Why does DOOM still get so much love compared to other old shooters like Chex, Strife or Shadow Warrior?

Why does DOOM still get so much love compared to other old shooters like Chex, Strife or Shadow Warrior?

because it's better

don't fucking question doom


Because it's motherfucking DOOM.

because people believe that importance = quality for some reason

Because Chex and Strife were both Doom games.


BLOOD is on par with DOOM.

Same reason Mario gets so much love compared to other platformers: it came first.

The difference is that Doom has yet to be bested in its field. Halo isn't directly comparable in a gameplay sense, since it started a trend of more cinematic first person shooters (I'm sure half life played a role, too), whereas Doom is just balls to the wall. You're supposed to go into things as a badass with a death wish. The only way to defeat demonic monsters is to be a bigger monster yourself.

>Chex Quest
literal Doom clone
melee combat focused Doom clone
>Shadow Warrior
cheap Duke clone with worse level design

All fun games, but they were either inspired or clones of Doom that don't hold up as well as Doom did.

Doom represents a quality that's been lost on the modern era, in that every part of it was designed from the ground up to be modified by the player should they choose. The whole point of the WAD file structure was that modding Wolf3D was a pain in the ass and they wanted to make it easier.

Because it's the grand daddy of the FPS genre and really the one that popularized it.

This is the game that at one point, was more downloaded than fucking windows.

Because it's the one that started it all. Not to mention people from id (like Romero) helped work on some of those games.

>melee combat focused Doom clone
you mean hexen? strife was a doom clone with light rpg elements. all the weapons were guns

Right, it's been a while and my memory was shaky, but the point still stands that it was a general clone of Doom that hasn't held up as well.

Literal mob arguments.

In case you haven't already accepted it, Sup Forums is a mob for certain things acting like they have no bias.

>whereas Doom is just balls to the wall. You're supposed to go into things as a badass with a death wish. The only way to defeat demonic monsters is to be a bigger monster yourself.

Is that all? Have you ever played an arena shooter or Serious Sam?

>every part of it was designed from the ground up to be modified by the player

I wish companies would treat consumers like this. Seems console's think customers are stupid and they sell things like micro transactions and 4K MINECRAFT!!!!!! The best games are good game where the player can easily edit the game. Fallout 4 was bad because it was a turd that bethesda took and expected the modding community to polish it for them. Halo 3 is good because it was a good game to the core, custom games and forge made editing the game easy and even more fun.

/vr/ LOVES all that shit and discusses it 24/7.

This is the reason why it gets the most attention by far.

Blood is pretty fucking awesome.

>two guns on the cover
delete this

Mario is STILL the best 2D platformer AND the best 3D platformer.

Serious Sam is an affront to FPS level design. 95% of the games are just "walk forward to trigger enemy dump, run backwards while firing at a corner". It's pretty much just NUTSwad but with less nuance.

that's a really bizarre way to typo dkc2 and banjo kazooie