Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree this game was over-hyped...

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree this game was over-hyped? It's not bad by any stretch of the imagination, but it wasn't the RETURN TO ROOTS they were memeing it out to be.

Other urls found in this thread:

As someone who grew up with this whole series (as many here did, I'm sure), I'm gonna go with "a noble endeavor". It did alright, there are some major complaints, it's not as good as RE4, but damn was it a hell of a turnaround from the foetid garbage pile of RE5 and RE6.

>but damn was it a hell of a turnaround from the foetid garbage pile of RE5 and RE6
I think this is the problem. The bar was set so low after 5 and 6 that if they'd released RE0 now instead of 15 years ago, people would be creaming their pants just the same as they are over 7.

>game company can't compete with anons nostalgia
More on this exciting development later

0 has always been great and 7 did return to the roots. your taste is shit get fucked kid

>game company can't compete with the perfect iteration of its own franchise it already released in 2002 but keeps putting out inferior sequels because it still wants to make money
Happens to them all, nostalgia doesn't even enter into it. At some point a franchise perfects its formula and everything that follows is garbage by way of comparison but necessary for the company to keep existing.

Resident Evil 7 VR
Is in my top 3 gaming experiences of all time i am 35 year old and started playing with the amiga.
No other jump, NOTHING be it sprites, polygones or the jump from 2d to 3d is even remotely comparable. The vr jump is sooo big that it is closer to actually visiting the place than it in 2d on a tv. Thats the crazy fucking thing it is the next big step no matter what, the price is the sole and only issue.

The delusion of VRfags who have to justify their waste of money on a dead meme

Honestly I think 5 and 6 are fine as just games. 5 is one of the best co-op experiences I can think of and has a massive amount of content. 6 is fine if you stick to Leon, Chris, and Ada. Jake might be one of the worst inventions in RE history.

The delusion of poorfags trying to forget about their budget by making angry posts on Sup Forums. It's not like you should care for VR at all if it is a waste of money.
On top of that I will say, that I have no interest in modern VR and haven't spent a dime on it, so don't tell me I defend my purchase.

Why does everyone hate 5 and 6? I played them with my best bro coop and we had a blast with each one.

>projecting this hard without realizing that I bought into the VR meme myself

Well, I'm not 30 yet to become a wizard and read your thoughts. You sounded like a hundred of other butthurt children on this board, so it's only natural. But if it is like that, more power to ya.

I really liked RE7, to me it felt like a return to form in terms of puzzles, locations, movement, etc

my only real gripe with it is the enemy variety is lacking; older games had a varied cast of enemies which had unique looks, sounds, and attacks
the molded are fine on their own, but when the only other enemy types are "fast molded" and "fat molded", it get's really old really quick
give me hunters, lickers, deimos, brain suckers, etc

This is because fans think that returning to the roots means having Leon and Claire doing backflips and roundhouse kicks.

honestly fuck off, res 5 was brilliant
resident 7 was a poor effort, nothing memorable about it.

How the fuck did it return to the roots? Was it because it took place in a house in the woods? It has no resemblance of the original RE in any way shape or form.

>inb4 muh horror

RE was never scary, all they did was copy Amnesia and Outlast

My guess is that they wanted to make a popular these days first person horror with a good compatibility with Twitch, and while at that they made a "return to the roots" path to avoid the shitstorm.
Imo, if they wanted to make something that similar to the old games but yet respectful to the more recent ones, they could make a full budget Revelations successor.

RE5 is absolute junk.

>there is a global terrorist hiding in Africa
>send 1 bodybuilder and an African prostitute to arrest him

Hey man, at least they tried to throw a full squad in there, too bad they died so quickly. While in RE4 there was only one hair stylist on the sacred mission of saving president's daughter.

I agree that RE5 is trash but criticizing RE logic is pointless, it's a jap franchise and in typical jap fashion absolutely nothing makes fucking sense. That's like all those Kojimbo fanboys who constantly try to dissect the convoluted nonsense of MGS, japs just don't like to use logic in their storytelling.

>calling people's taste shit after saying 0 has always been great

still better then anything they came up with in res7.
in 10years people will still be playing res5 while 7 will remain unknown due to being utter trash.

outlast piece of shit

Just play the game dude you might like it you know,.

It was great and really did feel like the old games

damn that's salty

RE7 is the type of game I can kind of see getting a bit of a cult following in a couple of years like Alien Isolation.
Its not perfect but the things it gets right it nails.
The first half of RE7 is up their with some of the greatest survival horror I've seen in a game.
It loses a bit of the magic once you get on the boat
I think it it kept up the steam all the way to the end it could of been a horror masterpiece,

Almost every game is fun if you play co-op with a friend.

