Are these people for real, Sup Forums?

are these people for real, Sup Forums?

why do they feel the need to preach their ways on a games platform?

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Nobody would take them seriously anywhere else

I'm not sure what's the problem he is absolutely correct and you just proved him correct to boot.

feel free to name some neet euphoric neckbeards who made great changes to humanity

why would I be interested to engage in such conversation in Sup Forums of all places?
Sup Forums? yeah sure
Sup Forums? perhaps why not it is Sup Forums with flags
Sup Forums? it was meant for anything so yeah
but Sup Forums is for vidya and apart from giving my 2 cents I have no further interest
I am more than sure we have already done this on Sup Forums so yeah see ya there space cowboy
>tl;dr let's just use Sup Forums for Sup Forums shit it is already cancer as it is

It goes back further then you think.!topic/

>>you just proved him correct to boot
>edgy nihilism autist insists hopping from planet to planet is important
>This is "correct"

Jumping from sinking ship to sinking ship won't stop the heat death of the universe. If everything we do amounts to nothing, why is a bunch of people following a some old stories morally offensive?

Max Plank. Albert Einstein. Steven Hawking.

Believing in old stories is liable to kill humanity before the universe ends. Before it even gets off earth. Look at islam. It destroys everything it touches. All religions should be forgotten.

something is not important because it lasts forever
arguably nothing does and if god exists neither will it exist forever
give meaning to existing as long as possible and prosper,evolve and adapt because that is what we do best
who knows perhaps given enough time we will even get different answers from the ones we already got

It's like when people say "overpopulation is a problem" instead of "overpopulation is a problem in Africa and India". You can only say you hate all religions not just one. Like you can say you hate all of humanity and not just part of it.

Sup Forums is hardly the place to claim superiority about this with our constant Sup Forums and anti-feminism threads.

>why do they feel the need to preach their ways on a games platform?
>he asks on a gaming board flooded with political shit posts

Those are things to feel proud of, though.

truly some people lack total introspection of their own actions

>Sup Forums is one person.

> it's a Sup Forums thread out of Sup Forums level again
>>Sup Forums

I said SOME people not the entirety of the board


What are you saying? I know the phrase, "pot calling the kettle black", but what does that even mean? Why would a pot call a kettle a nigger?

If you're religious you should KYS and go join your buddies in heaven or wherever you've deluded yourself into believing you're going. Meanwhile the rest of us can try to make this life better for all since it's the only one we're getting.

Gentlemen, how do we not fuck up earth?

What does this have to do with V I D E O G A M E S?

>atheist edge lord
>pc user

Well, he isn't wrong.

Are you religious? If not, then wouldn't you agree that religion for the most part is bad? If so, then what are you doing on Sup Forums?

His wording is all fucked up and he sounds retarded. But he's right for the most part.

Atheists are as bad as Jehova Witnesses.
There, I said it.

Stop burning fossil fuels and rely on carbon neutral energy, such as nuclear, solar and wind. Also, do something about Africa's predicted population boom. Maybe stop giving them so much aid, I don't really know.

Regulate the corporations who can profit from fucking it up, and invest in alternative energy. There's really no other solution, but it's not going to happen without weeding out the politicians in corporate pockets and un-indoctrinating the Republican political base.

>Albert Einstein. Steven Hawking.

im the most logical guy in the thread because I Ascribe to the Society Of Doubt.
I've been Doubting everything from my inception.

But the entire history of Humanity is like an iota in time.
If we made it to see the heat death of the universe that would be quite an unbelievable accomplishment for humanity.
As it stands now we'll be lucky to see the next century.

I feel that people with the mindset there is no use living since we're going to eventually die should feel free to kill themselves or whatever
just don't ruin it for future generations.