What's gonna happen on Thursday?

What's gonna happen on Thursday?

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Who gives a fuck?

>New Trailer
>Main character is black

you know it's gonna happen

Apparently you do, retard.

Online mode like Gta V, with their own version of sharkcards

Nah. Main character is a spic.


Probably one of those gameplay reveal trailers they do with the voice over explaining a new mechanic to the series. Maybe a link to preorder some Cow Cards.

delet this

>main character is a woman

please Rockstar make it happen!

the next apocalypse date



go back to Sup Forums

Rockstar is good though. Their black protags make contextual sense and this is a western. He won't be black.

back to redit.

imagine being one of these politically clueless idiots that had their intro to politics via gamergate and try their hardest to project MUH SJWs into every single thing they see because they are completely unable to be satisfied unless they're circlejerking or doing their faux outrage

that would be funnnnyyyy

AAA titles have been notoriously pandering lately though by having black characters where they don't even make sense.

Hopefully they show some gameplay, I don't play these games for the cinematic bullshit, I play them to fuck around.

If the rumors about it being a first person game are true then all my interest in the game will be lost.

not really. your only frame of reference for this is that one image comp of the generic black lady with afro in like 3 games. even in that Horizon game, there's no pandering bullshit, and when there's some cringeworthy political statement it's easily ignored. the only example I can even think of is that black guy in the new Mordor game, but nothing in the books strictly said "blacks don't exist", and the game is basically fan fiction shit anyway so it's pretty inconsequential.

something AAA titles have actually been doing is pandering to hipster/neo-liberals. most western games now are devoid of any style. shit like Fortnite and Dauntless are prime examples.

Cash shop bullshit

Unlock extended trailer for 25,000,000 gold bars, purchase GoldRush pack to receive 33,000,000 (only $80 after taxes)


Name 5 games that have done this.

Jackie Chan

CoD: WW2
Battlefield 1
Mafia 3

Aside from Afro woman, I was particularly thinking of Assassin's Creed.

how is Mafia 3 pandering? dude isn't even black, and his presence makes sense unlike the other two you brought up. only reason people got mad about it is because he looked black and wasn't another slick mobster. game was shit anyway, but they wanted to take it in a different direction.

Yeah, it's not really an issue (yet). Unlike the film industry. Things can get always get worse though. But regardless, is retarded and clearly not very familiar with Rockstar.

A new trailer most likely.

After all they shit they pulled with GTAV, especially the online I honestly couldn't care less anymore about some Jewstar game.

Let's call it what it'll be, yet another Rockstar game with a big and reasonably pretty world with absolutely fuck all to do in it.

RDR was a fucking slog after about midway through Mexico, the third "zone" of Blackwater didn't have enough interesting shit to make it worth it and once you realised that you really don't ever need any other guns other than mostly cosmetic reasons the only fun thing to do is try get new outfits, which in itself becomes boring as fuck.

What do you reckon the shark card of RDR2 will be? I can't really imagine horses being treated like cars due to the fact they're horses, but I CAN see it being that way with guns.

Guns or outfits? Probably some faggy nonsense anyway.

Name five things wrong with GTA V outside of MUH MICROTRANSCTIONS.

I'll even give you an easy one, Online is shit and you have to grind to have fun.

>i didn't attempt to have fun in the video game therefore it's not fun

Not that guy but I really hate how they added more to the online game than to the single player.

Your opinion is a shitty opinion.

RDR was a goddamn masterpiece you faglord

There is plenty to do, that's just objectively wrong. You obviously didn't try very hard. Judging by the sheer stupidity of your post you probably had some idea that you wouldn't like it prior to even playing it.

RDR was great. It's worth it alone just for the card games like Poker and Blackjack.

>Boring characters
>Horribly written story that goes nowhere
>Shitty cop A.I always know where you are. stealth melee kill on top of Mt. Chiliad? FUCK YOU TWO STARS.
>Boring map. One big lump of land, boats are useless.

Anymore brain bustahs? heh heh haeh

This is what happens when you're part of a weebtard circlejerk that unironically thinks there's no such thing as a good western game.