Almost every AAA is over-hyped. RE7 had really great parts, the first half mostly, and awful parts like the ship or the mines.

I played RE7 with a freind and we had a blast.
Friends make life better in general.

I founsd it to be disappointing. Claim to be going back to its roots, but then proceeded to be almost nothing like them. Hate RE5 and RE6 all you want, but at least they were more exciting to play. The novelty of the game started to fad really quick, and by the halfway point I was begging for it to just end.

What was it missing?
The only problems I had was the lack of monster variety and a crap final boss.

Played Dead Space 3 and it was utter trash still. RE5 and 6 maybe are bad resident evil games, but sure as hell they've had a good game design made specially for co-op.

That's my main problem with RE5.
I can't play that game without a freind.
I have the A.I But it is a lot of fun playing it with my bro.
But it's not like I can rope him in to play it with me anytime I want to play.

I didn't like any bosses outside the first one, the enemy design was bad, i really hated how the gimped the shooting just to make it harder to kill, Jack a was the only interesting character in the entire game, Ethan might as well be a silent protagonist, and the story was boring.

I remember buying this game back in like late june. I thought it was pretty lame with the mostly gay silent hill ripoff shit but they wouldn't accept any returns at the local game store (the one I bought it from) I always thought it was retarded how like you cant like return games and the guy at the ocunter was a smug NIGGER anyway. This is exactly the type of shit that happens letting minorities work with the common people they treat like shit. Nigger is lucky I didn't bust out my fucking niggerknocker and crack him over his disgusting fucking nappy head. I swear something needs to be done about all these cocky niggers trying to act their high soceity when their skin resembles a LITERAL SHIT. God I fucking hate niggers so god damn much. It's about time someone they time to die.

I liked almost every boss besides the final boss.
And I think the molded were affective before the boat when they became overused.
Also I thought the shooting was fine you just got to learn how to play it right.
Also I liked the whole family and Mia.
But that's just my opinion.


The first couple of hours in the house legitimately do feel like classic RE in first person. Unfortunately, as soon as you leave the main grounds that feeling is completely lost and it just kind of turns into a generic horror fps.

I'd like to see Capcom give this style of game another shot. Even the parts that don't feel like Resident Evil are good, I just wish they hadn't strayed so far from the feel of the series after leaving the house.

>Tryhard.exe has encountered a fatal error

It looks like a first person walking simulator with jumpsacres

so I did not play RE7.

I quite enjoyed it. The only outstanding flaw to me was the ship and the salt mine. While not surprising that they would come up, given the plot, I just feel like the pacing was off.

The escape part at the end is by far the worst part.

I played it on Madhouse my first playthrough and I think it was a lot more enjoyable for it. Despite dying repeatedly to all the 4-legged molders.

Well its not like that. .
The first 20 minutes can fool you into thinking that's what it will be but it quickly turns into a true RE game once you enter the main house.
with all the things that made RE great

Like item management, making every bullet count, legit horror and not just jump scare horror, cool monsters and bosses, and some of the best atmosphere in a horror game.

I loved it
My only complaints were the lack of enemy variety and how the last portion of the game seemed kind of rushed (the final boss might as well have been a QTE)

Yes it was over-hyped, and now it's just fizzled out. The game ain't great, but serviceable at least. No way in hell is it a return to classic RE though, these guys had no idea why classic RE was good.

>RE0, CV and 5.
>Better then 7.

5 is
CV is one below 7, while 0 is dead last

Yep. RE7 has many more problems than anything above it.
It's what happens when you try and focus more on story, yet the story is shit.

5 is only good with a freind.
By its self its a poor man's RE4.

>brief, insubstantial, easy puzzles that seem like developers ticking "old-school" boxes rather than genuinely attempting to make them the core gameplay focus (example: retrieving the first Dog Head from the Living Room clock is almost insultingly quick and easy)
>a single stalker enemy at any one time doesn't provide enough of an obstacle to puzzle-solving to recapture the classic RE desperation of trying to escape a giant puzzle box while constantly being impeded by bullet sponges, resulting in whole sections that feel empty and nonthreatening
>game devolves into shooty-shooty action shlock within just a few hours
>lack of enemy variety: the standard molded is okay, but the different versions are lazy and uninspired
>lack of atmosphere: the game's reliance on mostly diegetic sound doesn't work as intended because the ambience is lame until you hit the salt mines–compare the ambience in this game to the ambience in the opening part of RE3 (also, it was criminal for the devs to under-use RE7's actually decent score)
>final fight with Jack is a generic "shoot the orange glowy areas" RE5-tier boss battle
>final boss is a generic RE6-tier face monster
>very short experience even on your first playthrough, padded with unskippable CINEMATIC gameplay (example: the entire first hour with Mia); the whole game feels like an extension of the demo rather than a complete product in itself

You don't even need a friend. The online scene was so big that you can just go online with random and still have a good time

better then a poor man outlast

I was hoping it would be the best since 4 and it was. Lived up to the hype for me and I'm excited to see where they go from here.

