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Video Games #3914
Video Games
Can't wait until Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire, developed by Obsidian Entertainment...
Name my Dwarf mage Sup Forums
Is it the most consistently GOAT shooter series?
What the hell was his problem?
Litteraly perfect
My switch has been sitting gathering dust for weeks
Do you like this gen?
This is why I love germany
What will we see in the inevitable next reboot?
Gurumin is surely worth $2, right Sup Forums?
A Wizard has transformed you into the last vidya character you played as, but you're still in this reality
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization
Is the performance increase PC gaming yields really worth $2,000?
You don't get to pretend this is a good game in a world where Spyro the Dragon and banjo Kazooie exist
What company are you currently boycotting, Sup Forums?
Are i9 processors just a meme or
It's a game for fans and newcomers alike
ITT cool/interesting character concepts in games
Persona 5
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree this game was over-hyped...
No feathers
Why i never see anyone talk about pic related Sup Forums?
Don't fall for it. Sup Forums is trying to meme you into trying out f2p multiplayer games again
Does it need a new socket?
Who is the best video game composer ever?
What's your favorite piece of DLC out there?
Trigger Sup Forums in one photo
Why are you not making mad money by being a PUBG streamer Sup Forums?
I'm Garrus Vakarian, and this is my Mass Effect thread
What did you use your first titanite slab on?
Why the fuck did this franchise become so popular when it is basically a shitty JRPG with a huge variety of characters?
What the fuck is their problem? They're gonna DMCA your website just because you mentioned one of their games...
"Open world is bad" meme
Why does this game still feel miles ahead of every other third-person shooter out there?
Why did Sup Forums lie to me? This game is fun as fuck
Now that the season is getting to an end.. How did you do? Did you hit your goal for the season...
To all Nintendo fanboys on this board, explain this to me. Other than shilling...
Artificial Intelligence
Small retard question
Why aren't you learning Japanese in order to play untranslated and uncensored Japanese video games?
Silent Hill bread!
Today is my birthday, just chilling at home browsing Sup Forums playing games and getting cozy
Monster Hunter World
4 hours
Playing a game
Humph! You think yours is a real mustache?
Cool promotion, but who actually buys these shitty cereals?
Why is it even called SLEEPING DOGS?
Reply to this topic with your college major. I will tell you what game to play
So the power...of PC gaming...woah
First level is clearly designed for 1-up farming
It's 50% off right now
Hey fellas
A review has been posted
Now that the dust has settled, which one is the DEFINITIVE way to enjoy Metroid 2?
Name one game where this gun isn't completely outclassed by other submachine guns
Will she and Bowser get married in the end?
Can I get some good Metroidvania recommendations? Preferably on PC. I've played all the actual Metroid/Castlevanias...
Recommend me some fun countries to play
10 years ago
Final boss calls you out for cheesing him
Sony Doesn’t See Nintendo’s Hybrid Console Concept As A “Huge Market Opportunity”
Unfitting game titles
Detroit: Become Human
Just dropped out of school. What are games I can play that will teach me science and math?
What Switch games are worth buying atm?
What do you think of pubes on video game characters?
Have you completed your annual MGS2 playthrough Sup Forums ?
So why are Japanese videogame companies so much more creative than Western ones?
We never got a true sequel to this fucking masterpiece because of the nintentoddlers autistic screeching over MUH...
You don't get blinded
New Ataribox info
Tell me about Hitmonchan, why does HE wear the skirt?
Would you, Sup Forums?
What are some games that you enjoy, but are relatively unknown? Games you feel deserve more attention
Bait thread
Most disappointing game of 2017
Game forces you to play as a prostitute
Mfw smash players call casuals "friendlies"
What is your favorite game of the year so far, and why? How would you recommend it to people who have not yet played it?
Enemy player reads you like a fucking book
Uhh, Uncle Gubsy?
Built like a 12 year old
Why Sup Forums hate last Rainbow Six so much?
Lonely gamer thread
So what happened? it was the most shilled game in Sup Forums history and then....gone
He says "toons"
ITT: Characters guaranteed to be in Smash Bros. 5
Reload gun with bullets remaining in the clip
Will the campaign be kino like Halo Reach's?
Lets play a "fighting game" that revolves around down-throwing
You hear it you lose
Comfy vidya maps ITT
How's that amiibo collection coming along Sup Forums?
