>PUBG is just another flavor of the month Steam early access survival game that nobody will be playing in a couple weeks.
Why is Sup Forums always wrong?
>PUBG is just another flavor of the month Steam early access survival game that nobody will be playing in a couple weeks.
Why is Sup Forums always wrong?
I have fun with the game, but the creator is a massive fucking baby. I'm not even talking about bluehole whining about epic games, anyone that claims they were unironically triggered by a twitter post is a fucking mental midget.
Why do you waste your energy caring about what other people play?
Sup Forums accuracy: 0~1%
That's XCOM baby!
For the only reason modern Sup Forums does anything: for (You)s and attention from angry autists.
i don't play, or know anybody that plays any of the games on that list, and pc is my primary gaming machine
about a million of those are chinese bots farming crates for skirts and the other five hundred thousand are "twitch streamers"
Did I ask you?
no one on Sup Forums actually plays this shit which is why you never see threads about it unless they're shitting on the game
PUBG is a containment game. We should be thankful.
How do you even farm crates in this game?
D - delete th-this
>flavor of the month
More like flavor of the year, just like Overwatch
yes now get off my blog
Sup Forums has never known what the fuck it's talking about.
Remember when Halo 3 had this many
PUBG is fun to an extent
I'm playing it rn babe
No, it's just 2017's Overwatch.
But shittier because it provides no porn.
Bot farming was made nearly impossible with the last update. And only 20% of the player base is Chinese.
> tfw so bad at this game
> getting 2 kills is an extreme accomplishment for me
>redditor plays reddit game
No, the point is making reddit mad, and considering literally 100% of the PUBG threads are just redditors mad because of what Sup Forums said, it's been a thorough success.
As long as there's no actual discussion, it's okay.
What is wrong about it?
>Bot farming was made nearly impossible with the last update.
>using bots to farm
>it's another PUBG is popular thread
I didn't care 20 threads ago and I still don't care now.
Just because a lot of people are playing a game doesn't make it good game or a worthwhile purchase.
Should we also make a thread about Candy Crush Saga?
Once again, OP is a faggot.
Instead of just AFKing and getting a small amount of currency, you have to move, loot, and shoot an enemy player before you are rewarded any currency.
>PC gamers call people casuals for playing anything on consoles
>Most popular games are MOBAs and a shooter that is as shallow as you can go mechanically and gunplay wise.
Cute as fuck. PUBGs is dogshit for anyone with half a brain its a game that will remain popular its not a flavor of the month game because its got staying power with idiots. People love something they can fuck around and laugh with because they don't care about competition , learning new shit and most people don't care about investing time with games for a skill factor.
I have no quarrel with PUBGs since it probably won't affect the game industry in a bad way like cinematic trash and Halo/COD did it will just do its own thing.
>shooter that is as shallow as you can go mechanically and gunplay wise.
Have you ever played it or seen it played? There is bullet drop and bullet travel which makes it leagues "deeper" than most FPS games right off the bat.
>Have you ever played it or seen it played? There is bullet drop and bullet travel which makes it leagues "deeper" than most FPS games right off the bat.
Oh yeah I forgot that the strategy was to make the redditors mad by claiming their game wasn't going to make it big and then immediately being proven wrong in the biggest way possible. I love it when Sup Forums gets Reddit riled up by being wrong about literally everything, really makes the board unpredictable. I'm still laughing about how much Reddit thinks we're wrong when in actuality we really are wrong. It's pretty epic.
What's your opinion of a game with deep shooting mechanics then, nigger?
>Why is Sup Forums always wrong?
I dont know user, but according to you you’re also wrong
No, the point was making discussion impossible.
100% of the PUBG threads are shitposting, so, like Undertale, the fanbase in Sup Forums has been conditioned to destroy their own threads, thus, only shitposters remain, and the actual, cancerous fanbase leaves.
Lol shut up moron
What's THAT doing there? I thought that dropped off the map
Try it, make a serious PUBG thread about gameplay, and see it die with less than 10 replies.
Were not communicating in secret to shitpost you turbofag, Sup Forums is where people go to communicate dissenting opinions because other places just downvote/delete the content.
And we're almost always wrong about sales/success. This board is only right for really obvious calls like Battleborn or Lawbreakers. Every other time I've seen this board was wrong and then continues to insist it wasn't wrong.