>brief, insubstantial, easy puzzles that seem like developers ticking "old-school" boxes rather than genuinely attempting to make them the core gameplay focus (example: retrieving the first Dog Head from the Living Room clock is almost insultingly quick and easy)
RE puzzles were never hard and I like some of the RE7 puzzles like the birthday puzzle and the bedroom puzzle.

>a single stalker enemy at any one time doesn't provide enough of an obstacle to puzzle-solving to recapture the classic RE desperation of trying to escape a giant puzzle box while constantly being impeded by bullet sponges, resulting in whole sections that feel empty and nonthreatening
Got to be honest I'm not too sure what you mean by this.

>game devolves into shooty-shooty action shlock within just a few hours
Only at the very end with the mines.
And to be honest every RE has this problem from 2 to 3.

>lack of enemy variety: the standard molded is okay, but the different versions are lazy and uninspired
I mostly agree.

>lack of atmosphere: the game's reliance on mostly diegetic sound doesn't work as intended because the ambience is lame until you hit the salt mines–compare the ambience in this game to the ambience in the opening part of RE3 (also, it was criminal for the devs to under-use RE7's actually decent score)
Don't agree with this at all RE7's atmosphere was god tire

>final fight with Jack is a generic "shoot the orange glowy areas" RE5-tier boss battle
I thought it was fun.

>final boss is a generic RE6-tier face monster

>very short experience even on your first playthrough, padded with unskippable CINEMATIC gameplay (example: the entire first hour with Mia); the whole game feels like an extension of the demo rather than a complete product in itself
Its about as short as all the classic REs.
I do agree the first 10 minutes are annoying but I've played the game 5 times now and I loved it on every playthrough.

Its not perfect but I love.

People trying to justify buying this shit game with but-but the game is fun for the first few back to it root right

resident 7 is a embarrassment to the series. save your money and buy the remake,4 and 5 forget the rest

But its nothing like Outlast.

Gr8 b8

>Get 5.
>Forget 2 to 3.

Nice bait.

0 is awesome fuck you.

Only section I didn't like was the boat. Still replayed the game another two times.

But none of the final bosses in RE6 has generic faces

>0 is awesome


I do want to try the VR since they pretty much built the game with that focus.

This, at least you can laugh your ass off of how shit the game is.

>good game design for co-op

Not even a little bit.

>going back to its roots marketing

I don't remember that ever being the case leading up to launch.

Even on Sup Forums nobody really said that.

Fuck you OP.

It was cool but then I realised how much it is held back by having only one type of enemy with different attributes

The molded were the most boring enemies after the Ganados

There aren't even that many of them

What they should have done was Zombies as the cannon fodder and then if you don't do something like in REmake, where you burn them, then they turn into molded

More bosses would've been cool as well, the Bakers are cool but a giant alligator would've been fun too

Yeah most of Sup Forums kept crying it was going to be an Outlast clone.
Then Sup Forums kind of had a bit of a melt down when it turned out that really wasn't that case.

It's sad that you couldn't have fun with it, user. For you, mostly, yes.

>insistence on using that weird red blood diarrhea effect introduced in Revelations to indicate you've taken damage even though it's unnecessary visual clutter when you have the smartwatch
>shit-tier waifus

All this Resident Evil shilling. RE was never good. Silent hill was and still is superior in every way. You have a very poor taste in survival horror genre if you disagree

Where is Silent Hill now? :^)

you dont remember cause you were on reddit that time.
there a reason why op used that line, it was everywhere when it came to shilling this shit game

While I agree SH was once the better series, it has turned to shit worse than RE. RE is at least relevant. The last SH game was a fucking Diablo clone.

Didn't Silent Hill only have 2-3 games worth playing? I only ever hear the first two being discussed.

It's honestly not but I would be lying if I said there wasn't any pandering to streamers in the game intro.

Once you get to the iconic dinner table scene the game takes off in RE classic style.

The engine is great and makes you feel like you're in 1st Person REmake at times but the game is just so damn short.