Payday 2 successor releases in 10 hours
Mass Effect trilogy
Okay Sup Forums, you hate everything, so tell me, how could you possibly hate this
Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite Bombs for Capcom, Selling Fewer Copies Than Pokken Tournament DX
Are you going to buy it?
Poppy or Tristana?
Meanwhile, at the Co/v/enant's holy city High Charity
Who else recently started/starting a PC for Destiny 2 in a few weeks? Any advice...
Hope the crack comes out fast
Is pirating bad?
Who is the best vidya male?
*blocks your path*
He sees nu-Sup Forums. What happens?
Kills monsters singlehandedly that take out entire army squads for a living
Are there any decent video games starring this motherfucker?
2018 vidya
Jesus christ I fucking hated her. She gave me no reason to like her. She only caused bullshit in the story...
Was the Sonic Boom redesign honestly a bad move on Sega's part?
Be quiet user, the Todd is sleeping
I seriously hope that you have at least 144hz monitor and 144 fps to get the smoothest civilized way to play video...
Hideo Kojima #TakestheKnee against Trump
Overwatch? More like boringwatch
ITT: The last anime you watched is being turned into a video game. Describe the game
B-b-but the have different moves!
Maximillian review MVC:I
Game encourages you to murder your friends
Name ONE good PC game I haven't heard of. LITERALLY ONE
Nintensharts will defend this
So I just picked this up on the switch and I gotta say this is one of the better platformers I've played in a while
Any games where the protag is a friendless loser? Serious question
Game has deep gameplay mechanics
Invite girl over to watch me play vidya
I still say that Disc One of Xenogears is the greatest jRPG ever created
What games do qt girls usually play?
Reminder that any criticism towards these games is shitposting and should be a banable offense
Let's have an honest talk about what vanilla Oblivion did better than vanilla Skyrim
That nigger used chaos control!
Super Mario Run?
How does Sup Forums feel about osu and some other rhythm games?
He actually believes those stupid 'gamer' peripheral charts
Blocks your path
Anyone still play the best MMO ever made?
Who is the best videogame male?
Wanting a game to fail because you don't like the lead developer
IF we could go back in time, what would you do to save video western games?
Post things in games that makes your penis hard.I'll start with
Why do battle themes in games always have to try to be so epic/angsty/guitary...
Why should I buy this game instead WoW Legion or FF-XIV?
Meanwhile, at the Sup Forums mansion
We still hype?
I really hope none of you guys are seriously calling Absolver a fighting game:
Why haven't you pre-loaded, loser?
How do you get any meaningful vidya time when taking a full courseload and working 30+ hours a week
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
It's September 26th
First-person games with stylish combat
Is it true that i dont own my steam games?
Sup bitches. SUP BITCHES. It’s Chad Warden here. Aight, I’m talking bout that, PS Triple...
Every single imag eof him looks like he's trying to entice you to gay sex
Can the genre be saved? Is all hope lost?
She wants the whole package, Sup Forums
Try to appease people who won't buy your games
Sup Forums plays hangman
How can WOW solve its rape and sexual harrassment problem?
This is a baby Metroid. Say something nice to it
The Dark Souls of
ALRIGHT FUCKFAGS, I need a new mouse. Whichever mouse is the most approved is the one I'm gonna buy...
What is Sup Forumss honest opinion about DarkSydePhil? is he actually as good at streetfighter as they say he is?
Do you have any idea how insignificant you are? When they start devouring the world...
What game should I play before i get drafted into the next Korean war?
Playing Demon's Souls for the first time, I completed the other Soulsborne games
Choose your fighter
What's he playing, Sup Forums?
What's the best kind of turned-based combat?
Modern Sup Forums now hates Fist of the North Star
Shh, space dragon is sleeping now
Sup Forums Plays Artificial Academy 2: Part 2
Memes aside, can we take a moment to take in how fucking great this game is?
Webm thread, keep it vidya
How did HAL get away with this?
Does Sup Forums like Karnov?
Game has robots
Max and Kate
Name a more effective trilogy
ITT: Best Title Screens
Which game?
