Best game released since Dark Souls 1

>best game released since Dark Souls 1
>best Shock game since System Shock 1
>one of the best games ever made

What went so right? What did you think? I was blown away and it's still crazy to me that this is a 2017 AAA release. It feels like a game from a better timeline than ours where game design didn't fall prey to casualization and focus testing.

>Almost every hidden path can be opened by throwing a grenade or shootin the cross bow, rendering player choice completely pointless.

They really fucked up here, there should be areas or paths you cant take unless you specifically have a needed skill

Alex did literally nothing wrong.

Its really good and fem Morgan is cute

It was a good game but it's not fucking Prey, they shouldn't have called it Prey.


They didn't have a choice, Bethesda forced them to.
It's pretty sad that the most consistent complain with the game is the fucking title.

Yeah, being associated with a slightly above average 2006 shooter kind of brings this game down. Should have called it something else.

If you installed even a single alien neuromod, don't even talk to me.

>not wanting to become perfect

Pray was a generic shooter on a system made for generic shooters. I have no idea why it is praised so much on here.

Ascend beyond being mere cattle

Everyone should go to the Nexus and download the program that let's you pick and choose all the hud elements and music cues. I recommend toning down the hud and taking out the enemy sighted cues

>Sacrificing your humanity to become a teacup

Say this to my face when you have a warm beverage and nothing to put it in asshole

What was with the black goo?

I don't think it's a problem. It's a way to let most players see a lot of the content on a single playthrough without spoonfeeding everything to you, still giving you choices, and still making you use clever use of mechanics.

I will never forget the moment when I first realized I could just shatter a window and morph into a banana to get through.

>Not an amazing handcrafted quality mug

Get bent, humanity is overrated.

I really need to go to a urologist...

Its my goty
A shame it is so underrated

>>best game released since Dark Souls 1
>>best Shock game since System Shock 1
>>one of the best games ever made

My first playthrough was human neuromods only
Second was alien neuromods only
Trying to muster the courage to play neuromodless


>Prey is the Bloodborne of System Shocks

best post

I played on hardmode and even then you either have parts of the game where you have to start limiting your power choice because certain things are just too strong
>instant dominate 30 seconds low cost no saving throw

The tone was on point but by the end I was such an insanely overpowered roid rage nutcase that nothing bar big bad could touch me.

january pls go

Demons was actually the best souls game tho

Great rebuttal.

How about offering some thoughts instead

You're already an alien dipshit

That "I am become death, destroyer of worlds" levels of OP you are by the end is a trend in the System Shock games and it's clones.
By the end of SS2 you were (assuming you weren't a complete retard) an unstoppable god of death.

yeah it kinda shows that all the research was...well, worth it

This, plus I thought that the level of tension at the beginning when you're weak as shit was higher than anything in any of the other Shock games. I was hiding under desks to read emails because I couldn't deal with thermal phantoms.

Nightmare difficulty was perfect.

the only thing i disliked and that very much is no enemy variaty..more gore would have been nice

Gameplay looks great, but I have enough of those neo-retro/sci-fi/aliens and their usual(s) twist(s).

This formula really is cliche.

As others have said, thats the plan
Neuromods are supposed to enhance you, even more so if you get alien neuromods.
You just become a hybrid predator, so it fits.
Why all the hassle of fucking a whole station and killing humans if the neuromods werent worth shit?

ayy lmao


And the backtracking thing was pretty obnoxious aswell.

Did one playthrough as lady and got to the lobby as the guy before uninstalling.
Was a good game but didn't feel like replaying it for some reason.

What the game lacks in originality, it makes up for by being very well designed and put together.

It was awesome and i crave more.
>played through entire game without payig attention to the little window with control tips during micro-gravity segments
>those meditative G.U.T.S and outside the Talos sections at slowest speed
I still think it made it 10x better then if i'd actually use speed boosting
Also was pretty impressed with how well Talos was crafted. Discovering some places outside Talos that had no practical use for you but obviously serve as maintenance hatches and stuff was very helping with immersion

>Tfw played through the game on nightmare with no alien neuromods first playthrough
>Soured the experience by reducing every encounter to SHOTGUN SPAM

I guess it would be better to play through it again with alien neuromods, oh well, already uninstalled.

