What is the ultimate benchmark game to push my overpriced PC rig to its limits?

What is the ultimate benchmark game to push my overpriced PC rig to its limits?

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Sakura dungeon

Doom II rendered at 1920,000x1080,000

crysis of course

any game that lets you crank up resolution crazy amounts like rise of tomb raider or re7, off the top of my head

Minceraft with a lots of tnt



post speccy for what gpus,cpu & ram are

Any game running on an emulator for the original Xbox.

Dishonored 2 in 4k

and get backdoor malware thanks to Avast

Unless you host a major server I think you are pretty safe.

Uh, what?


this is clearly shooped. look at the pixels

Ghost Recon Wildlands is pretty heavy and it has somewhat good optimization(at least by Ubisoft standards), so it pushes any rig to the limit.

Pushing a really high resolution will just stress the video card and not the entire system. Watch Dogs 2 is another good example of a game that stresses the entire system.

>Ghost Recon Wildlands
>Watch Dogs 2
you might as well tell OP to eat shit

Not sure what this picture is supposed to indicate.
I posted my fightstick once and made a discussion about the buttons but it was an image from google, does this mean I don't own the fightstick?

Crysis, despite being released 10 years ago, is still the best game to test your rig on.

Tell you what. Heres my speccy now post yours.
Just weird how the picture you posted of the 1080s when you image search comes up with that link I posted


holy shit i can't believe OP was retarded enough to not change the title of the picture or at least edit it in paint. Google image search exists.

I'm not OP, so nice try.

>Crysis, despite being released 10 years ago, is still the best game to test your rig on.

>single threaded
>best game to test your rig on

At least go with Crysis 3, Crysis 3's Cryengine has good multithreaded support.

So what if he used a stock image? Why does that prove he doesn't own a overpriced gaming rig? Fucking hell I hate fucking redditors.

Idk maybe Battlefield 1.

As soon as Final Fantasy XV releases on PC, that will be THE game to benchmark with for sure. It's got all sorts of framerate killer options on it.

OP you got caught stop being retarded

How do you know what cpu they are running?

I have four way sli 1080ti's.

>Luminous engine
>literally junk engine programmed by illiterate Japs

Idtech 6 and Unreal Engine 4 are the best benchmark engines around because they were programmed by the best engineers in the industry.

hahaha xD don't worry I'm a Sup Forumsrother like you guys (I'm just trolling) lmao!

Good luck with that. Only 3 will work you twat

There are programs that show each process's core usage. But in Crysis's case, you can literally press crtl + shirt + esc and see that it only uses a single core.

nuh-uh i do have 4 way sli gtx 1080ti you normie

i'm seriously serious that i have 4 way gtx 1080ti

Are you going to answer the question, or are you going to keep acting like a redditor dumbass?

what question i'm just saying that i have 4 way gtx 1080ti sli

>buying a pc

mustard race amirite faggot

Here's my 4 way sli 1080ti pc guys
ignore the old man on the right that's just my grandpa

Fallout 4 on normal settings

To join the master race you need a PC, a smartphone won't do.

That's what I thought, faggot.

i didn't knopw how to upload my rig photo so here's a stock image the 4 gpus that i have are on the left

what did you think that i don't have 4 way sli
here's proof dumbass