Looking to play this for the first time
Defense stat is a percentage of damage reduced
Lawbreakers just added a Korean cyberpunk map. A KOREAN CYBERPUNK map
What games let me date men? Something with gameplay like the Persona series please
What games have the best animal companions?
Pikmin 1
Tell art teacher i want to make video games
/STR/fags eternally btfo
Who is this a picture of?
Fortnite BR becomes free to play in 9 hours
Which one is the best?
Sit and play a bit of Halo 3 today for 10th anniversary, alone, no Xbox Live, no bros playing after school...
Destiny 2
The PS Vita 2 Dream is dead
Healer/White Mage character is a female
Dark Souls games are too hard and are therfore no fun. people who play them are try hards
"One copy of Blue Reflection, please"
Jon Arbuckle who?
A copy of Mirror's Edge and Mass Effect Andromeda please
What are some good games that help you cope with depression?
Why don't you play as a girl? Do you like looking at men's asses all day? What's wrong with you?
Where have you been?
We hope that you will accept this
Find a flaw
Are there any online games where people won't be mean to me?
Based on past expansion trends, it's very likely Blizzard will introduce a new playable race at Blizzcon
Takuya Aizu: “The biggest reason is that Gal Gun 1 and Gal Gun: Double Peace...
Bad ending is canon
Remember when games came with large, colorful and elaborate instruction manuals?
Leave action horror to me
Game of the year?
When is it acceptable to use a guide on your first playthrough?
Doki Doki Literature Club
You can only pick one
PS4 games
How the fuck do I defeat Easy Pete?
Tabata-san: "Nintendo switch hardware is too shitty for FFXV port"
Are videogames a medium for storytelling...
Is this game genuinely good? I look at it and i just dont get it...
Am I the only one who wants a sequel to Blacklist?
Xenoblade Thread
Miss me yet?
Taking a college class
Divinity original sin 2
Terry Crews is smart enough to realize how shitty let's plays are. Why can't you Sup Forums...
Show me a more badass-looking revolver
Are you going to buy this game tomorrow?
Which one should I get ? I already have a gaming pc and a ps4 but need something portable
Lol did anyone even know these idiots were striking?
Jojo thread
Hello, I'm the best boss of Dark Souls
Why do games take no skill now? TF2, OW, PUBG, all garbage slow grandma paced games
Would you rather Peach and Bowser be playable, or Luigi and Wario?
Ya'll ever hear of this game ZomBi? It's fucking badass yet nobody talks about it. Why?
Why is Polygon so bad at games?
I just played through Great Plateau and I spent the entire time repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes...
Wayforward never fails us
Halo 3 Classic Throwback
Without the memes please, what’s wrong with it?
Let's make a challenge run
Bayonetta 1: Fly Me to the Moon
Would it have been the best game ever?
I just spent £80 on this piece of plastic so I can leave it at my girlfriend's place so I don't have to bring mine...
Alliance scum will defend this
What vidya does your imouto play?
Why aren't you comfy in the new expansion yet Sup Forums?
Don't worry guys maybe they'll announce a new mega man game next year
Bloodborne has really shit replayability. In each dark souls, if you want to replay the game...
Yfw 1 hp
What was this guy's name again?
It's out you fucks
I think the newest sonic mania update removed the dunkey easter egg...
How do we fix modern RPGs?
Here, happy faggot?
Post games where I can slay goblins
How does it move Sup Forums?
Playing an rpg
How would you describe your Gaming PC right now?
Is there anything new you've learned from her?
Rainbow six
Can we all come together and stop buying Capcom games? This company needs to go
Enemies that scared you as a child
Something is clearly wrong in this level design, what would you change Sup Forums?
BOTW DLC leak for you all
Fighter, rogue, or mage?
Just downloaded a full NTSC set of PS1 games. Gimme recommendations
Confessions/gaming sins
Just a threadly reminder that the Sanada Maru will never fall!
Fire Emblem Heroes
Worst Nintendo console ever
ITT: Comfy Maps
Isabelle looks cute in her casual clothes and glasses
Oficial TF2 concept art
What's a game that will spook me but have absolutely no jump scares?
My eyes are up here m8
Only Sup Forumseogaf will find an error
Cowboy game
Recommend me a good Tower Defense game so I can waste some time, please
What are your thoughts about the PlayStation brand?
This hurts to read
Video game official artwork kino thread
Deus Ex
Nier Automata? More like, Nearly boughta bad game!
