Now that Divinity: Original Sin 2 is confirmed to be shit, how long do we have to wait until Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire, developed by Obsidian Entertainment, the savior of RPGs, arrives?
Now that Divinity: Original Sin 2 is confirmed to be shit...
Half a year at the very least
Hopefully the beta will come out sometime soon
Divinity is pure reddit
Can't wait for Deadfire, actual Sup Forums material
Imagine not liking the GOTY....
Nope, PoE is nothing but Tumblr and SJW shit
I trust Obsidian to write actual dialogue and have companions that are actually relatable and not edgy faggots.
Based Sawyerino Autismo gonna deliver with the true RPG after Larian shat out this embarrassing MESS!
This but unironically
>samefagging this hard
not suspicious at all fagget
let me guess, you gonna post those three screenshot of dialogues you can't stand for some reason ?
>it's unfair to compare Deadfire with BG2, you have to do it with Dragonspear instead.
>Larianiggers in charge of knowing how to post on Sup Forums
Straight out of reddit, are you?
Of course. Only redditors would enjoy Divinity.
deadfire you mean dead on arrival. Check
>This game is pure Reddit, I'm gonna eat pure Tumblr instead
The absolute state of Obsidicucks
Pillars of Eternity ain't the game that has the cool badass chick that is just as cool as all the men guise teleporting behind you and holding you in a chokehold. Faggot.
Larian fags btfo
>can't get a thread on his obsolete game going unless he drags a superior game like Divinity into the OP
Wrong, sweetie:
I pirated the first pillars and couldn't even finish it due to boredom. Is the second pillars going to be the same shit?
I uninstalled divinity the instant I saw this when playing.
I could understand if she snuck up on my character, but I don't buy this. 14 finesse and my rogue is somehow caught offguard by someone he's STARING at, not to mention you are 6 feet away? No.
I have no patience for mary sue shit.
Too much for brainlets like you? Probably. Avoid it.
Can't we just have a comfy Pillars thread? Why do you have to start it off with faggot bait?
How long will this forced rivalry last? Is every thread about those games condemned to be shit from now on?
I will, thanks. So can you suggest a recent rpg which is actually good?
Yeah, this is no real Pillars thread. Obviously just a bait designed to troll people that are enjoying the new Divinity game.
For brainlets, I recommend Divinity: Original Sin 2. You will piss yourself laughing at the incredible jokes it has.
I'd be surprised if OP even finished the first game.
Well, you didn't say witcher 3 or fall out, so I shall respect your suggestion.
More than half of those shitposters probably didn't play neither, they just need more reasons to shop some new consolewar wojaks.
>Know nothing of these games.
>see duality of perceptions
>kek off to find footage of games without commentary
Any idea how PoE did on console?
If you don't like her, kill her.
Larian isn't the company that fired a team member because he didn't hold Commifornia opinions, or change a Kickstarter backer poem because it made fun of trannies.
i dont think so... creep...
>*teleports behind you*
>*slices you're neck from head too toe*
And Obsidian isn't the company that has your character get teleported and choke holded by the queen slay yesssssss
>All options are to deal with this problematic shitlrod
Wow, I thought Obsidian were supposed to be the tumblr ones?
Does this concept confuse you? I played a lizard and laughed in her fucking face.
Are you implying Obsidian has no games with empowered women
Not an argument. You got BTFO'd, kiddo.
Obsidian has no games where the edgy mary sue woman character teleports behind you and holds a knife at your neck, no. Prove me wrong.
>This NPC is an edgy retard who threatened you
>So kill her in retaliation for being an edgy piece of shit
>Not an argument
I guess it's not an argument when your fabled developer is as bad as Bethesda for essential NPCs.
>I played a lizard
Fucking furries. Back to tumblr with you.
I don't know about sales but I've read it's actually a really good port.
>or change a Kickstarter backer poem because it made fun of trannies.
Right, they changed a backer poem and then made the backers character a tranny you have to kill in the game.
Pillars of Eternity lets you kill everyone you want too, dumbass. You're not even slightly informed on the subject. smdh
Sebille absolutely ruined OS2 for me. Absolute mary sue.
Lohse was pretty bad too, with her annoying personality. Not nearly as bad as the edge-elf though
>Not playing as an imperialistic slaver
Is this the same single autist trying to start some fake rivalry between these two games?
We don't get very many games of this type. Generally the exact same people will buy/play both.
Told you: Furries.
Wrong, I can't kill myself which is what I want to do more than anything in life.
Yes, he's been going at it for weeks now. At first it was spamming the same Eder image and copy/pasted text over and over, and now he's made so many of these threads that the mods have started deleting them.
FemLizards are qts though
If you disagree you're probably gay
>LITERALLY *teleports behind you*
>Paint by numbers babbies first RPG is doing better than a niche as fuck genre defining RPG
color me shocked!
He's succeeding, to be honest. Just see the replies in this thread.
Guys like and fell for it hook, line and sinker
>Character tells me to fuck off and die
>No option to thank him for the interaction
Fucking SJWs ruin everything.
Pfhahahahahahah. Fucking Larian turds daring to accuse anyone else of being tumblr. Completely BTFOd.
Larian fans confirmed for cucks
>You will never marry a lizard girl
Possible. It's also just as possible that an autist who repeatedly focuses on this for several weeks in a row is the type that would samefag both sides to attempt to get things rolling.
Tranny as a whole was filled with Mary Sue female garbage, Pallegrina in PoE is another one, Demon robot chick in WM2 is also really similar to Sebille on how edgy they both are.
I don't like much the writing on D:OS2, the wording is lame and the story empowers you and your companions with full Mary Sue armor but PoE and Tyranny are not much better and PoE is one of my most played games of last year.
I don't get this fake rivalry too, is one of the dumbest things on Sup Forums and this is a hard thing to achieve.
take a second look at the image.
Obsidian has no games where the edgy mary sue woman character teleports behind you and holds a knife at your neck, no. Prove me wrong.
You did not address this fact and tried to deflect
That one lizard prostitute in the tavern got me quite horny but I don't really think I'd ever get into scally furcrap
Thats what I meant. Divinity is the babbiest of babbys first RPGs, while Witcher 3 was a genre defining masterpiece.
The fact it ONLY had 93k concurrent shows how poor quality it was
at least wait for the next update to open a new thread. Now post Katrina Garsten pics
Fuck off tranny piece of shit
Man you're not even trying anymore.
There's a lot of people who come to Sup Forums. Your bound to get a few "special needs" people here and there, and you never know when one of them will get hyper focused on something they are angry about.
Just comes with the territory.
based ederposter
Tell me. Are there...skellys to romance? Like in Dragon Commander?
>Witcher 3 was a genre defining masterpiece.
What new did it bring to the table again?