I need help, Sup Forums

I need help, Sup Forums

I keep going back to the rotation of games that I enjoy, and can't get stuck into anything new.

I just keep playing:

>The DS trilogy
>Mount and Blade
>New Vegas

Can someone recommend me some games to play?

Also 3x3 thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Demon Souls

Demon's Souls
Doom II
Final Doom
Doom 64
DOOM (2016)
Quake II (PC)
Quake II (N64)
Quake III Arena
TimeSplitters 2
Deus Ex
System Shock
System Shock 2
Rise of the Triad (original)
Planescape Torment
Baldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate II
Shadowrun (SNES)
Shadowrun (Genesis)
Uncharted Waters New Horizons
Umihara Kawase (SNES)
Densha de GO! (series, especially 1, 2, and 64)
Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium
Fire Pro Wrestling Returns
WWF No Mercy
Ultima VII
Ultima Underworld
Ultima Underworld II
Super Street Fighter II Turbo
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike
Super Bomberman 5
Bomberman '94
Saturn Bomberman
Duke Nukem 3D
Shadow Warrior (1997)
Urban Chaos Riot Response
SimCity 2000

pretty generic Sup Forums-tier taste.

>ITT: im 14 and just discovered Sup Forums

Recommend me some games, user.

Don't play video games, go outside and enjoy the sun
nah get the original fallouts, which blow FNV out of the water, and FNV, for some of the best RPG's out there. As for other genre's desu i dont know


Oops meant VTMB, not FNV lol im dyslexic it seems

Mass Effect 2? Just throwing that out there because of KOTOR.
Also 5/6, didn't like New Vegas.

Re4 is still the best resident evil and anyone who denies it is just a nostalgia bllinded faggot

aaaw fuck I'v been stuck in a mount and blade/ souls rut for a long time too. I don't like fallout that much though.

I've never played KOTOR, should I or will I just loose a couple more months every year re-playing another game over and over?

I absolutely agree. I can see why people would prefer the earlier games over it but 4 is damn near perfect. Literally my only complaint is the first two chapters are too good and the castle and the island don't live up to them.

KOTOR 1 is one of my favourite games, has a classic Star Wars narrative to it, decent quests, music, and progression.

KOTOR 2 is quite buggy, but has some of the best writing in any game, EVER.

Both are definitely worth playing.

+ OoT, Pokémon, Tetris, MM
- Sm4sh

I really wish I could understand the hardon for Obsidian's writing, but to me it always feels like shitty teenage 'im 14 and this is edgy" bullshit, where the writers try to force their views on canon just to push an agenda

This is fine. Games are expensive. As long as youre still having fun this is a good money saving outcome

Are you referring to KOTOR 2 or a different Obsidian game? I've only really played KOTOR 2 and New Vegas.

Precisely those two are the biggest culprits for my distaste of Obsidian user

What kind of agenda was being pushed?

Obsidian seems to have a penchant for nihilistic, "the world is gray" type plots and characters. Normally, that wouldn't be bad in and of itself, but how absolutely awful they are at implementing it is jarring. It really just kind of feels like a teenager is writing these games.

The writing does have a nihilistic outlook at times, but that can sort of be expected within the context of the games we are discussing.

>KOTOR 2 centred around the aftermath of an enormous conflict that has caused people to lose faith in the republic, the force
>New Vegas is literally post-apocalyptic

Kreia's a great character, not because of her viewpoint, but how it is expressed. The way that she slowly tries to lure you to the view that the force is bad thing because it makes the user dependent on it.

That's not necessarily "an agenda." Every writer will inject their view into the story, sure, but then what's the point of enjoying good writing if it's all viewed as "an agenda?"

Miyazaki clearly has disdain for organised religion as shown in DS/Bloodborne. Does that mean I'm going to start hating religion? No. It's just an element of the story.

Salt and Sanctuary: it's fun
Nioh: it's not as good as dark souls but it is good
Thea the Awakening: Idduno I like the voice acting and the weird lore.

BOTW if you havent

Salt and sanctuary

Like I said, the problem isn't the agenda itself, but how hackneyed the writing that tries to incorporate it is. I disagree that Kreia is a great character. I feel like she's quite similar to Ulysses from FNV, in that they're ultimately just mouthpieces for the author to complain about what they don't like about the setting. See for example, the beggar on Nar Shadda (i think?). The game literally has to force events to happen the same despite your choices, in order to give you a lecture from Kreia on how your morality is wrong and her's is right.
You can make a non-black and white world set in a bleak universe without having to make such huge writing leaps and using such lazy writing. Look at the original fallouts, 2 especially, which manage to capture the complexities of post-apocalyptic politics whilst still remaining cleverly written.

Download a ps2 emulator and go wild, you will love it. Download DMC3 if you didn't play it. emuparadise.me/

Play world of warcraft

You wont have any problems with other games then

REmake is far better, the island and castle kill RE4. REmake is also more replayable.

Fair enough. I'll have to put some more time into FO2.

>>>Miyazaki clearly has disdain for organised religion as shown in DS/Bloodborne

I think he just got that from BERSERK


>i have no opinions of my own and just play whatever people on Sup Forums tell me is good: the 3x3

Mass Effect 2 has ass combat if you aren't a soldier, I'd recommend the first but not the second.

4 out of your 9 games are from games, wtf are you doing with your life

He wouldn't have Dark Souls 2 on it if that were the case, it gets torn apart on this board every day.

Sup Forums, nor myself like RDR though

i am Sup Forums and rdr is my favorite game.

Sup Forums loves Red Dead, newfag.

- bloodbrone, Dark souls 3
- Zelda MM, Mass effect
- Zelda MM
- bloodbrone, Zelda OOT, Dark souls 3

5/5 +Zero Mission, Majora, soft spot for the original Tony Hawk's. Hyperstone heist is in my backlog
4/5 +Vagrant Story, FF7, DS1, -Tactics Ogre was not for me.
7/7 +Quake 3A, KotoR2, SC2
6/6 Nice layout, +FEAR, Halo, Fallout 2, Sonic 2. Need to get around to AM2R and SR.