Criticizing these games should be a banable offense
What happened to large-scale fast paced fast moving FPS games like the original Doom, DN3D and Quake?
What are your hopes for the Story DLC?
OY Sup Forums it's time for your daily comfy Odyssey thread
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
How can someone this cool and cute have no friends?
"I've seen it"
ITT: We posts ideas for spinoffs of our favorite video game series
Oh..I wonder what came in the mail
This is 2B, say something nice about her
ITT: Best game of the franchise
Can we fucking talk about 2d/10?
What went wrong?
Pillars of Eternity thread! What are your wishes for PoE2, Sup Forums?
Try to make helpful, informative yet concise video game guides on youtube
Seems that steam is going to add new currencies on the new few weeks
I hurt myself today
Why are they called Turks?
SM64 is SHIT
Original vs Remake: Which did it better?
Dark Souls+Wind Waker
Will localizations ever not be absolute fucking trash?
Doki Doki Literature thread!
Anyone else really liking the reversible covers of the switch games?
Max and Kate
Yfw PCbros create a superior product to Nintendo's scraps
Poor Blaze, how can she even compete?
PC beta is this weekend. Is Sup Forums going to play it?
Dragon Ball Fighter Z
Let's not let be sad over Capcom being useless cunts once again. Let's have a thread about our little blue nigga
Show me your top 5 steam games
Have you ever hated a game only to end up loving it once you tried replaying it?
Born with awful reaction time and dexterity
Mario sitting down
Dragonball Fighter Z
This has got to be the holy trinity of overrated fucking games. They're boring and control like shit...
Third book is on the way, lads!
Adventure Quest thread
Be voice actor
What are some good android games?
Do you play shitty chink gachas p2w games, Sup Forums?
So whats the appeal of the Splatoon series
Who is the Steve Jobs of vidya?
Why is she so pretty?
Why are nintendo fans so excited about western garbage being ported to Switch?
What was your favorite game when you were 10 years old? for me it was minecraft
Which special build do you anons go out with everytime?
Now that Divinity: Original Sin 2 is confirmed to be shit...
Why are western games so shit when compared to japanese games?
What went wrong?
We live in a decade where this is a popular video game franchise
ITT: low-key 10/10s
Does Sup Forums hate LoL any less now that runes are free?
So, why is Oblivion considered a better game than Skyrim?
Post games that marched to their deaths
So how does the morph ball even work?
Why do you like it
Game has multiple alignments
Reminder that gaming is dead BECAUSE OF YOU
Why does Sup Forums hate indie games but love AAA titles?
Mirror thread
GoG is working very hard to bring oldschool games to the modern systems and hardware, please support them
Early 2019
ITT: Good Ideas that will never happen
Dwarfs girls make the best fantasy setting wives
Running The Witcher 3 on a Laptop
Take vidya quote
Roast me
NES Classic
Webm thread?
You can buy outfits and moons with real money
Find better game...u can't
Was this the greatest vidya porn parody ever made?
OpenXCOM Thread
TGS Game Of The Year
ITT: nostalgia
What sort of vidya does he play?
I hope Sony crashes and burns
I'm about to buy this
Floating Point Errors in Games
What's a good game to get after just buying a switch ?
Who's your main
Find a better RPG game
EU Commission Report: Videogame piracy leads to 27% more sales in the EU
Which Dragon Quest V bride did you pick, Sup Forums?
Dont know about you Sup Forums but i am really enjoying this game
Resident Evil
PUBG is just another flavor of the month Steam early access survival game that nobody will be playing in a couple weeks
Do you have vidya wallpapers/phone protectors on your phone?
Mass Effect trilogy
Merio is sanic
Why do you main sorceress, user?
Game has silent protagonist
How the fuck do we fix RPGs?
Rogue Squadron thread
Soundtrack by Susumu Hirasawa
Games with God tier control schemes
Game has an evil path
Soulstorm cinematic
Should I start Persona, and if yes, with which one should I begin?
Now that it's been ten years since the trilogy concluded, we can all agree that 2 is the worst, right?
Two nukes were not enough
If you could choose where the next Overwatch hero was from, where would you pick?
Name ONE bad game
Rate Switch's first year
For all the 10/10 ratings, the beyond-glowing praise, the claims that it was the best game in ten+ years...