No, it's actually just a Good Game. Not great, not amazing, definitely not "one of the best".

user, you're so used to AAA games being absolute shit that anything with even a semblance of soul is GOAT.

This is gaming in 2017.

Loved the game. Had some issues though, like the ending not feeling very climatic, the fucking amount of loading screens and how long they are to transition through areas (my fault for being a ps4 pleb I guess) and some quests were bugged and still not patched like the fucking Remmer guy. But I think it's absolutely fucking incredible how they managed making it feel like a complete "world" with a crew that feels like it's actual human beings

this, every time a game fail or it's not popular.
it's become GOTY.

The second I got the shotgun ammo fab blueprint, all the difficulty of the game went away, you could just farm the nightmare with how insane a fully upgraded shotgun was

It's not like I play exclusively modern AAA games. I play more old games than anything.

My nigga

>so immersed in the game I actually decide not to get any of this alien shit on me
>game acknowledges it in the end

Yeah except it happens way before the end of the game. The nightmare was an absolute joke on the hardest difficulty from the first moment you see him.

Really liked both the game and the OST. I just wish it didn't make you into a murderhobo by mid-game. Would have been nice if there had been more sneaking or environmental weapons to kill the stronger enemies.

I think it doesn't really matter what you upgrade, you become broken by the end in any case

>didn't fall prey to casualization and focus testing.

>objective markers
>constantly barraged by tutorial shit and UI junk
>fairly easy even on nightmare
>inventory management is trivial, you just suck up all the trash like a vacuum
>you can max out nearly everything, no hard choices

Thankfully most of that shit can be disabled or fixed through mods

Yeah, I played with the objective markers and UI junk turned off. Dishonored let you disable all of it in the menu, I wish Prey did too. But the mod does the trick.

If only there were more guns. That's all I wanted. The lack of firearms totally let me down.

>morph into a banana
I was a potato all along

That's true, I would've loved to see smth like the force gun from dead space


Potatoes are for plebs, tomatoes are for kings

>best Shock game since System Shock 1
you're joking right? prey isn't horrible but it's nothing special either, SS2 shits on it

I wasn't disappointed in the lack of firearms, because it made sense from a story perspective. For security work, you don't need anything more than service pistols and a shotgun, they had the turrets and null-wave grenades for Typhon.
What I was disappointed in was the lack of prototype energy weapons and shit. There was the Q-Beam but that was it, there should've been some prototype railgun, plasma-caster (think meltaguns from 40k), and handheld pulse-laser.

I'm kinda wondering what the original name of the game would have been


Well I can definitely say that it should've been Psychoshock or Neuroshock


Talos incident

>SS2 shits on it
In what way? Prey has much better player choice, equal or greater level design, much better combat, more interesting and meaningful skill tree that isn't as unbalanced as SS2, writing that isn't so Saturday morning cartoon.

SS2 is fantastic but Prey outshines it and feels like a better follow up to the original SS, tonally and design wise.

Could this be the sequel to Talos principle!?!?!?!?

Both of these are most likely, that or "Talos"

Alex Yu's Massive Tits

Someone in a thread a few days ago said "Neuroshock", which is a perfect title. But another person mentioned that it wouldn't fly since 2K would bitch about it, since it's too similar to "Bioshock".

>Entire of the space station is mapped out and available to explore, even the outside
>All staff members on the station are named and can be tracked down
That's a pretty cool touch
'Talos I' sounds like a good title.

theres no need to shoehorn shock into everything.

"Cup Morphing Simulator 2035"

>best game released since Dark Souls 1
You should play more games, redditor

>another Prey shill thread

Please, just let this flop game die.