The "Spring" free DLC looks like the opposite of what they designed RE7 to be.

woah now, 3 is talked about a lot too

It was absolutely a return to roots compared to 4-6. The problem is that a return to roots isn't good enough, it should have been more than that, but it was alright as is.

From what I've heard, it seems like 3 was good but not great.

Overshadowed by people with shit taste like everyone in this thread

Well aren't ya a one little delusional bitch? SH is the best psychological horror game around, no shit, but survival horror? I didn't broke a sweat in SH, it was easy as balls to consume ammo. Old RE games on other hand? Any difficulty other than easy gave you a hell of a time, whipping your ass around like no tomorrow. So check your stupid arguments before posting, peace of a monkey's little ass.

fuck off with this. completely different kind of horror. silent hill 2 is brilliant but the original resident evil's are classics. and i strongly believe REmake is the best survival horror ever made.

3 was the best

I agree but it's obvious the majority of time spent was on the engine and not the game.

That's why it was so short and the end kind of rushed.

>Peace of a monkey's ass
>Peace of

That's bullshit.
Maybe on your first playthrough you might has ammo problems, but other than that, the game gives you more than ammo to kill everything. Hell you can beat RE2 while picking up little ammo and run through almost every enemy

People also say Dark Souls 2 and Metroid Prime 2 are the best. I'm not sure I believe you.

Im a 32 year old who didnt fall for the forced VR horse shit.

What you're saying doesn't matter on first blind playthroughs where you have no idea how much or where the ammo is. People will play cautiously and will want to kill whatever enemies they can so they don't have to worry about them.

>RE puzzles were never hard
But they were lengthy and they were the core gameplay, and even if you don't think they were ever hard, you can't reasonably deny that the puzzles in this game are considerably easier and less substantial than in any of the older games. No puzzle in any classic RE is a superficial 30-second sprint (I actually timed it) like the first part of the Dog Head puzzle in RE7. You can't translate the slower-paced puzzle solving of classic RE to the faster pace of a first-person game. Running from one part of the Baker house to the other takes seconds.

>Got to be honest I'm not too sure what you mean by this.
Then you don't really understand Resident Evil. Resident Evil games basically put you in a giant puzzle box that you have to solve your way out of while being blocked by zombies (or similar) at every turn. That's what the mansion was in RE1, and what the police station was in RE2, etc. RE7 tries to emulate the puzzle box with the Baker residence, but largely fails because you're usually dealing with just a single, easily avoidable enemy.

>Only at the very end with the mines. And to be honest every RE has this problem from 2 to 3.
The mines were the worst for it (and the ship), I agree, but RE7 is definitely more action-packed than RE2. Play the two games side-by-side and you'll see.

>Its about as short as all the classic REs.
REmake is longer and classic REs aren't padded.

All in all, your arguments boil down to one-line statements similar to "RE was always like that" and "it was fun". These are basic fanboy defenses that can't be refuted because of how general the claims are rather than actual attempts to engage with my criticisms. I bet you're on the Reddit RE Discord.

I don't really know how running through a corridor full of zombies or a licker that takes all space is easier than SH. Maybe the first Silent Hill game was a bit hard, when those babies clung to you and stuff, but the second and third ones? I ran through almost all enemies like nobody's business, and if I couldn't, the stick of wood was an easy solution, if it was the second half of the game with tougher enemies, I've had enough ammo by then just to shoot 'em all. Na-a-a, man, SH was a good trip, but gameplay wise RE was always the shit in horror genre.

I said "generic RE6-tier face monster". Pic related.

It's actually really easy to run past zombies and lickers in RE2, and even if something was unavoidable, one easy headshot with the shotgun took it out. On a gameplay level, SH had melee weapons, better camera, side steps and more importantly, and walk and shoot at the same time

Well man, funny all this, it seems like we've had a totally different experience. Guess no need in further arguing, peace.

>this thread
>even actionfags give up in defending RE6 against RE7
>now they going to the RE5 is better! Instead.

Tough i still disagree(i just fucking love RE7)RE5 is still a good RE game...the only thing that i didnt like is the game being mostly in daytime

It's literally in the press release:

>"While Resident Evil 7 draws from the series' roots of atmospheric survival horror, it also delivers a whole new level of terror," reads the Capcom blog. "In the classic Resident Evil games of yesteryear, players braced for fear in the first-person via the creepy door-opening scenes, and Resident Evil 7 ramps up that tension with an immersive first-person view and a photorealistic graphical style."

daytime is spookier

I get what you're trying to say, but after Many playthroughs you start to learn how easy it is to exploit the ai.

>i just fucking love RE7

of course you do