Is this the state of ROBLOX?

Is this the state of ROBLOX?

Other urls found in this thread:

get your kiddie faggot shit outta here. even in 10 years we will still tell you to fuck off and die.

Who the fuck even played Roblox anyway.
I remember seeing the ads, but everyone was playing RS/WoW.
Now they got like Minecraft and shit right.

only 12 year olds like OP and pedos play this trash

>He never played Roblox in its prime
Missed out


>mfw your nostalgia is so inferior to my nostalgia I don't even know what face to use



is this the brap thread

It's always been like this, as far as I can remember.

So this is the true form of a brapposter...



Fuck off Swadley


you see it Sup Forums?
now look closer



>2008-2009 Roblox
>Kiddie faggot shit

>Tix is gone
>Most forums are gone
>People actually getting away with jokingly threatening to hack when the FBI can take you seriously and arrest you for making such a lie. (Kazok anyone?)
>Front page even less diverse than before
It's so sad how Roblox's gameplay graphics and building tools keep getting better and better yet their community and games keep getting shittier and shittier

My ex's little brothers played Roblox in like 2010, and they were like 8.