>not going Engineer/Morph spec and transforming into fortified turrets and military operators

Why does almost all the dialogue in this game sound like stems from what a Liberal Arts major would think is deep or interesting?

"Shoehorn Shock" is an awful title

>game didn't sell well
>people that did buy it liked it
>must be shills

Spotted liberal arts major

But I have a bachelors in business administration and human resource management, user.

Are there actually people here who think 2006 Prey is better than 2017 Prey?

I mean it's not surprising given this is Sup Forums but holy shit

This games story was weak and the gameplay was really subpar.

OP is trolling, right? This game was generic trash with a stolen name slapped on it.

>bought this game
>didnt even make it an hour in due to the 1st fucking mimic killing me over and over and over again due to not being able to aim worth a fucking damn and the mimics moving around so fucking quick that you cannot hit them and they also take 50% of your hp in a single hit.
>I fucking "reee'd" and turned off the game and broke the disc due to this

fuck this game.

Those people are being contrarians. If the game had been called Typhon or some shit nobody would have such huge problems with it.

There were some people excited about Prey 2, but they were retarded because they believed a fucking E3 trailer & "demo".
You then got a bunch of people jumping on the bandwagon, claiming to be "fans" of Prey 2. Yet when Human Head announces a new game, they're nowhere to be found.

>Interesting and expandable setting
>cool and unique mechanics like room portals, display case shrinking, walking on ceiling/walls via grav change
>great visuals reminiscent of FEAR era
>alien weapons

No user you are the dumdum

>best game released since Dark Souls 1
back to fucking reddit

>Being contrarians

Or, and this might amaze you, because the games play so insanely differently people might have different fucking taste.

It's almost as if what you like are fast paced action packed shooters that keep the action at 11 all the time, you might not like an extremely slow RPG with crafting and shit more.

You fucking dumbass. You all go on and on and on about "contrarians" but it's literally just a case of you faggots saying "things are only good based off their popularity and if you ever go against a popular consensus you are just a contrarian and can't actually feel that way."

>cool and unique mechanics like room portals, display case shrinking, walking on ceiling/walls via grav change
All of which were way under utilized in favor of the awful spirit walking mechanic.

>A good game

We're not talking about some massive multi-million copy selling game with a large, dedicated fanbase.
We're talking about Prey (2006), a B-grade PC/console shooter from the early 360 era (that also spent ten fucking years in development) which barely pushed a million copies on PC+360 combined.

It doesn't have fans, it has bandwagoning retards who want to be "in" on the latest "controversy".

Nobody cared about the original Prey or its sequel until the remake was announced and the story of Prey 2's cancellation surfaced. The original game is about as relevant as Haze.

I'm sure it was a let down to you and the 5 other people who actually played Prey 2006.

How is Prey generic? Nobody makes immersive sims anymore. And fuck off with that name shit, fucking Pete and Todd probably threatened them into using the name so they don't lose the rights.

huh, so that's what the crossbow is for

Yeah that was a good idea implemented poorly because it basically meant you couldn't Game Over.

Most people want a continuation of the story or universe rather than the gameplay of the first game.

Prey 2 still would've been my dream game. Bullshots, trailers and the hype mean nothing when I hunger for a game that on premise alone is a space bounty hunter FPS.

Prey is fine. Lackluster shooting mostly caused by a severe lack of weaponry, modern or otherwise, was a let down but the station is a blast to explore and the mimics, while visually as boring as oatmeal, are really cool coneptually. However, calling it Prey was certainly misleading and I don't blame people for feeling a little cheated by their decision to use it. I really enjoyed the first one but I have a very real soft spot for the exciting things it did differently or first, even if spirit walking was kind of ass.


Kinda bugs me that most of the weapons are puny as fuck, taking a shitload of ammo to kill things. It's only really the energy stream weapons that feel effective.

Also, fuck the lightning enemies and the mine spawners.

The puzzles that used it were also really dull. Most were not even puzzles, it was just "spirit walk through the energy door and open the door you just walked through so you can walk through it again in the corporeal world" which is just dogshit stupid