Dead enemies become ragdolls
ITT: Casual Filters
Game has romance options
PS4 backup loading hijacks older games to run any title
See what you've done, Sup Forums?
You are now remembering metal gear solid v
This starts playing
You can sell/drop/trash necessary quest items
Final boss is a quick time event
This game is such a fucking disappointment. Obsidian is dead
ITT: the absolute SHITTEST video game endings you know of. and we all know there's no shortage of them
Marvel Vs Capcom : Infinite
Have you played this yet, Sup Forums? It's actually pretty fucking great. Why does Nintendo hate fun?
These are currently the top 25 indie games to play right now according to PC Gamer
Is Siege still worth getting into?
Which one has the better design?
Battle Stations Thread
Danganronpa V3
Everyone ready for the new YoRHa stageplay where 9S goes nuclear again? I am
ITT: best tutorials
The two last games you played are now merged as one game, would you play?
You now remember that this game exists
Why do you hate it?
We just had this thread not too long ago you fucking faggot saged
What's your opinion on consoles?
Larian Studio's Divinity Original Sins II is a criticaly and publicly acclamed game
ITT: videogame details that have no explanation
Nice """"""""""god"""""""""""" you got there silent hill fags
Fighting games
Post half-life mods
What was Nintendo thinking when they made this mediocre Mario game?
Battlefield 1
What games let me marry an ancient evil?
Sup Forums doesn't play games with their mom
ITT: Characters that require no skill to win with
So you're chilling in Angel City when suddenly this guy walks up and Flame-Shields your Titans ass
This is Sup Forumss official alchemist of choice. She has accomplished the least out of all the protagonists...
Why won't evil crapcom make more megamans!?
I'm in the doctors office right now and they said I'm going to die
Yooka-Laylee Switch Status Report
*slams books on the table*
Surprise Return of Samus DLC Announcement Tomorrow
ITT: Moments women will never understand
Why are there no video games about the winter war?
What's your favorite Pokemon type? Mine is Ghost type!
Will we ever see the like of City of Heroes ever again?
What are must have GBA games...
Do you think vidya corporations appreciate the talent of its devs?
Did you pre-order it?
Anet actually wrote a story with a bad end, and it was a good one too
Not playing the best F2P game out there
ITT: Post your favorite vidya quote
Super Metroid ruined gaming
Rate my collection Sup Forums
Game is nothing but boss battles
Nintendo Presents: New Style Boutique 3 - Styling Star
Post your all-time favorite videogame and tell us
Name a better looking game than Forza Motorsport 7
Board a bus
Why do japanese games portray romantic love between a sister and her brother as warm, natural, loving...
How does a game studio spend multiple tens to hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars making a game?
Alliance players kill true patriots for the sake of corrupt nobility and few gold coins
English Warriors DLC description confirms other game reps
What video game related opinion do you write on the sandwich board that John McClane is forced to wear while you send...
This game is amazing
Monster Hunter Stories
When's the last time a game has truly challenged you?
Come and share some comfy vanilla stories
So this is the power of the Nintendo Switch
Two nukes weren't enough
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH this is literally me!!!!!!!
Blue Reflection
Post boss music that gets you hyped as fuck
Quick Reminder: Gundam Versus releases in 4 days. Will you buy or are you a G-Gundam baby?
ITT: Things people say to confirm they don't know what they're talking about
Dont mind me user Im just going ro pirate your wife dor a while
Remove the word-filter
Who do rabbit girls always make the best game characters?
Command failed, Dagger can't concentrate
What are the top 5 best 3DS games?
Majority of steam users are below minimum specs
Post your death animation
Will this function?
What game does this represent?
Boss can prolong the fight through RNG, even if you play perfectly
Sup Forums will defend this
Enjoying a classic RPG on a PS4 with a controller
Why are people vouching for Nappa but not Recoome?
Star Fox Adventures
I still miss him
Hey Sup Forums longtime listener first time caller, I had a question...
I don't need to play a game to know it's bad!
Is Hentai worth buying? It's on sale, too
Name the best merchants in vidya
I think this is something that all of Sup Forums can agree upon
ITT: Flash game kino
Team is spewing random weeaboo bullshit in the all-chat
Valve are a fucking joke
Dr. Freeman, I presume?
