
>Every area has you going through the same motions of collecting three keys
>Useless upgrades like Seeker Missile and terrible implementation of the Screw Attack
>Cheap bosses like Boost and Spider Guardian
>Another fetch quest, this time almost all the collectibles are gated behind the last upgrade Samus receives
I think we can all agree that Prime 2 takes that title.
Personally my favorite of the prime games.
>beam ammo
well implemented
blatant lie, ruined your post, didn't bother reading the rest
Every fucking Metroid game is linear other than the first one. You can't progress until the next area until you get an upgrade from the current one.
inb4 sequence breaking autists even though sequence breaking breaks prime 2 more than any other metroid game
It's amazing how well the games hold up when you just bump up the resolution.
HD Trilogy on Switch when?
super is less linear than the original metroid because you have more innate abilities like wall jumping
Both Super Metroid and Zero Mission let you sequence break using intended mechanics like wall jumping and bomb jumping, calling them linear is just ignorance.
You all seem to have forgotten that this is part of the Prime series
As of now, there are more linear metroid games than non-linear
>intended mechanics
Why do ZM/SM niggers always say this? Who gives a shit if they're intended or not, they exist in prime 1/2 and have the same (if not even more) non-linearity. You wanna not combo in SF2 because it wasn't intentional?
A handful of sequence breaks doesn't make the whole game non-linear. A non-linear game is like Mega Man where you get to choose which level to go to freely. Linear doesn't mean PERFECTLY linear.
>Don't control Samus
>Part of the Prime series
there is only one non-linear metroid game, that's the original. All others are semi-linear or linear (fusion/other M)
>sequence break
Having to use this term at all proves that it's linear. A non-linear game wouldn't require you to have to sequence break at all.
you called the first metroid the most nonlinear game in the series, I was only correcting you
Now hold on here, the beam ammo really was gay considering that this is a Metroid game but at the very least it wasn't wholly restrictive about handing it out to you, it just forced you into being a little more considerate with your shots is all.
Chozo fuck up an entire planet, call for help, rescuers are appalled and kill them all for what they've done
>is called Metroid Prime
>not part of the Prime series
It's called Metroid Prime: Federation Force
It's as much a part of the Prime series as Hunters
is Metroid Prime actually in the game somewhere?
I accidentally linked your post
this is a solid game, definitely better than hunters at least
>Who gives a shit if they're intended or not
Because it means that the developers designed the maps with those mechanics in mind meaning that multiple progression paths was planned by the developers. You can argue about Super as much as you want but Zero Mission was absolutely designed to be non linear in nature, right off the bat the devs hid a way to skip the Long Beam entirely and beat the game without it.
why would it be? phaaze is gone
I hope you're not trying to talk shit about pinball games
That is why I am asking. Were is Metroid Prime if it is in the title?
>implying Phaaze is the first Phaaze, not just another planet that was corrupted
Heck off.
They took Metroid and Ninja Gaiden and made it WORK well.
>giving a shit about Metroid story
Metroid 2 and the remake are linear as well.
>Because it means that the developers designed the maps with those mechanics in mind meaning that multiple progression paths was planned by the developers.
again your assumption is that it matters whether it was intended or not, it doesn't.
At this point, the Prime moniker is just there to acknowledge it takes place from a first person perspective.
Unironically my favourite Prime game.
metroid prime just mean first person now, it was established with hunters
all phazon is gone from the galaxy after phaaze is destroyed
That is stupid.
>They took Metroid and Ninja Gaiden and made it WORK well.
ah yes, I remember playing ninja gaiden by pressing a direction on the d-pad and avoiding damage constantly. that game sure was easy, huh?
never played it. assumed it was bad.
I kind of am. The question is not "is this a good pinball game?" It is "is this a good metroid game?"
>never got this with the rumble pak
>Made it WORK well
How? It's braindead as fuck and there's hardly any sense of exploration with everything from pickups to locations being spoonfed to you.
>giving a shit about Metroid story
Kinda hard not to when they shoved in your fucking face 90% of the time.
All Phazon FROM the particular Phaaze we destroyed, but there could still be tons of Phazon out there.
>I've never played Ninja Gaiden: the post
redditors who can't control themselves spotted, stay on your shitty website
I think it's implied there are more phaazes but as of the ending of prime 3 phazon is not detected in the galaxy, a new entity would have to come which is entirely possible considering the logo of prime 4 has phazon around it
If you can't see the resemblance of Ninja Gaiden and Other M then you are blind. Samus even has a similar weight and animation as Hayabusa. Even the dodge kills people complain about are just Ninja Gaiden executions.
>Metroid Prime: Pinball is a pinball game
Being the worst of the trilogy doesn't mean it's bad though. It had some cool locations like that sky city. Controls were good and would have been great if the damned wiimote had more actual buttons. I even liked the other hunters except for pink energy bitch. Was sad we couldn't save ice or mostly robot bro.
I think it's a great game and liked it more than Echoes.
Better OST than Echoes too.
tnanks, I must have missed that. What are those before the word pinball in the title?
Wonder who will do the ost for 4.
horseshit, echoes has the best OST of metroid period
Grant Kirkhope
>its a "collect several keys from all the places you've been so far" part of the game
I always wondered why they had those in 2 and 3 as if that was everyone's favorite part of the first game.
>its a "repeat the opinions of the youtuber" part of the thread
Metroid Prime 1 and 2 made sense because that was just classic Gamecube padding, no idea why it's in 3. Guess it was tradition at that point.
I was just referencing this
at least Prime 2 was contained to one planet.
one of Prime 3's problems was since there were several planets to do shit on, nothing felt particularly big
>Triforce Shards in Wind Waker
>24 Shines behind cryptic Blue Coins in Sunshine
>Insane amounts of backtracking in Thousand Year Old Door
>Artifact and Sky Temple Keys in Prime 1 and Prime 2
Prime 3 has the best gameplay and upgrades though
Don't pretend the light and dark from 2 was actually good
>Prime 1 has no beam ammo
>basically just use the Plasma beam and only the plasma beam unless something is immune to it
The motion controls alone ruin it, not to mention its other yes. I hope to god they allow normal regular ol FPS controls with prime 4 or I'm not touching it. You fags can have your moshitcontrols, I don't care if thats your comfort zone fine. As long as I can play it the normal way im good.