Which is the superior suit of armour?

Which is the superior suit of armour?

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Power armor is for pussies.

I'm not Sup Forums. Not racist. Bottom right, though. They had amazing style. It's retarded how good they looked.

40k armor, mostly mark III which has a distinct feel to it. That or whatever the grey knights have.

Warhammer's garbage.

Samus Aran

warhammer is great, however fantasy>40k any day.

>not putting samus on for "le funny nazis"

Objectively speaking, warhammer power armor.

40k>DOOM>Halo>Crysis>Half-Life>German Officer uniforms.

Hugo Boss designed their officer attire.

Reminder that this is the best armor in any video game.

If you need more than a vest, a helmet, and an axe, you're probably a weenie.


>pick best armor
>picks the non-armor option
>not Sup Forums
You're at least as dumb as Sup Forums.

all wrong

age of sigmar

I like the look of the Doom armor the best, but in terms of ability, the Spess Mahreen armor is the most stronk.

You forgot this OP


Someone should make a massive image. Post all the iconic vidya armor.

>MC and Freeman's armor get nostalgia points
>space marines get points for being absurd yet still really cool
>nudoom suit still manages to look pretty cool so it gets some points too
>crysis suit is bland and forgettable
>nazis aren't video games

A man of taste I see.

I enjoy the simplicity and how actually efficent it looks but damn, the helmet is what really sells it to me. It has charm and has a sort of retro sci fi look to it but doesn't look too crazy or impractical to be an annoyance.

praise monolith

>my Call of Duty's Doctor Who DLC

>Not choosing the latest in necromorph fighting fashion.

>not wearing a trashbag

>the highest amount of diversity in one board
You're special kind of retarded


No he didn't. Hugo Boss had no hand in designing any uniform for the German military at the time. Only his company was a producer of the uniforms.

friendly reminder that the hev suit isn't the most protective but still the best overall as a suit that compliments the wearer instead of acting like a crutch for them

only brainlets need massive hulking power armor to actually get shit done

Space Marine armor

>best looking for special snowflake main character
Doom Marine armor

>the armor I'd pick to equip a squad of soldiers with and have them look good together
HEV armor

Nazis > 40k > Nanosuit > ORIGINAl Doomguy > HEV > Halo > Doomguy

I'm a white supremacist anarcho capitalist

>HEV Squad
Everyone who wore one except Gordon and maybe Gina and Colette died.

>fucking smurf armor

is crysis guy a manlet?

This is the "trigger discipline" of nazi discussion. The "fact" that absolutely everyone knows and the one "fact" that everyone has to point out to prove they truly know what they're talking about.


So your view doesn't matter, got it.




I'll do it, since OP ruined the original image by adding nazi shit as bait.

What are your favorite armors, Sup Forums?


This 5

Crysis 2 and 3 yes
Crysis 1 no
Unsurprisingly Crysis 2 and 3 are shit

>no T-51b power armor
>no Enclave advanced power armor
>no Earthworm Jim suit
>SS uniforms, even though they aren't power armor
OP is a faggot

mark 3 isnt just smurf armor, its actually really iconic with the iron warriors and a bit more so with the traitors then loyalists.

Nailed it.

Alva's set for sure if we're going all kinds of armor.

Well fuck me, you're right. He was just a producer.

I'd get what you're saying if I had just randomly brought that up in a Nazi discussion, but the dude was specifically talking about their attire.

Fallout armors don't hold a candle to mjolnir or glorious imperium of man power armor.

Jim suit, maybe. Possibly.

No kidding.

As an infantry unit, Elementals are badass. I'd hate to fight a mech in one, though. Maybe Firemoth could be beatable.

Fallout power armor is the manlet of power armors.

Yeah, but they looked good when they died

Where does this rank? I suppose in terms of efficiency it is good.

>Never played MWLL or Mechassault
Elementals kick ass

not really. did you forget all the stuff crysis suit can do? warhammer suit can't make you invisible or give super strength.

can it?

Nah, it's pretty good. At least the F1 power armor, not a fan of the F2 power armor going by the cover.

Korean MMO and Nomura FF/KH is the lowest possible point of armor.

Those nazi uniforms aren't really armor, I don't know what it is you're trying to imply. I don't think you quite grasp how ridiculously ridiculous Space Marines are in terms of powerlevels. The only one of those giving them a run for their money would be the chief, and mostly because of plot armour.

Thanks to the Emperor for my tactical visor filtering those hips from my vision or I might surrender on the spot to this siren's spell.

Space Marines are already stronger than crysis man in strength mode
Crysis 2 and 3 are NOT canon, not that it'd make a difference.

space marine armor is stupidly overpowered just like everything else in 40k. even without the armor they're huge.

Shut the fuck up, retard. Doomlad doesn't even have shields.

>good neck protection
>thick gauntlets made of quality metal with plenty of padding
>light, comfortable footwear
>crown adds a touch of dignity and authority to complement the protective nature of the suit
It's pretty good

For some reason I like the Mjolnir armor from Combat Evolved best. I think the Halo series started to go a little overboard with the greebles after Reach.

Imperium armor, like virtually everything in WH40k, is OP. I like the lore of the series, but sometimes it feels like that kid on the playground that chooses all powers.

>Doomlad doesn't even have shields.
He has armor it just doesn't regenerate. He can also carry more than two weapons.

Stalker Exo Skeletons

This is what really happened to doomguy, d44mdude is some other faggot.

is that his name? crysis man?

A perfect 5/7


Nanosuit>Doom Slayer>everything else

I played Mechassault. I played Grinder with my dad when I was a little kid. Sometimes we would both pick Elemental and we would see how many waves we could survive.