It will look decent enough but people will bitch and whine because it didn't B L O W T H E I R M I N D S

Why is everyone thinking because of GTO milking by take two, RDR sp or something will be shit now? Seeing what happened to NBA 2k18, its clearly taketwo fucking them

But I did attempt to have fun. I like games that "leave the player to it" with fun mechanics to work with. RDR didn't.
How many times can you do the same "hogtie someone and put them in front of a train" or "use the same average TPS mechanics to clear the same area" or "wander the wilderness for 20 minutes to find enough bear asses to craft X" before YOU get fucking bored?

RDR wasn't a masterpiece, it was a pretty okay Western shooter in a big boring fucking world. It WAS GTA with horses and basically just a slower, shittier GTA.

The best things I can say about the game is that it was pretty, it had some great animations and some absolutely stellar voice acting and sound design.
The addition of the "mexico" bit added some life to the game but other than that it became an absolute and utter chore to finish.

Not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination, but it's fucking boring.

>plenty to do
Heinously repeitive minigames aren't "plenty to do" especially when there's little to no point in doing them.
Yes, an argument can be made for the "well it's fun for some" or "not everything has to be objective" but when there is quite literally no reason to do the side activities more than a few times/in order to grind them to the point of boredom in order to unlock a costume, why would I go near them?
I beat the game (well, I didn't get the TRUE ending but whatever) and was cripplingly bored by the time that mission hit where you're driven around killing Dutch's dudes.

It isn't a bad game but jesus christ stop sucking it off, it isn't the best western nor the best open world nor the best rockstar game.

>Massive generalisation
The sole "weeb" game I've played in my life is Ni No Kuni which I thought was pretty fun despite being very, very easy.

GTA is my favorite game series. I don't play shitty jap rpgs. GTA V fucking sucked.

They don't, only clueless morons who are new to the industry think things like this. People are very stupid in general and, because of eceleb shitters like Angry Joe, they put full responsibility on the developers. I doubt the majority of that faggot's audience even knows what a publisher is.

GTA 5 didn't suck. The online was kikery of the highest degree and the single player was pretty lackluster post final mission, but otherwise it was a pretty fun romp.


>bounties, gang hideouts, hunting, sidequests, "heinously repetitive" minigames, general sandbox fucking around
Wow this is a whole lot of nothing here.

God, there is nothing worse than pretentious, entitled retards like you. Always acting like anything short of perfect is utter shit.

It sucked compared to GTA IV in a lot of aspects.

Details, physics, melee combat, car handling, enterable buildings, story, characters, gun handling, bullet force and impact

Just a way better game.

Battlefield 1 forces you to play a black character

>it isn't the best western nor the best open world nor the best rockstar game.
Hahaha, what a shitshow of a post. What would the best western game be, my man? I sure hope your undoubtedly stupid answer isn't GUN, because that game (unlike RDR) genuinely has nothing to do. The extremely linear and mediocre Call of Juarez games?

And by all means, do post your favorite Rockstar games. Favorite games in general, even.

What's funny is how much you've contradicted yourself in this one post.
>*proceeds to whine like a woman about the things there was to do and how they weren't good enough for the poor baby*
There is objectively a plethora of things to do. You don't have to like them, and you obviously don't to an almost comical degree, but lying isn't exactly a good argument.

So I shouldn't blame R*, I should blame T2? Even tho the Houser bros lied on multiple occasions? Who cares? The product is still shit.

>hahaha im a contrarian pay attention to me
just say the game isn't for you and move on you dimwit lmao

like this entire shitpost you're trying to act as if RDR has any verifiable super major objective flaws but it doesn't. you just didn't like it that much, but for some reason you really like to exaggerate that.

Nothing I want to see happen to a franchise I like, that's for sure.

Red Dead has more things to do than any Rockstar game outside of GTA V, though. Maybe you should know you what you're talking about next time you try to do a cringey """"critique"""" of a game.

Meant for

you sound like an absolute muppet

That image is gold.

Because Mafia is about the Mafia. Just because the word has become a catch all term does not make the Triads Chinese Mafia. They had you fighting against the Mafia.

Mind. Blown.