Why is the vidya game community so toxic?
Does anyone have a link to the latest version of CPRplus? (Crusader Kings 2)
Best way to farm for poetics? I'm starting on my Anima weapon, I'm gonna need a lot of them
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Monster Hunter World
It's too "video-gamey"
Please apologize for making me buy this piece of shit
Team Fortress 2 Female Character Designs Revealed
Please don't actually buy street fighter v
Now that the dust has settled, what do we think about this?
"Ah, I forget you're new to Skyrim. Jarl Elisif, I should say...
And you all said VR would be a failure
So this is state sate of PC gaming?
Give Them a FUCKING REST!!!!!!
This has to be one of the worst AAA games of the decade. It's borderline unplayable...
Game is shit but it has an amazing soundtrack
Your Overwatch
What went wrong
Risk of rain
What single event started the end of the golden age of video games to send us into the dark age?
Diablo III worth upgrading?
Why the fuck is nobody supporting this game? SWERY looks like he's making a genuinely cool game
What games allow me to make cute brown girls?
G-guys, I think I broke my game
Say something nice about these two
Best game released since Dark Souls 1
What am I in for Sup Forums?
People got mad that this guy homogenized an original character in his fanmade remake
Enemie uses sandstorm
Will simulated smells ever be a thing in video games
You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing the greatest rpg ever made
Danganronpa V3 drops tomorrow. Day 1 buy? Price drop? Piracy?
Summon Night - Tears Crown has been translated
"I will finish what you have started."
What went wrong?
What are some games where the bad guy wins?
Did anyone else find this game kinda boring...
If it is so bad why do I have so much more fun with it than DS1/DS3? It's the only game I always come back to
Devs crying about how hard they have it
Are you having hxppy thxughts, Sup Forums?
Stage Cleared!
Call out of work to play destiny 2
You're now an ennemy guard in your favorite stealth game. How fucked are you ? what's your strategy to saty alive ?
Convince me not to get this thing
So what's Sup Forums opinion on hollow knight?
No advertisement
Hi diddly ho witcherinos! Geraldo rivera here
If disc 2 were fully fleshed out then Xenogears would be the best rpg of all time
Alright, pardner. It's high noon outside your favorite saloon. After a few rounds of cards...
The Nintendo Switch will be remembered as Nintendo's best console
The playable characters of the last game you played are now replaced by the Gang from It's Always Sunny...
Instant death attacks work on bosses
Game comes out
Infinite has fun gameplay but shit graphics and fan-service
Max and Kate
What's gonna happen on Thursday?
Check steam friends list
1 more hour and i can finally play DOS 2, any tips? Best class? Best race?
Do you want her to be in cyberpunk 2077?
Play game online with voice chat
H-how old is too old to be still playing video games?
Paya's Milk > Malon's Milk
All mobile games are tra-
I can't wait to pirate this
23 hours until GOTY is released
Daily reminder
Monster Hunter World
Just make decent games and you'll combat piracy!
High sensitivity in fps is always bad and you have to lower it to almost nothing to be good at shooters
Name some non-horror games with creepy, disgusting enemies
What are you currently playing Sup Forums?
Why is a 30 year old woman allowed to date a person (her student nonetheless) half her age? It's creepy
Evil Within
PS4 vs Switch
Is it ethical to pirate one game for every 10 games you buy?
What's up with critics suddenly liking Prime 2 more than Prime 1...
How will you react when Horizon Zero Dawn wins Game of the Year?
Electric boss
Fortnite Battle Royale
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite had a worse debut in the UK than Ultra Street Fighter II
What have you been playing lately Sup Forums ?
Developers lost the source code
It is your GOTY right?
Missed out on teen love
Shit parts in great games thread
Well, Sup Forums?
Is the new Mercy OP?
Game progresses as you play and eventually ends
Vibeo ganes
Trails of Cold steel III
Silent Hill 2
Game has a mode for those who just want to experience the story
10 levels
Playstation Flash Sale is ending
What is the ultimate benchmark game to push my overpriced PC rig to its limits?
Does anyone have the picture of the guy playing 3DS in a toy store with brony legs?
Praise the Lord for him
Are video games becoming more casualized?
What is the best wrestling game ever made?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...