Ah, memories. That level where you had tl hijack the Atlas as Elemental was one of the hardest in the game.
>mfw Rognarok is noncanon
>mfw Battletech fanboys disown the Mechassault series
>mfw we will never get another Mechassault game

>He has armor it just doesn't regenerate.
What. His armor doesn't have shields, stupid. The chief can rip a turret off of its emplacement, he's much stronger than d44mlad, he picks two guns for the sake of mobility.

It's Nomad, not that it matters.

The Chief suit, as armor, is more powerful. As a character, Doomguy is more powerful, if only because he has the power of the "he's an unstoppable badass" meme on his side.

Lets say you cloned a guy and put each clone in a suit of armor and had them all duke it out, the 40K Space Marine would probably be the winner. Biggest and thickets armor, furthest in the future with the most advanced technology, and all the enhancements needed to the pilot just to operate put it head, pauldrons, and cuirass above the rest.

Mjolnir and Nanosuit would probably be a tie for second. Mjölnir's shielding gives it amazing durability, but Nanosuits adaptability would edge out, especially with cloaking capabilities.

They were all a bunch of scientists and would have died if they were wearing any of the other armors anyway.

Space Marines get killed all the time by everything from random Chaos cultists to Grots.

Meanwhile the Crysis suits keep fighting even if the person using them dies.

Anyone in a suit would have had combat training like Gordon.
>theoretical physicist whose only job is pushing a cart
>trained with smgs and grenades

best armor right here

stinking anarchists think THIS is not better than a fucking COAT with chainmail sewn in.

Spartan suit is timeless. I'm not a Halo fag but I think that one looks the best. Crysis armor or whatever bottom left is looks second best. Doomguy is good too but looks... generic somehow.

Nanosuit 2, but in a straight up gunfight I think the Space Marine would win, assuming each suit gets a choice of weapon from the same universe.
>can survive atmospheric reentry, albeit with damage
>repaired the damage within a few hours while the wearer was unconscious
>continuously regulates and optimizes the wearer's bodily functions for maximum efficiency
>grants the wearer a 0.08ms reaction time that absolutely dwarfs every other contender
>can somehow act as a life support system, allowing its wearer to survive grievous wounds, even seeping into the wound to provide structural support Berserker armor style
>makes whoever wearing it IMMORTAL and immune to disease and toxins, mechanical or biological
>implied to be able to shapeshift into anything at the end of Crysis 3
>absolutely insane AI that is not only capable of exponentially self-improving, but was also able to hack into ALIEN technology on the fucking fly

It's a shame faggots prefer the zero suit. Actual armor for women gets my dick going.

Woman in armor > woman in skimpy shit.

>i liek being a brainwashed tardbabby! honest!

so mad they made it suck in cop.

That's debatable but the discussion is about the armour itself. The spez muhrine wins anyway. Everything in the far future is overpowered beyond meaning or logic.

No, but they're bros obviously.

this guy

>a primarch's armor is stronger than a spezz muhrine's
Well no shit.

Crysis suit is probably the best for normal humans.

Shut the fuck up nigger is THIS MAN a primarch too because he do powers? No it's not. Off yourself for liking metroid it's shameful now.

Sounds like you've been tainted by chaos, brudah. I'm reporting you to chaplain Cassius.

they get killed by Chaos Cultists with the same kind of armor and weapons.

so his point still stands.

>most advanced technology
also every fucking time a major point is missed: we're talking about the armor, not the person in it.
By that rule the W40K armor will probably keep you safe but you won't be able to move or fucking see and maybe your arms are broken because you're not tall enough
A non super soldier would literally be killed wearing it because of how much force the armor alone exerts
I mean in 2 he just gave it to "Some guy" so thus far we've got one armor that a person can use without dying
Personal favorite but aside from injecting you with morphine it doesn't do anything unpowered
>Doomguy armor
Well like nobody but d44mguy seemed to be able to wear it, and if they were nobody on the base ever tried, and/or nobody but him can actually open the damned thing, so we're stuck with another armor that only the guy who wears it can actually wear
>Nazi uniforms

The Space Marines die often because the future is grimdark and the enemies are just as OP as they are. The Crysis suit wouldn't last against any of the alien factions because Games Workshops just need to be that much more better than you.
Hey, I was agreeing with you. I pointed out the "Doomguy is tougher because memes" aspect in an attempt to prevent some FPS dick measuring contest from starting

Enclave armor from Fallout 2 is still my favorite, whether it's "powerful" or not. You don't need UNSC technology to dominate a wasteland of irradiated peasants.

>Samus. That's the only name you'll hear. Samus. It means the end and the death. Samus. I am Samus. Samus is all around you. Samus is the man beside you. Samus will gnaw on your bones. Look out! Samus is here.

Space Marine => MJOLNIR > Doomslayer > Nanosuit >> HEV >>>>> Nazi

MJOLNIR > Doomslayer > Nazi > HEV > Space Marine > Nanosuit

>He has armor it just doesn't regenerate.
So does MC, the titanium plates on MJLONIR can deflect even rifle caliber bullets and the black suit is antiballistic a la kevlar as well.

>He can also carry more than two weapons.
Game mechanics =/= canon.

>Doomguy is more powerful, if only because he has the power of the "he's an unstoppable badass" meme on his side.

correct, which is why comparing Doomguy and MC is stupid: MC comes froma franchise that has detailed lore and is somewhat grounded wheras Doomguy's franchise operates on rule of cool

the Nanosuit is litterally a worse version of MJOLNIR, it's just the reflex/speed/strength enhancing parts with less protection and without the user being augmented to begin with


actually, samus returns was really good.
it even added bullet time to samus's arsenal

>The Space Marines die often because the future is grimdark and the enemies are just as OP as they are
space marines die to regular humans equipped with nothing but flashlights.