>actually responding to brainlet wojack poster
It's too hardcore for Sup Forums.
Literally 1vs100. If you lose, you're the cuck. Most 'people' here rather play Overwatch. Just press some buttons and feel like a winner.
I do on reddit, and threads stay active for hours
hmm yes
>I do on reddit, and threads stay active for hours
But you realize you are the autistic one right?
how did this buggy unoptimized early access trash get so popular? Im honestly bedazzled here. Is this the power of twitch shilling?
Bots have been doing that for ages.
Have you heard of Glider?
How old are you?
No, but that's the treatment all these fanbases are given.
They always end up conditioned to self destruct, like Undertale, or MGS.
The actual, cancerous fanbases of these games are kept outside.
Yes, you are kept on reddit, where you belong.
>flavor of the month
>couple of weeks
There are 4 weeks in a month.
Also it absolutely is just a trend. It's youtube/twitch bait and it's absolutely nothing new. A year or two ago there was a game that was exactly the same thing as that whose name I can't even remember.
Same time next year it'll be something else. People are already complaining that the game lacks any real replay value.
Goddamn nigger you are so fucking mad
Why are kikes and useful idiots so rear-ravaged about Based E-Sports, the hammer on normalfaggots?
I may be wrong today, but I'll be right tomorrow
>brainlet bro doesnt realize that it also risks getting banned and losing any crates in the process
A league of legends is a trend that is still not fucking dead after 8 years. I bet your ass the game will still dominate charts even a decade after the release. Wake up, faggot, this is not a trend anymore. This is the reality. Modern games have extreme ability of sustaining themselves. Go look up popular games on steam and whatnot. WoW is more than a decade old. Dota 2 is 4-5 years of old. CSGO is 5 years old. TF2 is a decade old. RL is few years old. Payday 2 is almost 5 years old. Warframe is 4 and half years old. GTAV is 4 years old, counting original release. Something like each crpg game becoming more popular than the previous one and then slowly bleeding players trend. This is not a trend. This is what we're going to play for the next decade, in oversaturated market that cannot sustain so many games and therefore that will not be able to sustain new creative ideas. Because something that has over 10 millions of sales is not going to die no matter how you're trying to pretend that it's not important.
i honestly think it's sonyfags and switchfags who feel "threatened." i don't even know that reddit thinks about it, but i assume it's more of a hit thannmiss over there just because of the number of people who bought the game
kek fortnitefags are wrong now and will be wrong again. how hard will we laugh at them?
oh, i see. it's time, again, to watch people and their PERSONAL ISSUESover a game they "don't care about"
>*in halo guy's voice*
>And only 20% of the player base is Chinese.
but according to steamspy it's 35%
>le ebin reddit asterisks
Get the fuck out.
and they all play. i've won two duos with random chinks, and almost everyone i kill/almost everyone who kills me on any given server are chinese. besides, farming is gone now. don't let your PERSONAL ISSUES get in the way
i can't really even think of other websites i browse regularly other than Sup Forums. is that what they do there? i want to see clear examples
>autistic wall of text
Remember The Culling?
No, no one does.
>farming is gone now
Only the useless idiots who used bots to farm are.
I'm still farming the fuck outta this turd.
PUBG is fine. the thing we should really be mad about is siege and their shitty uplay launcher. the game could have been the next CSGO
they even worth anything? i havenlkke 10,000 points saved up because i stopped getting the crates. i have 11 gamescom crates in my inventory, though
This guy didn't let his personal issues get in the way.
That's nearly half of its playerbase GONE.
>wasting electricity and time for peanuts
stop with your personal issues. let him do his retarded farming.nyou are worse, if anything because you're not the one paying his bills
Sup Forums has no idea how the industry works is what the problem is.
Remember how mass effect andromeda was a complete flop that was way over budget only for EA to confirm the game made them money and the few people on this board had to point out that a budget of 40 million is actually really small for a major release where publishers like EA will sink 300 mil into a game easy?
Sup Forums manages to be right only when it's extremely obvious.
I'm waiting for the next special loot boxes.
I go in, kill the AFKs, and go AFK myself.
Why every single fucking pubg thread is number circlejerk
If your game is so good why don't you talk about its good sides instead of same exact thread everyday
If your game's only attraction is its numbers than its not really any different than assfaggot shits
That gif is always painful to watch.