Oh shut up you faggot. What's the worst that could happen, them making it like GTAO? Wow, big deal. Singleplayer will still be great. Oh no, they won't make a singleplayer expansion?! Undead Nightmare was mediocre. And they don't owe us.
That game is still just as much about the mafia as it ever has been, though. Like other user said they just took it into a different direction.

Rockstar dicksuckers like yourself are amazing. So uppity. No self respect.

I just want some more spooky shit in RDR2 like was in the first game. I feel like Redemption bordered on horror/dark fantasy at times.

I can't be the only one who gets unnerved as shit just walking around Blackwater and Tall Trees, right? Why'd they make the music for the third act so fucking creepy? I swear I logged in to multiplayer for the first time, spawned in Blackwater, and noped the fuck out almost immediately.

Yeah dude I'm such a dicksucker, even though I recognize GTAO and R*'s current business practices are shit. Doesn't mean I have to be a whiny fairy fuck like you just for MUH OUTRAGE. No one is forcing you to play the shitty online. You can go back to the first game.

>t. some Amerifat who has never played the Mafia games. Should have left it to the Czechs who make a better game about the Mafia than kill whitey simulator 2016.

You could actually make this image worse considering they triple dipped with GTAV, while lying about it, in 2014 & 2015.

>t. some whiny europoor who genuinely believes that a game's quality is diminished if it has a non-white protagonist

So being a concious consumer is a bad thing? If I'm that hard-up for an obviously gimped product, I'll just get it used. There's nothing wrong with teaching people just how awful a companies practice is. Knowledge is power.

Saved. This is going into every cockstar thread I see on Sup Forums.

This is the definition of a faggot.

In most cases it a actually is.

Imagine being a clueless idiot, or a leftypol neofaggot.

Nope. Just the retards who think they're making some bold statement for saying "rdr mp will be shit because gtao heheheheheheheh". Wow, you think so?!

It's just outrage circlejerking, making it a much bigger issue than it actually is. People should just buy the game used, or not at all, like you said and leave it at that. Not worth tears.

>You play as a black bounty hunter who wants to save his slave wife together with his german white partner

that user's point is that rockstar games are big singleplayer games first and shitty jewey MP games second. there's no need for people to make autistic conspiracies like mentioned.

>somehow a red image with a date on it devolved into a thread about politics
i really wish we could go back to just saying nigger and be done with it

blame angry projecting Sup Forumsfaggots like

>using the n-word


Truthfully, They'll probably reveal the online and their virtual currency. The bonus will be if they managed to get the virtual currency into the SP. I don't doubt it.

fpbp, its just gonna be online trash in the end

so you're a retard who has no idea what they're talking about? good to know

ifn they reveal online first there will be a shitstorm
RDR are not as invested in MP as GTA fans

Some gameplay and then an advertisement for online, with buffalo card reveal. We all know wat take 2 and their corpse of R* want now.

absolutely wrong, RDR MP was super popular and also very liked.
>make billions on GTA V before the multiplayer exists
>but no let's just get rid of our big goldmine for money
ur dumb hahahaha

Damn you're clueless

A nigger protagonist with ebil whites owning slaves as the villain.

Because Rockstar is so well-known for being SJW, right?


In this day and age they might as well become faggot.

Can you faggots give it a rest already?

When leftists stop pushing their marxist shit onto games.

why are you even here if you dont want to discuss vidya


>implying it won't be a former slave turned bounty hunter on the trail to hunt down his prodigal son

yeah, of course you would want that. if it doesn't happen, which it won't, that's one less thing for your retarded ass to constantly be asspained about. your life revolves around being completely dissatisfied until you have something to scream and kick about. fucking outrage culture degenerate.

I just hope it has the option like in GTAV, also i want revolver spinning and i want people to hobble if you shoot them in the foot like in the first RDR

Before that they were even better with cool "smaller" games like Warriors, Manhunt and Bully. Very great to see them explore different, more linear things (except Bully).

They released a game each year and they weren't afraid to push the violence, gore and change up the gameplay to do what they love. I'm afraid they will only do shitty multiplayer shit from now on.

you guys are silly if you honestly think there's even a 0.000000001% chance that it's first person only


maybe if the switch didn't have the power of 6th gen console